Chapter 938
After the new version of the Kaiyuan Clan Chronicle, which Wen Daya and others called the Nobility Chronicle, was presented to the emperor, the emperor was very satisfied. After only a few minor revisions, he ordered the secretary to print the engraving plate, and then printed ten thousand copies for distribution.

In addition to giving a copy to each of the more than 23 families in the clan annals, it was also ordered to be awarded to more than [-] counties in more than [-] counties in [-] provinces in the world, and the order was announced.

As soon as this ambition came out, the world was in an uproar.

Especially many old gentry, they were shocked to find that these hundreds of years old gentry were not on the list.

As for most of the families in the new clan annals, they had never heard of them before.

There are more than [-] counties in the world, and many new nobles and surnames have emerged in each county. After careful inquiry, many people were even mere traffickers ten years ago, and even slaves. on the list.

Along with the announcement of the clan annals, there is also the latest adjustment of titles announced by the imperial court.

The imperial court officially launched the real and virtual titles.

In this adjustment, in addition to the adjustment of real titles and false titles, the biggest change is that many old nobles suddenly got rid of their titles.

It contains a large number of Guanlong nobles. Many nobles have inherited their titles since the Northern Wei Dynasty. They have gone through several dynasties until now. There are also more Guanlong nobles who started from Wuchuan. Entering the Qin Dynasty, their titles were recognized at the beginning of the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty.

But this time, many people lost their titles.

Some people are better off because of the timely attachment, but the title is also greatly reduced.

Luoyang city.


Dou Kang received the latest edict from the imperial court, and his Duke of Qi was taken back, as was his brother Dou Qing's Duke of Chen.

In the hall, the air seemed to be frozen.

Dou Kang and his brothers sat there without saying a word, their faces sinking like water.

"Brother, why don't you just say something, we can't just keep silent like this?"

"What are you talking about? What else can you say? Winners and losers, the Luo family won the world, not my Dou family's son-in-law, the Li family." Dou Kang sighed, "I expected this day to come, but I just didn't expect it to be true. It’s here, it’s so fast, and it’s so ruthless.”

Dou Kang was born in the Dou clan of Henan. This Henan native place is very interesting, just like Changsun Wuji is also called the Changsun clan of Henan.

Later, the Northern Wei Dynasty moved the capital from Pingcheng to Luoyang, so a large number of Xianbei nobles changed their native place to Henan.

Dou Kang was the son of Dou Rongding, the general manager of Luozhou in the Sui Dynasty, and Li Yuan's brother-in-law. His family was also one of the core families of the Guanlong nobles.In his early years, he studied in Taixue, and was still a classmate with Li Yuan. Later, he served as Qianniu to prepare himself, and then served as governor of Liangzhou, governor of Qizhou, general manager of Youzhou, etc., and succeeded Duke Chen Guogong.

Later, due to Yang Guang's suspicion, he was removed from the official title, and the duke of Chen Guo was succeeded by his brother Dou Qing.

After Li Yuan raised his troops and entered the customs, Dou Kang immediately went to defect, so he was relied on by Li Yuan. In the short-lived Tang Dynasty, he successively served as the general supervisor, Na Yan, and Zuo Wuhou general.

Li Yuan never called Dou Kang by his name, he always called him brother, and the palace even called him Uncle Guo.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Dou Kang and his cousin Dou Gui were listed among the heroes. Its dignified.

But who would have expected that Li Tang was a short-lived dynasty, and within two years, he was sent to Chang'an to destroy the country.

The Dou family naturally had no choice but to join, and then the family returned to Luoyang, their hometown.

After arriving in Luoyang, Dou Kang felt the indifference towards their family from the new dynasty. The Dou family was almost as indifferent as Li Yuan's family.

Originally, he still retained his title, at least he was still a nobleman.

But now the duke titles of the three brothers have all been removed, and the three brothers have been removed from the ranks. Therefore, although the decree has not been decreed to be a citizen, they have actually lost their official status and become common people.

According to the clan annals, their Henan Dou family, a famous family in Guanlong, didn't even make it into the big list of more than 5000 people.

Not only the duke titles of the three Dou Kang brothers were taken away, but in fact all the children of the Dou family in Henan, their titles, ranks and honors were all removed.

From a noble family, it became a common people's family overnight.

"Brother, I inquired, the Li family is worse than ours."

Dou Qing sighed and said, originally the emperor granted Xuanba the Duke of Tang, and also left Li Shimin the title of Duke of Dunhuang County, and last year he was given the post of Sima of Wuchuan County, but it is said that Li Shimin was rebellious and refused to take up the post, after all, he was angered emperor.

Therefore, this time the emperor simply reduced his nationality to a citizen, and issued an edict to move him to Daifang County as a farmer, and let the local government take care of him.Even Li Xuanba was implicated because of this, and was demoted to be the founding Duke of Zhao County.

This time the emperor was very ruthless, cutting off more than 2000 titles at one time, and countless demotions. The ones that were cut off were basically those titles from the previous dynasty, many of which were noble families that had been passed down from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Western Wei Dynasty.

In addition, there are a large number of people who have been cut and demoted, those who surrendered during the previous unification war, including officials from the Sui Dynasty, some officials from the separatist forces, and many thieves and bandits. This time, there was also a centralized clean-up of these people. Those who did not make any contribution after being entrusted with the title, and even behaved indiscriminately, were all punished by cutting their titles and demoting them.

There are more than 30 duke titles in total, more than 30 dukes of the county, and about forty dukes of the county, adding up to no more than a hundred dukes.

Huber has a total of more than 300, and his sons have a total of more than 300.

A total of about seven hundred.

There are only about [-] real titles, and the rest are false titles. The highest number of false titles is marquis, and there are about [-] titles.

"Damn it, the one surnamed Luo is crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. At the beginning, he was generous and generous. As long as he surrendered, he would treat him like a duke, but now, he is both expelled from the rank and office. This is the end of the bird!"

Dou Kang said to his brother, "You are wrong. To Luo Cheng, we are not even bows, because in his eyes, only his civil and military soldiers who follow the dragon are considered bows. We, We are the rabbits."

Dou Qing only felt a panic in his chest.

He didn't care too much about the Henan Dou family's failure to publish the clan annals. Anyway, now the clan annals are also called Xunge, Noble Chronicles, and some even called the Nouveau Riche Family Genealogy, so it feels disgusting to be listed.

But Luo Cheng seized the title and dismissed him from office, and over there restricted the land according to the rank of the official title. If it exceeds, you have to buy or replace it. In exchange, the land in Luoyang and Chang'an can be exchanged for the land in Liaoning and Longyou, who is willing?

But now, the emperor really did so.

It's only been four years since Kaiyuan, and the three feudal lords in the south of the Yangtze River are still undecided, but the emperor can't wait to attack them.

"Brother, Luo Cheng made a foolish move. With this knife, he cut down many old nobles and nobles, and caused dissatisfaction with many former heroes and anti-king heroes. I think this is an opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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