Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 102 The Crazy Takamori

Chapter 102 The Crazy Takamori

Takamori Takamori, who was waiting for the massacre by the warriors of the Empire of Japan with a cruel smile on his face, suddenly froze and let out a yell in disbelief.

Seeing the scene where the warriors of the Great Japanese Empire were beheaded in an instant, and the blood sprayed like pillars, Takamori's heart tightened suddenly. At this time, he thought of the Broadsword Team of the 29th Army in [-], the Broadsword Team that made the Imperial Warriors fearful.

"Waka Xi Waiji, how is it possible, why did the Broadsword team come here, ah!"

Takashi Takamori roared, with an expression of disbelief on his face, if the opponent was really a broadsword team, then the charging imperial warriors would be finished.

Anxiously, he picked up the binoculars and observed the battlefield again. There was still a trace of luck in his heart, that is, the imperial warriors rose up to resist and slaughtered all the teams with big swords!

"Chop off the heads of the devils with a big knife, kill!

Lei Zhan, who was fighting bloody battles with big swords opening and closing, thought of Daoge at this time, his heart was full of pride and blood, and he immediately roared out Daoge.

Lei Zhan's sudden sound directly ignited the passion of the soldiers who fought bravely to kill the enemy. The big knife in his hand was like the hand of death, reaping the lives of the little devils.

"Chop off the heads of the devils with a big knife, kill!

"Chop off the heads of the devils with a big knife, kill!

"The big knife cut off the devils' heads, kill!


As the soldiers fought, they immediately sang the song of swords following Lei Zhan.

Blood splatters, the scene is heroic, the fighting spirit is passionate, and the enemy's blood is drunk!



In a short while, the whole battlefield reverberated with the passionate song of swordsmanship, one by one killing the words, which directly made the little devils feel terrified.

A kill word weighs a thousand catties!

In an instant, the battlefield was full of broken corpses of little devils, and the soldiers' bodies were covered in the blood of devils, and even the cloth shoes on their feet were soaked and sticky with blood.

On the way the soldiers walked, there was a sound of sticking together with blood and the ground.

This big sword song pushed the morale of the Wolf Warriors to its peak!





The little devils who charged from behind were stunned, and some of them were frightened, threw away the guns in their hands, raised their hands and yelled, and fled backwards.

It's terrible. The Chinese people in front are all demons. They cut up all their companions. It's terrible. They want to go home, go back to Japan, and go back to find their mothers and grandmas. Their weak hearts need comfort , They swear that they will never come to China again. At the same time, they also want to warn their descendants not to set foot in this land forever, because all the demons live on this land, and demons who kill devils are like slaughtering chickens.

Lei Zhan led the soldiers of the Wolf Warrior Battalion, whose bodies were stained red with blood, excitedly waving machetes, and quickly pursued them. Behind them, the scene was like purgatory. Blood and puddles of unknown objects had already wiped The ground was completely soaked into a red and black color.

Wherever they went, not a single devil was left behind, but all of them were killed.

The devil's temporary headquarters.

"Bagaya Road! The Chinese people are all dead. Their conscience is greatly damaged. Artillery, bombard me, bombard me, ah!"

Takamori saw in the binoculars the frightened "Imperial Warrior" who wished his parents would lose two legs and retreat quickly, his heart was filled with anger, his eyes were red and he yelled, he wanted to make the opposite The Chinese paid the price, and he wanted to wash away the shame of the "imperial warrior" fleeing.


An eyed lieutenant next to him heard Takamori Takashi's anxious order, and immediately said ahh, and said with a confused face: "Your Excellency, there are still warriors from our Great Japanese Empire in the front position. If you bombard, I..."


Before the staff officer Kawashima Yoshiro could finish speaking, he was slapped on the face by Takamori Takashi.

Takamori's strength was so strong that he hit him directly on the ground, and his glasses fell to Takamori's side.


When Takamori saw the eyes that had fallen to the ground, he stepped down and crushed the glasses, and pointed angrily at the staff officer Kawashima Yoshiro, who was afraid to get up on the ground, and cursed: "You're going to die, your ears are covered by sows!" Those who are forced to work, my orders, you did not hear, all are dead, those who are attacked by artillery!"

Takamori is really going crazy, he wants to wash away the shame brought by the imperial warriors, but he didn't expect that this stupid pig in front of him would stop him, doesn't he know that the so-called "imperial warriors" on the battlefield ahead have been captured by the Chinese Terrified, did you flee back in embarrassment?

He is determined not to let this group of extremely cowardly "Empire Warriors" escape and come back. They must die on the battlefield. Only in this way can they make up for the honor they lost.

"Hi Yi!"

The staff officer Kawashima Yoshiro on the ground saw the terrifying appearance of Takamori, and immediately thought of the scene of Takamori massacring Chinese like crazy during the Nanjing Massacre. His heart was trembling constantly, and then he rolled and crawled like an amnesty Yes, he got out of the command center of the car, but he lost his glasses because of his high myopia, so he couldn't see where the door was, so he bumped into the car door, tripped and fell off the car .


Seeing the staff officer fleeing in embarrassment, Takamori cursed again, then turned around and picked up the binoculars, and observed the battlefield again. He wanted to see with his own eyes that this unit, which was suspected to be the broadsword team of the 29th Army, was torn apart by the artillery fire and wiped out by the artillery fire. Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be relieved.

After getting up on the ground, the staff officer Kawashima Yoshiro Nakazusa still had lingering fears, and the look of fear on his face had not disappeared. He clutched his painful waist, looked at the blurred scene in front of him, and rushed towards the artillery position slowly.

After stumbling along the way to the artillery position, the staff officer Yoshiro Kawashima put away the embarrassment on his face, returned to his original appearance, and yelled quite majesticly: "The work of chicken lice and cattle, yours will be given to me quickly!" Get out quickly, and give me the work of firing at the battlefield ahead, quickly!"

Hearing Kawashima Yoshiro's shout, Daji Niu Shaozuo, who was on the position, hurried down and came to Kawashima Yoshiro's side, and then said nervously: "Your Excellency, Mine, did you hear me right? There are warriors from our Great Japanese Empire on the battlefield, how can mine fire!"

"Bagaya Road!"

Kawashima Yoshiro sprinkled all the fire just now on him, and taught him a lesson.

Hand-to-hand combat, the battlefield.

The battlefield at this time can't be called a battlefield at all, it has completely turned into hell, with corpses all over the ground, look at the unwilling face and terrified eyes on the head soaked in the pool of blood on the ground.

Some little devils were still screaming with their mouths open when their heads were cut off, and they were still screaming silently with their mouths open after their heads fell into a pool of blood on the ground.

These little devils who died also had an unattainable wish in their hearts, and that was to "return to the country!"

However, they can no longer fulfill this wish, because they have become the ghosts under the knife of the Chinese Eighth Route Army. The soldiers need to use their heads, blood and dirty souls and lives to commemorate the unjust deaths in this county. common people.

Blood debt must be paid with blood!

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(End of this chapter)

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