Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 103 Shelling Gao Ping

Chapter 103 Shelling Gao Ping

The sudden shell fell on the group of little devils who were fleeing. Immediately after a bang, more than a dozen little devils were smashed into pieces, and some of them had already flown into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a super-strong airflow sent all the little devils around them flying out. When some flew out, they were already riddled with holes in the air by the stray bullets when the shell exploded. Can't die anymore.

At this time, Lei Zhan was fighting with the enthusiasm of the Wolf Warriors, and they were also hit by the airflow on the ground. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen soldiers from the Wolf Warriors were injured, and several were hit by stray bullets. , leading to sacrifices, even Yang Jian and Yang Sheng 13 people were killed at this moment, but fortunately, they were not fatal.

"Quick, evacuate to the streets on both sides, quick!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan quickly roared, and at the same time he got up immediately, quickened his pace, and rushed into the street with the soldiers around him.

The soldiers on the other side heard Lei Zhan's roar and got up one after another. Led by Zhang Jibing and others, they quickly rushed into the street.

"Boom boom boom..."

The moment Lei Zhan and others entered the street, several artillery shells fell on the battlefield of Zhongxin Avenue. It was blown into pieces and disappeared.


The power of the large-caliber artillery shells is very powerful. Even though Lei Zhan and the soldiers entered the streets on both sides, they still did not escape the range of the artillery fire. This time, several soldiers were seriously injured and fell unconscious on the ground. On the back, everything was blown to blood.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jibing and Lei Zhan hurriedly got up on the ground, ordered the soldiers to go down for treatment, and at the same time evacuated the seriously injured soldiers.

The devil's temporary headquarters!
"Haha, quack!"

Looking through the binoculars at the Central Street surrounded by gunfire, and the corpses flying all over the sky, Takamori laughed without hesitation. The attack of this round of artillery fire finally washed away the depression and anger in his heart. San, he is happy now, very happy.

On the artillery position, the staff officer Yoshiro Kawashima looked at the artillery fire rising in the distance, sighed, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart, the bombs were their own imperial soldiers!
Center Street position!


The artillery fire lasted for more than a minute and finally stopped.

Lei Zhan made a detour in the rear and met Zhang Jibing and others smoothly. Lei Zhan glanced at the soldiers and found that there were about 200 to [-] soldiers after the casualties. Seeing this, Lei Zhan breathed a sigh of relief. The casualties are still acceptable. After all, the devils died more than them. A squadron with more than [-] troops was reimbursed. This is a big victory.

"Battalion Commander, shall we retreat, or continue to kill the enemy?"

Zhang Jibing wiped the blood from his face, looked at Lei Zhan seriously and asked.

Yang Jian and the others and the soldiers also looked at Lei Zhan expectantly. They wanted to fight and kill the devils, but they didn't want to just evacuate like this. If they evacuated like this, they would feel somewhat unhappy.

Lei Zhan looked at the expectant eyes of the soldiers, and calculated in his heart that if he continued to fight, it would be too bad for them. However, he couldn't directly reject the soldiers now. This decision was a bit difficult to make.

North China theater.

"What, the wolf camp is surrounded by devils in Zezhou County? Okay, um, okay, I will report to the chief immediately!"

The staff officer of the headquarters put down the phone and walked into the internal combat conference room with a serious face.

"Chief, just now the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment sent a telegram to the [-]th Regiment Headquarters. The head of the [-]th Regiment just called, saying that the Warrior Wolf Battalion was besieged in Zezhou by a brigade of devils. In the county town, they asked for instructions on what to do, should they go to the rescue, or?"

The staff officer didn't say the whole thing, after all, he couldn't make this decision.

"Hmph, order the Sixth Artillery Regiment near Gaoping to aim their cannons at Gaoping, give him a hard round, and let the little devils taste our power!"

"Also, tell the Eighteenth Regiment not to do anything, just wait!"

Immediately deployed a combat order, he also came to encircle Wei and save Zhao.


The staff officer turned and walked out after receiving the order.

Zezhou County, the center received the battlefield!
At this time, the little devil sent another squadron. More than 200 people have entered the central street, and they are looking around aimlessly. The purpose is to sweep up and see if there are any living Chinese soldiers. Commander Takamori's death order.

Lei Zhan has also issued an order to continue fighting. They are already hidden at this time, waiting for the arrival of the little devil with a big knife in their hands. They have no guns at this time. When they killed the enemy in blood, they had already thrown away their guns On the other side, so now they have to hide and wait for their chance.

The more than 200 devils were all holding the [-] caps and inspecting them. Of course, they were not so nervous. After all, it is impossible for the enemy to survive under such fierce artillery fire. Now it is just a formality.

The devil's temporary headquarters.

Colonel Takamori Takamori was looking smug at this moment, looking at the imperial warriors sweeping the front line, seeing that the imperial warriors did not find a living Chinese soldier on the battlefield, the smug look on his face became even stronger.

"Report without deadline Emas!"

At this moment, the report of the electric order soldier came from outside. Hearing the sound, he was a little anxious.

When Takamori heard the report, his expression changed a little, his brows were frowned, and he could already hear the eagerness in the tone of the electric commander.

"Come in and work!"

Hearing Takamori Takashi's words, the electric command soldier immediately climbed onto the truck and entered the headquarters, then he bowed his head respectfully and read the telegram in his hand.

"The report is indefinitely Maas, and Gaoping's headquarters sent an emergency call for help. Gaoping is currently being bombarded by heavy artillery fire from the Eighth Route Army. They are full of large-caliber heavy artillery. Please support!"

"Bageyalu, the Chinese people dared to attack the Gaoping headquarters after eating a leopard. Come back, come back quickly!"

After Takamori heard the telegram, his mood, which had already recovered, sank into a trough again in an instant. He felt that he had fallen from the clouds into the abyss again. He issued the order to return without hesitation. He couldn't take care of things anymore, and at the same time, he also thought that with Lei Zhan's armed forces, the research institute must have been destroyed.

So he didn't hesitate, and immediately returned to help. After all, Gao Ping must not have any problems. It is his base camp, his face, if his face is constantly attacked by the Eighth Route Army, he will have no face to see his colleagues. At that time, he But I couldn't really hold my head up.

When the little devil heard the order, he quickly assembled and returned to aid Gaoping.

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(End of this chapter)

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