Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 104 The Second Massacre

Chapter 104 The Second Massacre

When Lei Zhan heard the sudden gunshot, he immediately looked out from his hiding place. He saw that the little devil was retreating, and he was defenseless. He turned around and retreated. Seeing this, Lei Zhan felt that there was an opportunity coming.



Lei Zhan instantly issued a combat order, kicked open the broken wooden door in front of him, and rushed out with a machete in his hand.


The broken door panel, under the powerful force of Lei Zhan, smashed towards the opposite side of the street like a cannonball. Coincidentally, two devils happened to be outside, and they were instantly smashed by the broken wooden door, spitting blood and flying away go out.

With a bang, the two little devils were smashed to the ground by the wooden door again, and they didn't know if they were alive or dead.


Lei Zhan charged into the crowd like a fierce tiger, with a murderous look on his face, he opened and closed the machete in his hand, and he hacked to death several little devils in front of him neatly.



The moment Lei Zhan rushed out, the soldiers who heard the battle signal immediately rushed out from their hiding place, raised the machete in their hands, and slashed down on the little devil in front of them.

"Bagaya deer!"

The little devil, who was taken aback by the scene of rushing in, immediately began to curse after he realized it.



As they retreated, they immediately retreated the bullets in their hands, and they were still yelling and cursing.

Looking at the little devil in front of him who followed the spirit of Bushido and kept retreating while shooting bullets, for fear of accidentally hurting his companions, Lei Zhan showed contempt in his eyes, but he liked this approach.

Taking advantage of the gap between the bullets retreated by the little devil, the soldiers bravely moved forward, wielding the big knife in their hands with a puff, puff, puff, and every puff, a little devil would die.

At this moment, the cleared streets were once again covered with the blood and corpses of the little devils, and blood once again shrouded the center.

"Baga Yalu, give me the killing opportunity!"

Finally, the devils behind completed the task of retreating bullets, stopped their retreat in an instant, held up the [-] cover, and attacked Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and other soldiers frantically.


Lei Zhan deflected the crazy attack, and slashed down with the bayonet of the clamoring devil.



Amidst the little devil's screams, Lei Zhan split his chest obliquely, blood spurted out, and his heart leaked out.

The little devil clutched his chest in pain and despair, and rolled down on the ground. The bright red blood dripped all over the ground. The broken lungs and the fallen heart immediately became the embellishment of this beautiful picture.

Zhang Jibing and Yang Jian swung the swords in their hands excitedly, none of the little devils were their all-in-one enemies, and all the little devils who fought with them were chopped to the ground.

The devil's temporary headquarters.

"Ah, the excavator story card machine, Baga!"

Takamori Takamori, who was about to go back to aid Gao Ping, saw the scene through the binoculars that made him vomit blood in his heart. His eyes were red, and he yelled and cursed frantically again.


Angrily, he slapped the telescope in his hand on the command table, and the telescope was smashed into several parts under his hand, and then, blood flowed out from under his hand.

Feeling the pain on the palm, and seeing the blood under the palm, Takamori's eyes flashed a trace of bloodlust, and then he yelled like a mad dog again: "Return!"


After saying these two words, Takamori fell on his back, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Seeing this scene, the staff officer Kawashima Yoshiro immediately helped Takamori Takashi to his feet, quickly called the accompanying military doctor, and then issued an order to return to help, and he took the remaining troops and evacuated towards Gaoping in a desperate manner.

As for the imperial warriors who were fighting with Lei Zhan and the others on the battlefield, they had already given up by them at this time, and they became abandoned children!
No one at the scene dared to object to the decision made by Colonel Takamori Takamori, which directly led to the rapid demise of the Devil Squadron on the battlefield.

In this battle, they suffered huge losses, two squadrons and more than 400 imperial warriors were broken.

Center Street Battlefield.

The battle is constantly escalating, and the little devils are also forced to be bloody. Stimulated by the amazing scenes in front of them, they completely gave up the bayonet fight and immediately switched to a life-for-life battle. Although the effect of this method is not good, once they catch the opportunity, it will immediately deal a fatal blow to the soldiers.

As time went by, the soldiers also suffered casualties, but this still couldn't change the fate of the little devil being tortured and wiped out!

Five minutes later, Lei Zhan cut the little devil in half, officially ending the fight.

At a glance, corpses are strewn all over Zhongxin Avenue, the ground is stained red with blood, and the iron hats scattered on the ground form a beautiful landscape.

The most dazzling thing is the blood-soaked soldiers standing in the pool of blood and corpses. They stand on the battlefield like gods of war, their momentum is soaring, and I am invincible!

"Have fun, haha!"

"It's good to let out a bird's breath in my heart...!"

"Revenge for the people!"

Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and others laughed heartily.

At this time, Lei Zhan looked ahead suspiciously. He heard the sound of military trucks rumbling away. He didn't know what caused the little devil's evacuation, but the little devil's evacuation made him feel relieved, and he was finally able to return to the horn. mountain.

After this battle, Lei Zhan also discovered the deficiencies of the soldiers, so he planned to rush back to Yangjiao Mountain as soon as possible to reorganize and adjust the team, so that the spring plan for the coming year would be foolproof.

"Clear the battlefield, go home!"

Looking at the excited and exhausted soldiers, Lei Zhan gave orders loudly.

Subsequently, the soldiers began to quickly clean up the battlefield.

"How to deal with it?"

Zhang Jibing came to Lei Zhan at this time, and asked with a serious face.

Lei Zhan knew what he was asking. As for the transformed people in the research room, Lei Zhan had already made a difficult decision, that is to blow them up and give relief to everyone inside.

"Blow it up! This is the best way."

After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the battlefield, and began to clean the battlefield himself.


After hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian's [-]th Taibao Company Commander, and others all sighed with heavy faces.

They can only do this, so as to give the people in the cells of the underground research room a happy death. It is better to die happily than to die in torture. What's more, they have already lost their sanity and denied their relatives.

After cleaning the battlefield, Lei Zhan led the soldiers from the Wolf Warrior Battalion to join the sniper team and the third platoon who had been waiting outside, and then the group rushed towards Yangjiao Mountain.


Not long after the crowd left, an explosion occurred in the west of Zezhou County, and a thick gray smoke scattered towards the sky and in all directions.

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(End of this chapter)

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