Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 105 You Can't Go Empty

Chapter 105 Can't Go Back Empty

The main road to Lingchuan County was originally very quiet. Because of the winter, there were basically no people walking on the main road. In such a cold day, most of them should be wives and children who are hot on the kang.

Suddenly, a stream of red appeared in the forest beside the road, and immediately after that, this stream of red rushed into the road.

Looking closely, this red stream turned out to be a group of people. They were covered in blood, and their clothes were flushed red. Even their faces and hair were covered with blood stains, especially the hair, which had been glued into strips , piece by piece, as if climbing up from the sea of ​​blood.

They carried several guns on their backs, and all carried machetes with blood in their hands. They were all murderous, which made people horrified.

Walking out of the sea of ​​blood, they are the gods of war who have returned from hell—the Eighth Route Army Independent Battalion—Wolf Warrior Battalion!
Ever since he left the county seat, Lei Zhan decided that he couldn't go back empty-handed like this. The guns and ammunition he brought had been cleaned up. Of course, nothing was wasted. , There are also destroyed strongholds, and there are many devils in them.

The most important thing is to destroy the enemy's bacterial gas research institute. This is the most important thing.

Regarding the issue of the lost light and heavy machine guns, Lei Zhan immediately ordered to take the main road leading to the Lingchuan County area, because the devil stronghold on the main road is very different from the stronghold on the branch road, and there is only one devil stronghold on the branch road Light machine guns, but the important strongholds on the main road are different. Each of the strongholds on the main road has a heavy machine gun and three light machine guns. In this way, if one stronghold is laid down, it means that four machine guns will be seized. Therefore, Lei Zhan decided to sweep the stronghold back.

Anyway, most of them are still wearing the clothes of little devils. Although they are soaked in blood, they can still recognize the appearance of devils' military uniforms at a glance. I was skeptical at the beginning, but by the time the little devil realized it, he would have died.

"Let me tell you, after arriving at the stronghold in a while, all of you will speak Japanese to me, just follow what I taught you just now, don't stop, as long as the puppet army hears us speaking Japanese, they will not dare to provoke us. In the stronghold, they can't help them, understand!"

Lei Zhan smiled and said to Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian, Yang Sheng and others beside him.

It's just that his smile is too penetrating. On his blood-stained face, the smile is very weird and frightening. When people see it, the hairs will stand up immediately. It's just a smile like a nightmare.

"Day, stop laughing, I know it all, let's go, laugh so hard!"

After Yang Jian heard Lei Zhan's words, he curled his lips, especially when he saw Lei Zhan's smiling face, he shivered and said, but his curled lips were similar to Lei Zhan's, even more ferocious than Lei Zhan's.

"that is……"

Zhang Jibing and others nodded in agreement when they heard Yang Jian's words.

A group of people pursed their lips, giggled, and their faces were blood-stained... It's impossible to say. Looking at their smiles, they are demons who have returned from hell.

After a while, a stronghold appeared in front of the stronghold. The first and second floors of the stronghold were emitting smoke. It seemed that they were heating up. Next to the roadblock outside the stronghold, there were four puppet soldiers and a little devil, holding hands Panting, stomping in place for warmth.

Looking at the defense, you can see the difference between the branch road and the main road. The branch road doesn't even have a puppet sentry, but on the main road, there are still four puppet soldiers and a devil standing guard.

Seeing this situation, Lei Zhan nodded to Zhang Jibing and others, then quickened his pace and walked towards the stronghold.

After seeing Lei Zhan's instructions, Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and others looked at each other, smiled slightly, and started howling.

"Bagaya Road..."

"Wa Daxi, you little devil, how many of you guys..."

"Full Air Riva..."


The soldiers used the Japanese that Lei Zhan taught them, talking and laughing as they approached the stronghold.

At this time, the puppet soldiers and devils standing guard outside the stronghold saw the strange "team" on the road ahead.

"Taijun, what kind of work is there, they speak your language!"

One of the puppet soldiers touched the gun on his shoulder, came to the little devil with a puzzled face, nodded and said.


At this time, the little devil was also observing, with the same puzzled look on his face. He recognized that the soldiers in the opposite team were wearing Japanese military uniforms, but when did their Imperial Japanese Army be equipped with red uniforms.

Also, what are they smearing on their faces?
Is it red paint?
The little devil was puzzled, but he didn't dare to shoot. It would be bad if there was a misunderstanding if it was someone from the upper echelons of the Japanese Empire, so he decided to wait and see.

"Theirs may be the work of the special forces of our Great Japanese Empire. Yours, have you not seen their attire, are they very mighty? You Chinese army, after seeing it, you must be scared to pee your pants!"

The little devil said to the puppet army in front of him arrogantly, with a look of disdain on his face.

Although he doesn't know, but in front of his subordinates, he must pretend to be awesome, knowing everything, and he is also puzzled in his heart, what is the imperial warrior doing with the big knife of the Chinese? loot?

"Hi, long live the imperial army of Japan, long live the emperor!"

Hearing what the little devil said, the puppet soldier quickly flattered him.

He looks like a dog leg!

Seeing the puppet army in front of him flattering, he pursed his lips and felt happy. He enjoyed this feeling very much.

While the little devil was talking with the puppet army, Lei Zhan had already brought the Wolf Warrior Battalion to them.

When the little devils and the puppet soldiers saw the bodies and faces of Lei Zhan and the others, they all shuddered, their hearts trembled, and fear appeared in their eyes.

They couldn't tell when they were far away, but when they were so close, they recognized the reason for the "redness" of this team at a glance. They were all stained with blood. However, they were scared, especially the puppet soldiers, and their calves began to tremble at this time.

Who the hell is this?What imperial warriors?This is a living demon who has returned from hell!
The little devil is better, after all, he is "one of his own", he will not be afraid, and then forcibly suppresses the fear in his heart, walks up to Lei Zhan, salutes, and asks respectfully: "Your Excellency, what are your orders!"


What responded to him was a big mouth.

With a cold face, Lei Zhan raised his hand to slap the little devil, and cursed loudly: "Death to the troublemaker, the death of the whole family, the death of the whole island country! Can't you see that my team is returning from the front line? Yours, quickly gather the work of all the imperial soldiers in the stronghold, mine, I have an order to explain, hurry up!"

"Hi Yi!"

The little devil was slapped by the officer Lei Zhan, and his heart trembled again. He quickly stood at attention, and then he heard Lei Zhan's order, turned around quickly, and ran towards the stronghold.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Jibing and the soldiers all laughed in their hearts.

Yang Jian and the others seemed to deliberately scare the four puppet soldiers, and deliberately opened their mouths wide, a strange smile appeared on their blood-stained faces.


Immediately afterwards, a puppet soldier rolled his eyes and fell backwards.

The remaining few puppet soldiers were not doing well, they were all trembling, their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of fear!
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(End of this chapter)

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