Chapter 106
Seeing the puppet soldiers who were stunned and trembling, Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and the soldiers laughed even more proudly.

Lei Zhan looked at the soldiers who were having fun, and shook his head helplessly. Then, he picked up the big knife in his hand, drew a beautiful arc in front of him, and carried it on his shoulder.


With just this one action, the remaining three puppet soldiers were all frightened and crawled to the ground, and even two of their pants were wet.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan took a provocative look at the proud people behind him, his appearance was extremely frenzied and cool, and he meant to say: "Look, I'm still domineering!"

Seeing Lei Zhan's appearance, Zhang Jibing and others all shot him a look of contempt, and then gave him the middle finger!

"Tap Tap!"

At this moment, the sound of fast running footsteps came from inside the stronghold.

Lei Zhan looked and saw sixteen or seven disheveled little devils and puppet soldiers running out of the stronghold, some of them were still chewing, their mouths were full of oil, their appearances were different, it seemed that they were inside Enjoy.

Seeing this, Lei Zhan couldn't get angry, and his heart was full of anger. What the fuck is wrong with the world? The Chinese people are suffering and oppressed. Here, the food is popular and the food is spicy, enjoying the blessings that the common people will never enjoy in their lifetime.

"Bagaya Road!"


Lei Zhan became furious, stepped forward a few steps, opened his bow left and right, swung his hands up, and slapped one after another with his big mouth.


Then, with a few kicks, he kicked all these little devils and puppet soldiers to the ground, and roared angrily: "Bagaya Road, yours has thrown the face of the empire in, and ours is fighting bloody battles on the front line!" , all of you are eating and drinking here, Bagayalu, you are all dead!"


As soon as Lei Zhan finished speaking, his eyes were red, he swung his machete, and chopped off the head of a puppet soldier next to him who was about to get up.

Afterwards, I saw the severed head rolling to the side of the little devils. Immediately afterwards, a column of blood spurted out from the headless puppet army body that fell down, and sprayed on the terrified little devil all at once. The bodies and faces of the devils and puppet soldiers.

On the spot, a few more puppet soldiers urinated!
"Your Excellency, please forgive me!"

"Forgive me!"

"Ours is also the work of the imperial army, one family, one family!"

The little devil and the puppet army were terrified, they didn't dare to get up again, they knelt and crawled to Lei Zhan's side, they all kowtowed and begged loudly for mercy.

Needless to say, the puppet soldiers are greedy for life and afraid of death.

These little devils didn't dare to say anything else, they could only beg for mercy. After all, the person in front of them was their superior, the military department was highly hierarchical, and a senior official crushed someone to death. They didn't dare to resist, so they could only beg for mercy.

Besides, looking at Lei Zhan's blood-soaked appearance, they must be the imperial elites on the battlefield, and they dare not offend them. Even if such imperial elites kill them, with their military exploits, the military will not embarrass them.

"Your Excellency, please forgive me!"

"You are the gods of war on the battlefield, wow, you are omnipotent to work Ahab, sweeping away thousands of Dika, and flattening China Yoshi, you..."

The most serious thing was that there was a little devil who chanted loudly.

Hearing what he sang, Lei Zhan became even more angry, what the hell, he raised his machete in an instant!


The hand raised the knife and fell, the head flew up, and the blood spurted!
This is Lei Zhan's punishment for this devil, and he chanted, can't you go to the sky?Just in time, Lei Zhan sent him to see the emperor.

"Bagaya Road!"

"Die, die!"

"Draft grandma..."

Seeing the thunder battle, the demons behind him yelled loudly and rushed forward, regardless of whether they were dead or alive, they all swung the machetes in their hands, and slashed at the little devil and the puppet army.

In an instant, the road in front of the stronghold was soaked in bright red blood!

"Okay, okay, I'll chop his mother into mincemeat again, hurry up and clean up the spoils, and move on to the next stronghold."

Lei Zhan looked at the soldiers who were waving their sabers and refused to stop, and ordered loudly.

"Day, even if it's turned into meat stuffing, I won't even feed it to the dogs!"

Yang Jian stopped the knife in his hand, walked out with fresh blood on his face, and joked.

Then the soldiers dispersed one by one and went in to collect the spoils.

Lei Zhan glanced at the ground, and saw that the little devils who were still fine just now have been chopped into bad shape, not much different from minced meat, piece by piece!

After a while, the soldiers came out of the stronghold and counted the spoils:

"One Type [-] heavy machine gun;
Three Type [-] light machine guns;

21 Sanba big caps;
Five hundred bullets, twenty grenades;

……………………. "

"Cut off the little devil's head and move on"

After listening to the reports from the soldiers, Lei Zhan gave the order to lead the soldiers to set off again, heading for the next stronghold.

Afterwards, Yang Jian excitedly ran to the little devils who had been hacked badly, and chopped off their heads one by one.

Afterwards, he quickly ran into the stronghold, found a rag, wrapped the heads of these devils, hugged them excitedly, and followed the team that had already moved.

"It's still so cool, it's even better than killing devils on the battlefield."

Yang Jian, who caught up with the team, laughed happily and said.

"That's right, Grandma's, kneel there and let me slaughter it, okay, that's what his mother wants!"

Yang Sheng is still excited, and while speaking, he is waving a big knife.

Zhang Jibing and others around him were so scared that they quickly hid back to avoid being "accidentally injured!"

Listening to the soldiers' jokes, Lei Zhan smiled, and at the same time he was very relieved. He was very satisfied with the performance of the soldiers. What he expected to worry about did not happen. The soldiers did not have any psychological burden to kill devils. In tragic, none.

It seems that in their hearts, the devil has already been regarded as a beast, and slaughtered as a beast!

Don't treat them as animals, they are animals, a group of animals with no conscience.

"After arriving at the next stronghold, your third and fourth platoons will enter the woods with these extra equipment. Watch out, I will take the rest of the soldiers to kill the devils."

Looking at the stronghold looming ahead, Lei Zhan ordered.

It is normal for him to be worried. If he carries so many weapons, he will definitely be suspected by the little devils in the stronghold. In that case, the plan will not be easy to carry out. Soldiers in the platoon and the fourth platoon waited in the mountains with their equipment to ensure that everything was safe.

Then, in the following time, Lei Zhan led the soldiers of the Wolf Warrior Battalion to repeat the old tricks, destroying the strongholds of the little devils one by one, and they were almost close to the edge of Lingchuan County before they stopped. In every battle, Lei Zhan would order the soldiers to cut off the little devil's head, take it with him, he will be of great use!
The journey was fruitful, and the captured guns and ammunition were almost too much for the soldiers to carry. Yang Jian and Yang Sheng led a platoon of soldiers to carry the heads of the little devils. They were very satisfied with this job.

They returned from hell, shouldering a arduous mission, fighting against the enemy, fighting bloody battles, and drinking the blood of the enemy!

The knives in their hands are the gods of death in the eyes of little devils, constantly harvesting their dirty souls!
Their figures are the butchers in the eyes of the little devils, and the devils in their eyes!
Their prestige frightened the little devil, and he stayed up all night, and even died of fright in his nightmare!

——Wolf Warrior Camp
 Please recommend, support and collect!Book friend group 456972858, everyone is welcome to join, let's brag and chat together.Robbery, come in, all leave a recommendation ticket, otherwise, pull out and shoot for 10 minutes


(End of this chapter)

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