Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 107 The head is the tower, the blood is the flame, and the battle spirit is paid homage

Chapter 107 The head is the tower, the blood is the flame, and the battle spirit is paid homage
In the evening, Lei Zhan and his soldiers finally arrived at Yangjiao Mountain.

Looking at the hinterland of Yangjiao Mountain in front of them, warmth rose in the hearts of the soldiers. The eyes that were already red and murderous looked at Yangjiao Mountain now, and their eyes softened. This is their home.

People are drifting boats, and home is a warm and peaceful harbor!

"Take the little devil's head and go to Qingfeng Mountain, the Tomb of the Wolf Warrior. The soldiers who came back earlier are already waiting for us there!"

Lei Zhan glanced at Yangjiao Mountain, then turned around and ordered: "Third row, fourth row, you are responsible for transporting the guns and ammunition back to the camp. After you are done, return to the team immediately."


Yang Guang, the leader of the third platoon, received the order and took the soldiers to sort out the guns and ammunition.


"It's time to go!"


Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and the others knew what they were doing there, and when they thought of the sacrificed soldiers, their faces were filled with pain.

The soldiers of the Wolf Warrior Battalion were also very sad. Under the leadership of Lei Zhan, they rushed to Qingfeng Mountain and the Wolf Warrior Tomb.

On the way, Lei Zhan's face showed memories, and his eyes were even a little confused. He thought of what the old captain said to them when he first entered the special forces in his previous life when he fought with live ammunition for the first time. .

"When fighting on the battlefield, no matter who is sacrificed, whether it is your relatives or comrades-in-arms, you don't care about it, don't be sad, what you need to do is to turn grief into strength, and fight hard on the battlefield. Strike the enemy hard, avenge your relatives and comrades-in-arms, and completely wipe out the enemy bandits. After the war is over and you survive, you can heal the wounds, go to mourn, see off your relatives and comrades-in-arms, and pay homage to them , Tell them, the war is won, how many enemies have you killed!

Of course, all of this has a premise, you have to survive on the battlefield, because the battlefield is changing rapidly, stray bullets are flying, your relatives and comrades sacrificed one second, and it may be you in the next second. You are qualified to grieve and see off your relatives and comrades-in-arms. Therefore, you who become special forces members must keep in mind that you must be ruthless on the battlefield and only have enemies in your eyes. Kill!kill!kill!

When will your affection be manifested?
When your comrade-in-arms is about to be killed by the enemy's bayonet, you need to help your comrade-in-arms, kill the enemy, and save your comrade-in-arms!

When the enemy's muzzle shoots at his comrades, he should not hesitate to block the bullets for his comrades!
When the cannonball is about to fall and explode, you must throw your comrades under you without hesitation!

As long as a comrade-in-arms sacrifices, immediately enter the battle without any hesitation, because this slightest hesitation will kill you, and in the worst case, it will lead to the failure of the war. Therefore, in the war, you must absolutely Be calm, face the sacrifice of your comrades, be absolutely ruthless, and then kill all the enemies and survive.

Only then will you be truly qualified to grieve, be sad, and see your comrades off!

Next, I ask you?
If I were to go to the battlefield, would any of you be willing to take a bullet for me?
However, as long as you are a member of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, I am willing to block bullets for you on the battlefield! "

The seriousness and concern of the old captain has been firmly engraved in Lei Zhan's heart, even in his soul, because his old captain sacrificed himself because he blocked a bullet for him!
"Hey! Lightning comrades, are you all right?"

Lei Zhan's eyes revealed deep thoughts.

Lei Zhan's emotions seemed to have infected the soldiers of the Wolf Warrior Camp. The team was silent all the way, and the team arrived at Qingfeng Mountain and the Wolf Warrior Tomb peacefully.

The Juyi Hall in Qingfeng Mountain has been transformed into the current Tomb of the Wolf Warrior. On a huge stone next to it, the three big characters "Tomb of the Wolf Warrior" are carved with the blood of the little devil, which is particularly eye-catching. It represents a special kind of meaning.

At this time, the tomb of the Wolf Warrior is brightly lit. The people and the soldiers who returned early have already dug a grave here and are waiting. The people hold high torches in their hands to expel the darkness here. , guide the way home, guide the place of return.

The soldier waiting in front of the common people has a solemn face, holding the soldier's ashes in both hands, waiting for the arrival of Lei Zhan.

"stand at attention!"

After Lei Zhan came to the front with the soldiers from the Wolf Warrior Battalion, Lei Zhan said sonorously.


The voices were unified, and for a moment, the Tomb of the Wolf Warrior became quiet.


After Lei Zhan's words fell, all soldiers saluted the sacrificed soldiers and sent off their comrades.


After 3 minutes, the salute ends.

Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing, and Yang Jian, 13 people, came to the soldier holding the urn and reached out to take the urn.

"Brothers, go all the way, have you seen that the blood on our bodies is all from the little devils, don't worry, if the little devils are not expelled and wiped out, our Wolf Warrior Camp will never stop!"

Lei Zhan's face was serious, and he said in a sonorous voice.

"Send comrades!"

"go home!"

Under the leadership of Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and Yang Jianyi 13 people, with solemn faces, held the urn in their hands, and put the urn in the dug grave pit.


Afterwards, the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time stepped forward neatly, lined up, came to the edge of the burial pit, stooped to grab the soil, and still in the pit, saw their comrades off with their own hands!

The people watching this scene shed tears one after another.

"The duty of a soldier is to defend the country and expel and kill invaders. If you die on the battlefield, that is a well-deserved death! Brothers, go all the way!"


Fifteen minutes later, the soldiers erected the War Wolf Tomb with their own hands.

Lei Zhan announced the start of the memorial service.

Afterwards, Yang Jian and Yang Sheng's [-]th Taibao led the soldiers to open the blood bags at the back of the team. Immediately, the little devil's head rolled out of the cloth bags and rolled to the tomb of Wolf Warrior.

The eyes on these heads seem to be confessing something at this moment.

Seeing these heads, the eyes of the people suddenly burst out with intense hatred. They hated, hated the little devils for destroying their homes and killing their compatriots. They wished that the island country would sink and all the little devils would perish!

"Comrades, put all the heads of the little devils into three skull towers, and use the heads of the little devils instead of incense."

The sound of Lei Zhan sounded, and the soldiers stepped forward one after another, arranging the little devil's head into three towers of heads.

"Take off our clothes soaked in the blood of the little devil, and set them on fire on the Tower of Skulls."

Looking at the tower of skulls that had been set up, Lei Zhan said, taking off the bloody clothes on his body, and put them on the tower of skulls.

The soldiers took off their clothes soaked in the devil's blood one after another, and remained on the tower of the head.

"Using the devil's head as a guide, and the bloody clothes as a salary, the flames from the burning, for the souls of our comrades-in-arms, light the lamps to guide the road, welcome the fighting spirits, and go home!"

Lei Zhan took the three torches that had just been lit in the hands of the three people on the side, and at the same time they were still on the tower of the head. In an instant, crackling fire rose and burned blazingly.

The burning devil's head, the beating flames of blood, are repenting for the sacrificed comrades!

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(End of this chapter)

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