Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 108 It Happened Again

Chapter 108 It Happened Again
After paying homage to his comrades, it was already midnight, and Lei Zhan took his comrades back to the camp. As soon as they entered the camp, the soldiers smelled the tempting fragrance of rice, and then their stomachs began to growl. stand up.

Smelling the smell of rice, Lei Zhan thought that Yang Xiaojing might be here with the aunts and sisters-in-law who cook for the village, so as not to scare them, he immediately ordered: "Hurry up and take a bath with your clothes, and make them clean for me." Come back for dinner, hurry up!"



Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Jian led his comrades, roared excitedly like wolves, took his clothes, took a bath in the creek behind the mountain, and changed his clothes.

"Battalion Commander, what's the matter, not together?"

Zhang Jibing came to Zhan and asked with a smile.

"No, you guys go, I'll get some water to wash myself."

Lei Zhan replied with a smile, after all, he has his own unspeakable secrets, he is afraid that if he takes a bath with his comrades and the painful accident happens again, it will be bad.

"Well, then I'll go first."

Zhang Jibing greeted Lei Zhan with a smile, then turned and left.

Watching Zhang Jibing leave, Lei Zhan shook his head with a wry smile, and walked towards his own dormitory.

Passing by the kitchen, Lei Zhan saw that the big pot in the kitchen was steaming, and the smell of the food came out of it. The most attractive thing was the steamer layered on top of the biggest pot in the kitchen. Lei Zhan swallowed a mouthful of saliva after smelling the appetizing smell of steamed buns, and continued walking towards the dormitory.


When he came to the dormitory, Lei Zhan opened the door and walked in. He was taken aback when he saw the scene on the bedside table.

He saw Yang Xiaojing sleeping on the table at this time, Lei Zhan found that Yang Xiaojing's pretty face was full of smiles, and he didn't know what kind of dream he was having.

From this angle, Lei Zhan discovered that Yang Xiaojing is really beautiful, even more beautiful than some popular stars in his previous life. The most important thing is that Yang Xiaojing has a pure and peaceful aura that is not polluted. Popular stars can't catch up by plane.

Lei Zhan took the clothes on the bed lightly, and then walked out lightly, he was afraid of waking Yang Xiaojing up and being frightened by the blood on his body, after all, it was late at night.

After leaving the door, Lei Zhan trotted all the way to the pool in the school grounds. After dripping the liquid medicine into the pool, the scent of the medicine scattered around. Lei Zhan took a deep breath greedily, and immediately felt the pain in his body. The feeling of exhaustion began to slowly disappear, and after that, Lei Zhan quickly took off his dirty clothes and jumped down.


Lei Zhan, who was soaked in the liquid medicine, let out a comfortable cry. He felt that the exhaustion all over his body was quickly dissipating, and he was filled with a sense of tyrannical strength.

"Um, huh!"

The moment the exhaustion had just disappeared, a tearing pain came from his spine again, this time the pain was more severe than last time, Lei Zhan was covered with blue veins, and his pale face was covered with sweat. The beads dripped down again, the pain was unbearable for ordinary people.


Lei Zhan stood up abruptly, and after a roar, he passed out blissfully like last time, and lay on his back in the pool.

At the same time, Lei Zhan was wrapped in blood lines again, and a blood-colored diamond pattern appeared on his chest again. After this pattern absorbed all the blood lines, it slowly disappeared into his chest and disappeared.

After the bloody rhombus pattern disappeared, Lei Zhan's breathing became steady, the pale curse on his face receded, and a blush rose...

"Teng Teng Teng..."

In less than half a minute, there was a sound of hurried footsteps from far to near, and a petite figure in the darkness was quickly approaching.

At this time, Yang Xiaojing looked anxious. She was still asleep just now when she was suddenly awakened by a scream. As soon as she woke up, she felt that the scream was very familiar, and then he realized that it was Lei. The sound of fighting, her silly brother, scared her to run towards the school field.

After arriving at the school grounds, Yang Xiaojing glanced around. The empty school grounds in the dark suddenly gave her a very bad premonition, and she became even more worried.

"Silly cow brother!"

Yang Xiaojing's voice was a little helpless, she was afraid, she was afraid that something would happen to her silly brother, and at the same time, she thought of the villagers who died in the night assassination in the village last time.

At this moment, Yang Xiaojing noticed some messy clothes by the pool at the end of the school grounds, especially the blood stains on the clothes reflected in the moonlight.


Yang Xiaojing screamed, and quickly ran towards the pool, at this moment her tears couldn't stop pouring out, she was frightened by the blood on Lei Zhan's clothes, she really thought that something happened to Lei Zhan.

"Silly cow brother!"

When she came to the pool, Yang Xiaojing saw Lei Zhan lying quietly in the pool at a glance. Tears flowed down her worried face. At the same time, she breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face full of tears. , she saw that Lei Zhan was fine, and laughed through tears.

Seeing Lei Zhan sleeping peacefully in the pool with no clothes on, especially seeing the well-distributed muscles on Lei Zhan's body, her heartbeat started to speed up, and a gleam appeared in her eyes.


At this moment, Yang Xiaojing suddenly yelled, and in an instant, her pretty face suddenly turned red, and then she covered her eyes with her hands, turned around and ran towards the direction she came from.

"I hate it, silly brother, don't be shy, take a bath at night and don't wear clothes, lose it!"

While running, he complained to Lei Zhan in a low voice.


"I really lost someone, oops!"

Yang Xiaojing lay down on the table angrily, not knowing what to think.

Lei Zhan was still quietly soaking in the pool with a smile on his face. His thoughts had returned to his previous life, to the Lightning Special Forces, and he and his comrades began to perform missions and train together until he became the general manager. Instructor, this scene.

Ten minutes later, chatter and laughter came from outside the school grounds, and the soldiers who went to take a bath by the stream all came back.

"Haha, I killed eleven devils, awesome!"

"Cut, eleven, I hacked twelve to death!"


The soldiers entered the school field talking and laughing.

"Don't brag, force it, you can't do it, I killed thirty or forty of them, don't you know, little bastard!"

At this time, Yang Jian's broken voice sounded very discordant.




However, what responded to him was the disdainful voice of Yang Sheng's [-]th Taibao and the soldiers.


Just as Yang Jiang wanted to fight back, Zhang Jibing's voice suddenly sounded.

"The battalion commander lay motionless in the pool, won't he drown?"

"My day..."

(End of this chapter)

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