Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 112 Black Tiger Mountain

Chapter 112 Black Tiger Mountain

"Taijun Huamu, look, there is Heihu Mountain in front of you."

The puppet army commander smiled cheaply, and pointed Captain Huamu to the lonely mountain in front, Heihu Mountain.

"Yoxi, hurry up!"

When Huamu saw Heihushan, a smile appeared on his face, and he urged that he couldn't wait, otherwise, he wouldn't cooperate with these Chinese pigs.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Huamu, hurry up, hurry up!"

Seeing Huamu's eagerness, the puppet army commander immediately led the way, not daring to say another word.

Huamu and his party of seven, under the leadership of the puppet army commander, began to climb the mountain.

On Heihu Mountain, there is a group of vicious bandits named "Black Tiger Bandits", with more than 200 people. They burn, kill and loot all year round under the leadership of Song Heihu, the second leader Zhang Xuehu, and the third leader Zhou Zhanlang. They do all kinds of evil, because they are hidden on the Black Tiger Mountain, so in this troubled world, they have been in Lingchuan for five or six years.

Black Tiger Mountain is a taboo for the people, a taboo that dare not step in and be reminded. Fortunately, as long as the Black Tiger Bandits on Heihu Mountain have food and drink, they will not go down the mountain easily.

However, as long as the black tiger bandits go down the mountain, it will bring a bloodbath. They need to plunder enough food, property, and women before returning to the mountain.

More than ten minutes later, the puppet army commander finally arrived at the destination, Heihu Village halfway up Heihu Mountain, with Huamu Taijun, who was breathing steadily.

Heihuzhai was built on the mountain, and an uphill passage was opened in the middle, and then the passage was filled with big stones, like a city gate, leaving only one passage for entering and exiting a carriage. At this time, this passage was also closed by a large wooden door. .

You can tell by looking at the terrain that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

As soon as the puppet army leader and Huamu arrived, the black tiger bandits standing guard pointed their guns at Huamu and the puppet army leader, and became vigilant.

Seeing this posture, the two puppet soldiers behind him trembled in their hearts, and fear appeared on their faces. If they shoot, the consequences...!
"Bagaya Road, you..."

Seeing the black tiger bandits on the city wall pointing their guns at him, Captain Huamu became anxious. He hadn't been pointed at by Zhi Nazhu yet, so he immediately opened his mouth to curse, but then he was interrupted loudly by the puppet army commander .

"I, Zhou Jicai, a friend of the third family, you go and report that there is a big business coming, trouble, brother."

Zhou Jicai ignored the gun pointed at himself and others, and said loudly with a smile.

He and the third leader of the black tiger bandit came from the same village, but their friendship was not so good. Back then, the third leader of the black tiger bandit was the son of a landlord in the village, while he was just a poor man.

The two are not on the same level at all, the so-called friendship is just a few transactions and transactions.

However, Zhou Jicai, the commander of the puppet army, is still very sure about the money-grubbing black tiger bandits.

When the guard above heard that he was a friend of the third leader, he didn't dare to hesitate, and then ordered the brother next to him to watch over him, and he immediately turned around and went back to report.

Looking at the black tiger bandits who left, Zhou Jicai suddenly smiled.


Unexpectedly, just as he laughed, Mrs. Huamu immediately gave him a big mouth, and cursed at him.

"Zhou Sang, your conscience is so bad, you dare to interrupt my work, you don't know, no one dares to point a gun at my work, wait, they will all die Damn work!"

Huamu Taijun was so angry that he spit and cursed at the face of the puppet army commander Zhou Jicai.

"Hey, my Huamu Taijun!"

Hearing Captain Huamu's words, Zhou Jicai shuddered in his heart. He immediately covered Huamu's mouth and looked up to see if the black tiger bandits heard Taijun Huamu's words. If so , that would be bad.

Seeing that the black tiger bandit above had no expressions or movements, Zhou Jicai, the commander of the puppet army, was relieved, and couldn't help but yelled at Captain Huamu: "You, damn it, no matter how Japanese you are, you can't do this Ah, this is in Black Tiger Mountain, full of black tiger bandits who kill without batting an eyelid, they don't care if you are Japanese or foreigners, as long as you dare to threaten them, you will all die, you are still dead! ,Grass!"

Of course, Zhou Jicai dared to think this way in his heart. In reality, he still bowed his head to Captain Huamu, and he didn't dare to be disrespectful to Captain Huamu.

He couldn't afford to offend the black tiger bandit, and he couldn't afford to offend the little devil.

"Baga, spit, spit, bah..."

Captain Huamu seemed to have the dirty hands of Zhou Jicai, the commander of the idle puppet army. After swearing, he spit and wiped his mouth.


Huamu was fiddling with it, and with the other hand, he gave Zhou Jicai, the commander of the puppet army, a resounding slap. It seemed that he had realized something now. He looked at Zhou Jicai with snake-like eyes, as if he wanted to eat Zhou Jicai.

Zhou Jicai, who had a flattering smile on his face and humiliated himself, suddenly felt a chill in his heart when he saw Captain Huamu's eyes. This chill made him shiver, and he lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Ten minutes later, there was movement on the city wall, and the black tiger bandit who had just run to report came to the city wall with a big man with a fierce face and a beard.

This murderous, unshaven man is the third leader of the Black Tiger Bandit, Zhou Zhanlang!
At this time, a puppet army under Zhou Jicai saw the arrival of Zhou Zhanlang on the city wall, and came to remind him by lying next to his ear.

Immediately afterwards Zhou Jicai lifted his head down and looked up. After seeing the figure of the third master Zhou Zhanlang, he immediately swept away the previous depression in his heart, laughed loudly, and shouted loudly: "The third master, I Ah, Xiao Jicai, I’m here to do business with you.”

Huamu at the side saw Zhou Jicai's happy look, and showed disdain on his face. Then, he looked up the city wall and noticed the new face, the third master Zhou Zhanlang. Slowly, his face became serious up.

This person is not simple, with a murderous look on his face, it seems that he has killed quite a few people, Huamu instantly made a comment on Zhou Zhanlang.

"Haha, Xiao Jicai, why, what's the big business this time, and even invited the Taijun here."

The third master, Zhou Zhanlang, also laughed when he saw that the person who came was Zhou Jicai, and at the same time, he also noticed the little devil next to Zhou Jicai, and he couldn't help but beat a drum in his heart, thinking: "What is this little devil doing here? "

Although he was puzzled, he still didn't lose the basic etiquette. After all, he was here for business, so he immediately ordered his subordinates to open the door to welcome guests. Besides, there were more than 200 brothers in Heihushan, and he was afraid that this little devil would fail.

"Brothers, open the door and welcome the guests!"

(End of this chapter)

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