Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 113 Talking about business

Chapter 113 Talking about business

"Crack creak creak creak..."

Under the ravages of the two black tiger bandits, the big wooden door screamed and was opened.

"Let's go, Mr. Huamu."

Zhou Jicai didn't dare to go ahead, and bowed obsequiously to Captain Huamu beside him, posing as a gesture of invitation.


Lieutenant Hua Mu looked at Zhou Jicai's servant, and felt happy in his heart, but sneered with disdain on his face, and walked in arrogantly. He didn't want to lose the prestige of their Great Japanese Empire here, and be looked down upon by these Chinese pigs .

Afterwards, Zhou Jicai followed closely behind Captain Huamu with his puppet soldiers.

"Haha, Xiao Jicai, I haven't seen you for a while, let's go, what's the business, let's talk in the Juyi Hall."

The third master, Zhou Zhanlang, walked down from the city wall, came to Zhou Jicai, patted him on the shoulder a few times, and laughed. He, Zhou Zhanlang, is still friendly to those who can bring business .

"Thank you, Third Master, thank you, please first." Zhou Jicai said respectfully, and then saw Huamu Taijun beside him, and then introduced: "Third Master, this is Huamu Taijun, this business belongs to him. "

"Oh, haha, Mr. Huamu, hello, welcome to Black Tiger Mountain, thank you for bringing us business."

The third master, Zhou Zhanlang, heard that this little devil was the real employer, and immediately laughed again and came to Captain Huamu's side, stretched out his hand, and said hello.

"Oh, Yossie, yours is fine too."

Seeing the enthusiasm of the third master, Huamu immediately smiled, and shook hands with the third master Zhou Zhanlang in a friendly manner.


Afterwards, the third master, Zhou Zhanlang, took Captain Huamu and Zhou Jicai to the Juyi Hall.

Along the way, Captain Huamu kept observing the surrounding terrain, especially when he saw these bandits on the mountain, he was even more surprised. These people all had murderous looks on their faces, and they were all very sturdy. If they trained well , The fighting power will never be weaker than their Imperial Japanese Imperial Army warriors.

A moment later, the third master Zhou Zhanlang brought Captain Huamu and Zhou Jicai to the Juyi Hall.

Entering the Juyi Hall, Captain Huamu saw the three big chairs in the innermost part of the Juyi Hall. The chairs were covered with supple and fierce tiger skins. There were three chairs, one was empty, and the rest sat two people, one thin. , one strong, one fierce, one gloomy, the two formed a stark contrast.

There are no other minions in the Juyi hall, only Song Heihu, the leader, and Zhang Xuehu, the second leader, are waiting here.

Seeing the arrival of Taijun, Song Heihu and Zhang Xuehu immediately laughed and got up from the top chairs, and walked down.

"Ah, master and second master are well!"

Zhou Jicai saw the big head and the second head coming towards them, his heart tightened, and he knelt down on the ground immediately, prostrating himself. He couldn't forget the two people in front of him, thinking that they almost gave him To kill him, if it wasn't for his cleverness, he would have been in the hands of these two people long ago, and he hadn't been killed because he promised to send information to Heihushan regularly and lead people to do business.

Every bandit mountain has such a rule, that is, eyeliner. At the foot of the mountain, they usually live in the village, or have various occupations, traitors, puppet soldiers, landlords, businessmen, they are all subject to bandits Control, as soon as there is information or business, report to the mountain immediately, Zhou Jicai is the eyeliner of Heihushan.

"Ha, get up, Xiaojizi, the man didn't love you for nothing."

Song Heihu, the leader, was very satisfied and enjoyed Zhou Jicai's great gift, and said with a happy smile.

The second master, Zhang Xuehu, looked at Zhou Jicai's appearance, and nodded in satisfaction with a smile.

"Thank you two masters, thank you."

Zhou Jicai was relieved when he heard the two masters asked him to get up. He didn't want to kneel like this all the time, otherwise he wouldn't be exhausted to death.

Captain Huamu on the side saw Zhou Jicai's appearance, his eyes were full of disdain. At the same time, he remembered this etiquette in his heart. He thought that after he went back, he would also get a few Chinese people to offer him like this every day. This feeling , there is no way to say it, a big enjoyment...

"Big brother and second brother, this is Taijun Huamu, the employer of this business!"

Seeing that Zhou Jicai's etiquette was over, the third master immediately introduced him to the eldest and second brothers.

"Mr. Huamu, hello, please take a seat, let's discuss in detail."

Song Heihu, the master, gave Taijun Huamu a lot, then greeted him and invited him to take a seat.

"Yoxi, yours, great good people, great friends."

Hearing the Huamu Taijun who asked him to take the seat, he burst out laughing and praised Song Heihu for being so interesting.

Afterwards, Song Heihu led Huamu to sit in the top chair, and he and the second leader sat in the side seats respectively.

As for the third boss, Zhou Zhanlang, he sat down with a smile. He had no objection to the arrangement of the two eldest brothers. After all, customers are God and their parents.

"The work of the head of the family, this business is for the work of Yangjiao Mountain, yours, dare to accept the work!"

Captain Hanaki asked tentatively, after all, Yangjiao Mountain is an existence that even the Imperial Japanese Army in the stronghold dare not provoke.

"Yangjiaoshan, hahaha, what kind of thing is Yangjiaoshan..."

Song Heihu, the head of the family, was very arrogant when he heard it, his tone was extremely rampant, and the domineering voice came out in the Juyi Hall.


After that, amidst Captain Huamu's cheap laughter, they began to discuss, and cooperation must work happily.

Sheep Horn Mountain, camp.

Inside the school grounds, the roars of the soldiers were deafening.

"Hoo ha..."


The soldiers were all shirtless, and they were fighting one move after another on the school field. With each move of the soldiers, their muscles were trembling with excitement.

On such a cold day, the soldiers' bodies were covered with sweat. They were not cold at all, on the contrary, they were still very hot.

This effect is exactly the result of Lei Zhan's training with the soldiers.

The Tyrant Tiger's Blood Wolf Strength did not disappoint Lei Zhan. After so many days of training, the physique of the soldiers has been crazily strengthened. Each of them lifts more than 100 catties like playing, without any burden.

After seeing this result, Lei Zhan quickly ordered the blacksmiths in Zhoucun to start making heavy machetes.

But after this matter got to Mo Xuan's ears, Mo Xuan took the initiative to ask Ying. He knew a method of making heavy knives in the weapon hall of the Mo family, so he led the blacksmiths to start making.

"Report, Wolf Warriors Group A requests to rejoin the team..."

"Report, Wolf Warriors Group B requests to rejoin the team..."

"Please advise!"

The soldiers were in the dark, and the voices of Yang Fei and Yang Hu's report came from one side.

Lei Zhan heard the report of the two, stopped training, covered in sweat, and walked towards the Wolf Warriors team with a smile.

He saw that all the fighters of the Wolf Warriors Special Forces Team, including the two captains Yang Fei and Yang Hu, looked at the soldiers roaring and training on the school field with envious and longing looks on their faces.

They yearn for strength, for power...

(End of this chapter)

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