Chapter 115

"Hmph, you are so pretty."

Yang Xiaojing was suddenly embraced by Lei Zhan, her face flushed, and she said coquettishly.

"By the way, silly brother, the cloth and needlework used for making military uniforms, and some other things are not enough. I need to go outside Yangjiao Mountain to meet Lao Song, our delivery man. Now we don't have enough people. Yes, you send me some soldiers to help our clothing factory."

Hearing Yang Xiaojing's words, Lei Zhan hooked Yang Xiaojing's pretty nose with his hands, and agreed with a smile: "No problem, it happens that there are quite a few recruits coming to report, so it is appropriate to make military uniforms for them and let them contribute. "

"Thank you battalion commander!"

Seeing that Lei Zhan agreed, Yang Xiaojing happily struggled in Lei Zhan's arms, leaned over and saluted Lei Zhan.

"Ha ha……"

Yang Xiaojing made Lei Zhan laugh out loud.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan took Yang Xiaojing to the camp where the recruits were stationed, arranged ten recruits for Yang Xiaojing, and sent Yang Xiaojing and the recruits out of the camp.

Regarding the matter of getting married, Lei Zhan has no idea yet, everything has to be discussed after the completion of the spring plan.

Black Tiger Mountain.

A black tiger gangster quickly ran into the Juyi hall, seeing the three masters there, his face was full of joy, and he reported with a smile:
"Three masters, the opportunity has come. Zhou Jicai sent news. He found out that there was a cloth merchant named Lao Song. During this time, he often transported cloth to Yangjiao Mountain. He got the news from the cloth merchant Lao Song. Tomorrow Early in the morning, I took the cloth to Yangjiao Mountain, and the person who received the goods was a woman, if the expectations are good, which woman to receive the goods should be our target this time."

"Okay, Xiaojizi works. Damn, after waiting for more than a week, I finally got the chance. Now I can exchange the gold and ocean in Huamu Guizi's hands."

When Song Heihu heard the news, he slapped his thigh excitedly and stood up abruptly.

"it is good!"

Second leader Zhang Xuehu and third leader Zhou Zhanlang were equally excited and laughed.

"Little Six, you go down and pick twenty best players for me, bring all the guys tomorrow, and follow me to grab people, haha, gold and ocean, haha!"

The leader, Song Heihu, shouted excitedly and gave orders.

"Come on, master, you just hit it hard!"

Little Six replied, laughed and turned to leave.

"Brother, hey!"

As soon as the little six left, the third master, Zhou Zhanlang, smiled cheaply at the eldest master, Song Heihu.

The same is true for Zhang Xuehu, the second master.

Seeing their expressions, Song Heihu knew what they meant, so he smiled and said, "Okay, once you two pout your ass, I'll know what shit to do. Where's the girl who was kidnapped at the foot of the mountain last time? "

Song Heihu asked suspiciously.

"Hey, damn it, I got pregnant without playing with it, and I don't know which brother I'm pregnant with, I played it to death."

Second master Zhang Xuehu smiled cruelly and said frantically.

"That's right, brother, it's time to go down the mountain. Although there is food and drink on the mountain, there are no women."

The third master Zhou Zhanlang continued to pretend to be pitiful and said.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the words of the two brothers below, Song Heihu laughed loudly. He was very satisfied with the rules he set back then. All the brothers in the cottage can go down the mountain to rob women, but they must not be emotional. As long as the women are pregnant, then Immediately killed, no mercy.

Bandits are not allowed to have feelings and family. If you have feelings, family, or children, you will have concerns in your heart. If there are women in the middle, the brothers will not be of one mind.

How can I be so comfortable now, when I think about it, I go down the mountain to grab it, how free and happy.

It has to be said that Song Heihu's thoughts are meticulous and vicious enough, and most people would never think of such a conscienceless plan.

However, he thinks his rules are right. Anyway, all these years have passed, and the brothers have not turned their faces because of women. Clothes, in troubled times, when a crisis comes, it depends on the concerted efforts of the brothers to survive the crisis, as for the girls, go away, when the disaster comes, fly separately!"

If it weren't for his father's teaching, Song Heihu wouldn't be able to be the leader of the bandits, and he wouldn't be so mad!

"Okay, brothers, after this business is done, let's let the brothers go down the mountain to step on the spot. After the step is done, we will lead all the brothers down the mountain to see the blood, open the meat, and rob him. Damn it ticket."

Seeing the earnest expressions of the brothers, Song Heihu couldn't refuse, so he immediately made a loud decision.

"By the way, brother, I found out that the little devil seems to be very rich. Why don't we snatch the girl and pretend to exchange it with him, and let's take advantage of their inattention and cheat on him. When the time comes, Women, guns, and gold, we've got it, what do you say, brother?"

The third master, Zhou Zhanlang, thought of this plan with a dark smile, and said to Song Heihu.

After hearing this, the Second Master at the side pondered, as if thinking about whether the matter was feasible or not.


Who knows, after Song Heihu heard the words of Lao San Zhou Zhanlang, he immediately refused seriously, and said loudly: "Old San, you have to see the situation clearly. In this era, we are determined not to provoke little devils. If you are in the army, you can still fire a shot."

Song Heihu and the second and third masters analyzed each and every one of them.

"However, for the little devils who are now in full swing, we are not only determined not to be provoked, but also maintain a good relationship with them, and leave a way for us to escape. Think about it, our brothers in Heihushan There is blood all over the place, there is a real crisis, no one dares to take us in, only the little devils can take us in.

Let's take these two hundred brothers to work with the little devil, how can we become a high-ranking official.

If we offend them and kill the little devils, then we may face the encirclement and suppression of the little devils, so, think about it, is this the case? "

Big brother Song Heihu's words were like a sledgehammer, hitting their chests hard, letting them know the seriousness of it.

At the same time, they admired their eldest brother Song Heihu even more, and they kept thinking in their hearts that it was his elder brother who had a long-term vision.

"Okay, brothers, it's time to get ready, it's time to rest!"

The second leader, Zhang Xuehu, and the third leader, Zhou Zhanlang, heard the order from their eldest brother, left the Juyi hall, and went back to prepare.

Seeing the attitude of the second and third child, Song Heihu nodded in satisfaction. What he needs is a brother who is obedient and obedient, not a brother who causes trouble for him. If he causes trouble for him, he will not be a brother. .

As soon as the night falls, the day will soon drive out the night.

Early in the morning, Song Heihu, the three heads of the family, and more than 20 brothers, galloped down the mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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