Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 116 The Devil Cao Chang's Counterattack: Sato Yasuhiro

Chapter 116 The Devil Cao Chang's Counterattack: Sato Yasuhiro

Yangjiao Mountain, Dayang Village, Clothing Factory.

After breakfast, Yang Xiaojing gathered here with the soldiers and workers pulling wooden carts.

"Everyone is here, let's go, Lao Song should be on the way now."

Yang Xiaojing spoke to everyone in a sweet voice, and then she looked at the ten recruits with guns around her, and continued to smile and said, "Thank you for your hard work today, big brothers!"

The ten new fighters looked at the beautiful woman in front of them, and they didn't care about hard work, so they smiled and said, "No hard work, no hard work, this is what we should do."

"set off!"

Following Yang Xiaojing's order, the convoy set off, heading towards the location agreed with Lao Song outside Yangjiao Mountain.

Outside Yangjiao Mountain, a stronghold.

"Bagaya Road, yours, get out of work, those here, who have been confiscated by me, all of you get out of here."

Huamu pointed at Cao Chang and the devil soldiers in the stronghold angrily and shouted.

He didn't wait for the black tiger bandit to send Yang Xiaojing for a week, and his mood was getting worse and worse. Fortunately, Zhou Jicai, the commander of the puppet army, told him early this morning that he had already inquired clearly. It's robbery, so he is on fire now, the purpose is to drive out the little devil on the second floor of the stronghold, make room for him, and continue his business at night.

"Mr. Huamu, yours, don't work too much, our guard base, yours, hurry back to your county to work."

Devil Cao Chang's face was also ashen, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.He has had enough of being angry every day this week.

The three devils next to the devil Cao Chang, their faces are not good at this time, they have not suffered such a big insult, since they came to China, no one has been respectful to them, the son of Huamugui in front of him is simply too hateful .


Seeing that the little Cao Zhang in front of him dared to disobey his orders, Hua Mu immediately gave the devil Cao Zhang a big mouth. His mouth began to shout again:

"You lowlifes of the Japanese Empire, don't think that you can become a high-class person when you come to China. You are not enough to work, and you will always be the work of the lowliest."

His words completely scolded the imperial soldiers behind the devil Cao Chang. Although they were low-class pariahs in Japan, they have already worn the honor of the empire after they came to China for the holy war, and they are no longer low-class. Untouchables, they didn't expect that the guy in front of them would insult them like this, and they were immediately angry.

"Bagaya Road!"

The three imperial soldiers yelled and started to fight back.

However, the three of them underestimated Huamu too much. Huamu is a trained spy. Although he is only a small spy, his skill is not comparable to these few imperial soldiers.

After a few kicks, Huamu kicked the three imperial soldiers to the ground, and was about to go up and kick them again, when Cao Chang on the other side suddenly counterattacked, punching Huamu's face.

Seeing the sharp punch, Huamu was about to dodge it, but Cao Chang's feet hit his chest at some point, and it was too late for him to dodge.


Huamu Taijun was kicked in the chest by the devil Cao Chang, flew up instantly, and fell to the ground.


Huamu spat out a mouthful of blood, her face was pale, she struggled a few times, but she couldn't get up, and then she looked at Cao Chang with even more viciousness.

"Mine, the work of family karate, yours can't do it, mine, the name is Sato Yasuhiro!"

The devil Cao Chang completed a gorgeous counterattack, and after laughing at Huamu, he turned around and was about to leave.

Originally, he wasn't going to make a move, but after seeing his subordinates being bullied, he had no choice but to make a move. He no longer hid his good skills. He was not a low-class pariah.He was a descendant of the most elite in Japan, but he came to China with the army just to avoid his enemies.

He decided that he would not keep his stronghold here, and he would not go back to the county seat. Anyway, he would not work with His Excellency the Emperor. He wanted to find a place to live by himself. At the same time, he was disgusted, completely disgusted with the Great Japanese Empire.


Hearing the word Sato, Huamu's face was instantly filled with horror. He knew what the word Sato represented. It was one of the top ten ancient surnames in the Japanese Empire. This surname was something he couldn't afford to offend. .

"Sato Yasuhi, you! You are the Sato Yasuhi who killed the son of General Neji Okamura back then, you! You were shot, how could it be possible? How could you have come to China and become an imperial soldier? possible!"

At this time, Captain Hanagi's face changed completely. He was afraid. How could this little Cao Chang in front of him be that scary guy, that 20-year-old demon who was the number one player in the Japanese karate world? What should he do? What to do, he knew he was finished, he told the secret of Sato Kangri.

Yasuhiro Sato glanced at Hanamu with a sneer, he doesn't care now, anyway, that stupid guy Neji Okamura is no longer in the North China Theater, and Hanagi will sue there if he falls in love with him, anyway, he is not afraid.

"Hehe, Huamu, if you say I'm going out now, who will believe that I'm Japanese."

Suddenly, Sato Yasuhiro spoke Mandarin even more fluently than the Chinese.

Hanagi, who heard Sato Yasuhiro speak Mandarin fluently in China, his eyes froze and he didn't say a word.

Including the other three imperial soldiers who were lying on the ground and didn't get up, they were also surprised. After all, there was a lot of rumors about the incident back then, and there was no one who didn't know about it in Japan, but they didn't have any fear, because Cao Chang was good to them Anyway, wherever Cao Chang went, they would follow him.

"Hua Mu, do you know, I hate war, I hate this damn war, my father died because he opposed you Japanese right-wing invaders, and was killed by that idiot Neji Okamura, do you know , I hate war! I have now found the person I am looking for, since you have discovered my true identity, I should leave here, so, goodbye, I wish you well!"

Sato Yasuhiro gritted his back teeth at first, but when he said goodbye to Huamu, he instantly regained his composure.

Sato Yasuhi left, and the three imperial soldiers under him did not hesitate. They picked up the two Type [-] light machine guns and a box of sweet potato grenades from the firing ports of the stronghold, and followed Sato Yasuhiro to leave.

"Hey, haha, hey, haha, yes, even if I sue you now, what's the use of it, besides, I have more important things now, my big beauty, haha!"

Captain Huamu laughed like a madman.

Now he has been completely overwhelmed by sperm, and he only thinks about his great beauty in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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