Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 120 Thor's Wrath

Chapter 120 Thor's Wrath
Zhou Jicai and his party walked towards another stronghold after eating, drinking and playing for nothing in the nearby village. They wanted to tell the happy event of Captain Huamu. After all, it is considered a big happy event in China. Colleagues from several nearby strongholds, please come and congratulate Captain Huamu.

Yangjiao Mountain, Dayangzhuang.

Camp, school grounds.

Lei Zhan is leading the soldiers to train at this time, among them many new recruits have been added, about 200 more people, Lei Zhan ordered them to join the training, after all, the staff of each company has not yet been completed.

Therefore, Lei Zhan intends to let the recruits who came first be added to each company, and they will be trained temporarily. After all the recruits come to report, they will make a unified deployment.

"Old Lei, you really didn't disappoint me. Our team has grown stronger now. Look at our soldiers, how spirited and brave they are. They will definitely scare the little devils in the future battles."

Instructor Zhang Jibing came to Lei Zhan and said with a smile, he is very satisfied now, the vision of the two bosses is not wrong, Lei Zhan is indeed a very good general, it has not been long, and the army has developed rapidly It has been organized at the regiment level, and the soldiers are strong and strong, there is nothing missing, and there are sufficient guns and ammunition.

This makes them really become a sharp blade behind the devils. Maybe in the future, this sharp blade can really be inserted into the heart of the little devil's base camp, which will lead to the failure of the little devil's war. Thinking in my mind.

"Don't worry, Lao Zhang, look, our Wolf Warrior Battalion, Wolf Warrior Regiment, and even the Wolf Warrior Army will develop into the Wolf Warrior Army. , Completely become the devil in their hearts, even in their souls, let the devil continue to eat away at their souls, destroy their mentality, let them die in torture, and atone for the tens of thousands of my compatriots who died in Greater China."

"I want us Wolf Warriors to kill all the little devils on the land of China, sprinkle their blood on the land of China, let their souls wander in China, never enter reincarnation, and let them repent on the land of China , I want to use the lives of all the little devils to pay homage to the tens of thousands of compatriots who died in my great China."

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

Lei Zhan's last words were almost uttered in a roar. His voice was sonorous, passionate, and heroic, and instantly rang out across the school grounds.

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"


The soldiers who were training heard Lei Zhan's words, and Lei Zhan's voice penetrated to the depths of their hearts, making the blood in their bodies start to boil, and a strong fighting spirit erupted in their chests, and they were about to soar into the sky. His face was flushed with excitement, and he yelled out Lei Zhan's words in an instant.

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

Zhang Jibing was also infected by the soldiers, and he followed the soldiers with firm eyes and roared.

The high-pitched and passionate voice echoed above the school grounds and spread into the distance.

The blood of the soldiers is burning, and the souls of the soldiers are stirring. They want to use this blood, they want to use this fighting spirit to expel and kill the Japanese invaders, and to promote China's prestige!

Looking at the passionate fighters in front of him, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction. These are the fighters he needs, and this is the tiger and wolf teacher he needs.

He needs every soldier to be wolf-like, bloodthirsty, warlike, brave, and united. Only with these conditions can he slaughter beast-like little devils on the battlefield.

"Battalion Commander, something happened, Battalion Commander, something happened!"

At this moment, the recruit Xiao Zhang ran into the school field in a hurry, shouting continuously.

With his sudden arrival, all the soldiers' eyes were focused on him.

Seeing Xiao Zhang's anxious look, Lei Zhan had a bad premonition in his heart.

Xiao Zhang's face was pale at this time, his head was sweating profusely, even his body was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear.

"What's the matter, Zhang, calm down!"

Seeing Xiao Zhang coming in front of him, Lei Zhan immediately roared.

Zhang Jibing looked serious, frowned deeply, and stared at Xiao Zhang.

"Battalion, battalion commander, it's not good, the soldiers are all, all, dead, and my sister-in-law is gone!"

Xiao Zhang said excitedly, he was about to cry at this moment, coupled with the shock, Xiao Zhang's whole body is not well now.


Hearing Xiao Zhang's words, Lei Zhan immediately roared, his anger soared into the sky, and in an instant, a violent murderous aura erupted from his body, his blood-red eyes, like a wolf, wanted to kill anyone.

Seeing Lei Zhan's terrifying appearance, Xiao Zhang quickly stepped back a few steps in fright, looking at Lei Zhan with fear in his eyes.

"What, my niece and daughter-in-law are missing!"

"Ah, my niece and daughter-in-law are gone, and the accompanying soldiers are all dead!"

"My grass..."

"damn it……"

"Did you eat dog gall, grass...!"

The thirteen brothers Yang Jian and Yang Sheng immediately widened their eyes when they heard these words, and the evil spirit spread from their bodies, and they quickly ran to Lei Zhan's side.

The soldiers were no different from Yang Jian and the others, their eyes were all red, their comrades in arms died, they were killed, they did not die honorably on the battlefield, but were killed by unknown people, this made them unacceptable.

"Old Lei, calm down, I still don't know who did it, so calm down!"

Zhang Jibing is sad and worried at the moment, but he can't be dazzled by hatred, he needs to guide Lei Zhan to make the right decision now.

"Calm down, hehe, how the fuck do you want me to calm down, ah, the soldiers are dead, ten recruit soldiers, they are still young, have not yet entered the battlefield, have not killed the enemy, they just died like this, they I just came to Yangjiao Mountain, and I haven't taught them how to learn, ah, tell me, how can I be calm!"

Lei Zhan was like a raging lion at this time, he couldn't control his anger, and a wave of evil spirit rushed into his chest, so that there was only one word in his mind, that is kill, kill, kill!

"Calm down, what the fuck, find out who it is, I'm going to slaughter them all!"




The thirteen company commanders Yang Jian and Yang Sheng clamored angrily. The thirteen of them and the soldiers had the same idea as Lei Zhan, and there was only one word, that is to find out who did it, destroy all his families, and slaughter his nine clans!


Seeing everyone's attitude, Zhang Jibing sighed helplessly.

At this moment, a medium-sized stranger in black suddenly walked into the school field with his head down. When he was about ten meters away from Lei Zhan and the others, the stranger stopped, raised his head and said In order to let Lei Zhan and others most want to hear at this moment.

"I know who killed them!"

(End of this chapter)

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