Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 121 Thor's Wrath

Chapter 121 Thor's Wrath
Lei Zhan looked at the person who came, and a flash of surprise flashed in his heart. This person's face is very firm and sharp, but the most important point is the huge power hidden under this person's black clothes. This is the intuition of the strong. The first time Lei Zhan saw this person, he felt that this person was not simple.

"Who killed it?"

Lei Zhan didn't care about who this person was at this time, he had more important things, that is Yang Xiaojing's whereabouts, comfort, and revenge for the dead soldier, he stepped to the side of this stranger, looked directly at him, asked with a murderous tone in his tone.

Sato Yasuhiro looked at everyone in front of him with satisfaction. From the moment he entered the school grounds, he was surprised to find that all the soldiers here were stronger than the hateful Japanese soldiers. All of them contained huge Power, this power is destructive. At this time, he recognized the soldiers in front of him, and he was very satisfied.

"I'm asking you something!"

Lei Zhan roared again, and stretched out his hand to grab Sato Kori.

But to the surprise of everyone in the school field, the stranger in black turned his body slightly to one side, easily dodging Lei Zhan's move.

Sato Yasuhiro showed a satisfied smile, nodded, with a calm face, and said in a slow voice: "Outside Yangjiao Mountain, on the left side, the nearest stronghold, go, it may be too late if you don't go."

Sato Kangri reminded Lei Zhan.

Hearing the man in black's words, Lei Zhan didn't hesitate. He couldn't distinguish the truth from the falsehood of the man in front of him, but he felt that the stranger was not malicious, so he immediately gave the order:

"Brothers, copy the guys for me, and slaughter all the bastards of those dogs!"

When they heard that the murderer was a little devil, the soldiers were ready to attack. Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Jian and the others led the soldiers, with a whoosh, and rushed towards the battle preparation storehouse to arm themselves.

"Hurry up, I won't leave, I'll wait for you here, I have something important to discuss with you, go!"

Sato Yasuhiro still spoke calmly, looking at Lei Zhan with satisfaction in his eyes.

Hearing Sato Kori's words, Lei Zhan nodded. He didn't know what the purpose of this person was, but as long as he felt that this person had no malice, that was enough.

"Lei Zhan, what's going on? Why hasn't Xiaojing come back yet? All the workers from the garment factory have found me at home."

At this time, Yang Wu suddenly entered the school grounds and said loudly, especially seeing Lei Zhan's appearance, he expected that something might happen to his daughter.

Suddenly, he saw Yang Jian leading the soldiers rushing out of the battle reserve, fully armed, almost all of them were holding big knives, grenades on their waists, and many soldiers were holding Type [-] light machine guns , rushed towards Lei Zhan with a murderous look on his face.


Yang Jian came to Lei Zhan, stretched out his hand and threw the machete in his hand to Lei Zhan, ran towards Yang Wu, and said quickly:
"Second brother, something happened, hurry up and follow us to save Xiaojing!"

When Yang Wu heard Yang Jian's words, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he glared at Lei Zhan, got up and came to a soldier, took the machete over, held it in his hand, turned around and yelled at Lei Zhan: "What are you doing, you fool, go away!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wu took the lead and ran out with a murderous look, carrying a knife.

"Drive, set off, blood debt, blood payment!"

For the old man, Lei Zhan couldn't resist, so Lei Zhan shouted orders, looked up at the strange man in black in front of him, and rushed out with a machete in his hand.

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"


The soldiers raised the machetes in their hands, and with bloodthirsty expressions on their faces, they roared loudly and followed Lei Zhan's footsteps.

They went to collect blood debts for their comrades-in-arms, and let them rest in peace on the road!

"Okay, it is indeed the team I selected! Neiji Okamura, you idiot. I don't know if you are ready?"

Yasuhiro Sato, who watched the soldiers leave, murmured in a low voice with satisfaction on his face.

When Lei Zhan and the soldiers rushed out, there were already trucks and motorcycles waiting outside. It was the trainer Zhang Jibing who quietly ordered the arrival of the stranger in black.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan and the soldiers got into the car one after another. A few seconds later, the convoy roared and drove away to Yangjiao Mountain.

Devil stronghold.

"Taijun Huamu, Taijun Huamu!"

At this time, Zhou Jicai had brought more than 100 puppet soldiers and dozens of little devils to the outside of the Huamu stronghold. These puppet soldiers and little devils were all waiting outside with a smile on their faces. some are holding food, chickens, ducks and geese, some are carrying a pig, leading some sheep, and so on.

At first glance, it was snatched from the common people!

This group of devoid of conscience!
Zhou Jicai was standing under the stronghold and raised his head with a smile on his face, shouting happily to the top, he thought, after such a long time, Taijun Huamu should be finished, and he invited such a Many guests came to congratulate him, Mr. Huamu will definitely reward him greatly, so he shouted even harder.

At this time, Captain Huamu was on the second floor of the stronghold, with a dark face, angrily leaning against the wall at the entrance of the stairs, and now he wanted to kill Zhou Jicai.

Ever since Zhou Jicai left, he has been playing "Eagle Catch Chicken" with Yang Xiaojing. Yang Xiaojing was jumping around in the house, and he kept chasing her. Unexpectedly, Zhou Jicai was such a jerk The thing came back again, which made Huamu want to strangle Zhou Jicai to death.


At this time, Yang Xiaojing had completely calmed down. Seeing Huamu's appearance, Yang Xiaojing gave him a disdainful look. She never thought that this little devil would be so stupid as to play hawks and chickens with her.

Coincidentally, Yang Xiaojing saw this opportunity, and kept playing with flowers and trees on the second floor of the stronghold in order to delay time. She succeeded. At this time, Lei Zhan and the soldiers from Yangjiao Mountain had already rushed to rescue her. I don't know, but her plan to delay time did succeed.

"Bagaya deer!"

At this time, Captain Huamu couldn't care less about greeting Yang Xiaojing, cursed angrily, turned around and ran down the stronghold, he wanted to kill Zhou Jicai, he wanted to kill this bastard.

"Taijun Huamu! Taijun Huamu!"

At this time, Zhou Jicai was still shouting hard. At the same time, he looked at Taijun Huamu who hadn't appeared for a long time, and couldn't help but think that this guy died on the belly of a woman.


Just at this moment, a black shadow flashed past and fell towards Zhou Jicai.



Zhou Jicai didn't have time to dodge, with a bang and a scream, he was attacked by the black shadow and flew out.

"Bagaya Road! Ahhh!"

Huamu is going crazy now, it's because of this damn guy in front of him, who keeps spoiling his good deeds.

The puppet soldiers and little devils who came to congratulate were stunned by the scene in front of them. They looked dumbfounded and didn't know what happened in front of them!
What they didn't know was that Lei Zhan's convoy was already less than two miles away, and the god of death was coming!

(End of this chapter)

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