Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 122 Thor's Wrath

Chapter 122 Thor's Wrath
"Ah, Taijun, what's wrong with me? I kindly invited so many guests for Taijun, so I came here to congratulate you, Taijun, you...!"

Zhou Jicai got up on the ground with a face full of pain, and immediately came to Captain Huamu's side, crying loudly, but before he finished crying, he flew out again.

Looking at Zhou Jicai who looked like Xiaoqiang in front of him, the angry Captain Huamu was not polite at all, and kicked Zhou Jicai away again.

"Bagayalu, your conscience is so bad, you're going to die if you mess around, you're all dead!"

Captain Huamu kept yelling, he was really mad with anger.


"Stupid and reckless!"

"Mr. Huamu, the one who is smart, the one with the brain, the one whose brain was eaten up, right?"


Seeing Captain Huamu's madness, the little devils and puppet soldiers present began to point and talk about Captain Huamu.

Some even looked at Huamu with disdain in their eyes, and they really didn't know where the captain in front of them jumped out of, so they didn't have that much fear and respect for this guy, because they They are soldiers who have been praised by the emperor, participated in the Nanjing Massacre, and have imperial honor, so they are not afraid.


Suddenly, Captain Huamu pulled out his pistol with a livid face, without hesitation, he immediately killed a kid who insulted him.

"All of you, hand in your guns and work, otherwise, you will die for me."

For this sudden scene, the puppet army and the little devils were stunned, especially the little devils, they couldn't believe that the colleague who was fine just now died like this, and the stupid officer in front of him really dared to shoot Gun.

Seeing that Captain Huamu really dared to shoot, they immediately wilted.

The puppet soldiers shivered and left all their guns and gifts on the ground, and so did the little devils, leaving all their things on the ground.

At this time, Zhou Jicai, who was on the side with a painful face, saw the brutal scene of Huamu Taijun in front of him, and immediately became honest, lying on the ground without moving, and began to pretend to be dead.

"All of you, raise your hands!"

Seeing that all the people in front of him disarmed, Huamu immediately became proud, turned around and looked at Zhou Jicai who was pretending to be dead, and yelled and said, "Your work, that stupid pig, hurry up, take theirs, and kneel down!" My work, hurry up."

"Hi, Mr. Huamu!"

Hearing that it was this task, Zhou Jicai immediately stood up. This is his strong point. Maybe he can use this skill to make Taijun Huamu forgive him and reuse him.

As a result, Zhou Jicai immediately threw himself to the ground, bowed piously in front of the proud Huamu Taijun, and shouted: "Huamu Taijun is well, Xiao Jizi greets you!"

"Haha! You guys, did you see that, hurry up, follow his movements, work quickly!"

Captain Huamu held a gun and shouted triumphantly.


The little devils who saw this scene were shocked immediately. They couldn't believe how the little captain in front of him would have the courage to let the warriors of the empire make such a big kneeling ceremony for him here. Li, you know, in Japan, this is a treatment that only His Majesty the Emperor can enjoy.

However, they didn't dare to disobey, because they saw that Captain Huamu was a little out of order, and it could be said that he was a little crazy. They didn't dare to offend a lunatic, so they followed Zhou Jicai's example and knelt down.

"Trick you Mas!"

"Nimus, Nimus!"


Following the kneeling, greetings also began in the mouth.


Seeing all the warriors of the empire kneel down to him, Huamu was even more proud. His psychology at this time was already completely distorted by the stimulation.

Yang Xiaojing, who was on the second floor of the stronghold, saw them playing this "boring" game again, and quietly walked down from the second floor of the stronghold.


Suddenly, the roar of the car came.

After everyone present heard the roar of the car, they suddenly became suspicious.

However, the little devil kneeling on the ground became excited in his heart, because as long as other imperial officers saw this scene, they would definitely kill this frenzied Captain Huamu. Their hearts were already excited at this time .

"Empire cars, what are they doing here?"

Seeing the cars approaching quickly, Huamu became confused, then he seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and he ordered to the kneeling little devils in front of him: "You guys, get up quickly, the imperial convoy is here The work that has been done, the work that is quickly lined up to meet!"

Hearing Captain Hua's order, the puppet soldiers began to stand up.

But the little devil who was kneeling on the ground was really indifferent, motionless, and even started to kneel down again, shouting loudly:

"Trick you Mas!"

"Nimus, Nimus!"


They did it on purpose, deliberately for the team to see.

"Baga, your conscience is badly broken, you are all dead!"

When Captain Huamu saw these motionless little devils, he knew that they did it on purpose, and once again cursed anxiously and angrily. Although he was dead, he dared not shoot now.

He quickly came to these little devils, stretched out his hand and began to pull these little devils, trying to pull them up.

But these little devils just remained indifferent, and even yelled harder, as if they were crying for their father.

"Trick you Mas!"

"Nimus, Nimus!"



Captain Huamu is going crazy. These nasty guys in front of him are trying to compete with him, but he really has nothing to do now.


At this time, the convoy arrived at the stronghold.


The soldiers above the convoy got out of the car instantly.

Lei Zhan also got off the car, and at this moment, like a raging lion, he was about to erupt with the shining machete in his hand.


The motorcycle behind is also in the flying smoke, officially arrived!
Yang Jian and Yang Sheng, the company commanders of the Thirteenth Taibao, came down from the motorcycle carrying machetes with murderous expressions on their faces.


The screech of screeching brakes is heard again, and the important characters always come last.

Yang Wu's expression was indifferent, and he jumped off the motorcycle with a machete in his hand.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Zhan and Yang Wu moved with the soldiers at the same time, picked up the machetes in their hands, and slashed at the foolish little devils.

The little devils were really stunned, isn't it the imperial convoy, why did a group of vicious Chinese come down.

Are they teasers sent by His Majesty the Emperor?

Suddenly, a taboo rose in their minds.

Devil, Wolf Warrior Camp!


(End of this chapter)

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