Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 123 Thor's Wrath

Chapter 123 Thor's Wrath (continued)
With a murderous look on his face and red eyes, Lei Zhan came to these little devils in a few steps, swung the big knife in his hand, stared, and greeted these kneeling little devils and puppet soldiers fiercely.



Lei Zhan went down three or two times, and then the heads of several little devils and puppet soldiers flew up, and immediately a column of blood shot out from the headless neck. The scene was very spectacular.

Captain Huamu was completely terrified by the scene in front of him.

Also, these little devils didn't react at all, they were massacred, and then it was too late for them to react, so they could only run away, and there was no time to pick up their guns.

Their guns have been thrown aside, even if they react, so what, there is no time at all, so they can only wait to be hacked.

The culprit who caused all this was Captain Huamu who was frightened in front of him.




The soldiers rushed into the group of devils like a torrent, swinging the machetes in their hands downwards, blood flying, screaming and mourning.

Yang Wu took the lead and made a good knife. Wherever he passed, the heads of the enemies fell one after another. It can be said that the old is strong and the sword is not old!
Yang Jian and Yang Sheng, 13 of them, were also not bad. They rushed forward, marching forward bravely, and the machete in their hands quickly harvested the little devil's life.


Suddenly, Captain Huamu, who was stunned to the side, reacted, raised his hand and raised his gun, aimed at Lei Zhan who was closest to him, and fired with a snap.

However, everything he did was in vain. At the moment when he was ah, Lei Zhan had already noticed him, and at the same time, he expected Huamu to shoot, and prepared to attack and defend.

As the saying goes, the best defense is attack!
Lei Zhan raised his sword and chopped off the head of a little devil who was running away in front of him. Regardless of the spurt of blood, Lei Zhan turned over and kicked the head of the little devil who hadn't fallen to the ground.

The kicked head was shot towards Captain Huamu quickly like a football.

Captain Huamu's shot hit his head.

When Captain Huamu reacted, Lei Zhan had already come to his side like a god of death, and Sha Hong's eyes were fixed on him.

Feeling Lei Zhan's scarlet eyes, Huamu was terrified, he turned around and wanted to run, he didn't want to die in the hands of this demon in front of him.

But how could Lei Zhan let him go, he had already noticed this devil officer, so the machete in Lei Zhan's hand was aimed at Huamu several times in a row.

After hearing a few puffs, the fleeing Captain Huamu lay flat on the ground, trembling all over.

Huamu's wrists and ankles began to bleed, and Lei Zhan cut off all his hamstrings and hand tendons. As for the little devil officer, Lei Zhan would not let him die so easily, and would definitely make him suffer so much. To die, to make atonement and repentance for the tens of millions of Chinese compatriots who died, and then to die.

Next to Huamu lying down, Lei Zhan saw a puppet soldier kneeling on the ground, trembling all over, not daring to move, it seemed that he was frightened.


Ignoring the puppet army, Lei Zhan yelled, and once again killed the little devils who were running away.

A little devil ran too slowly and was caught up by Lei Zhan. Lei Zhan had a devilish smile on his face and raised the machete in his hand.



This little devil had already felt the thunder war behind him, he was completely scared, feces and urine came out, his body was emitting a stench, his eyes were full of fear, his face was full of horror, and he yelled at his mother.

Unfortunately, it's of no use.

The machete in Lei Zhan's hand will not show any mercy, tens of thousands of compatriots who died are watching him, he wants to let them rest in peace, the knife in Lei Zhan's hand falls quickly.


It was this voice again.

I saw that Lei Zhan's machete sank into the little devil's head at once, and the blade and the back of the knife cut into the center of his head simultaneously.


With a roar from Lei Zhan, he charged up his hand and pulled down suddenly, with a tearing sound, the little devil in front of him was split in half by Lei Zhan, and the two corpses separated to the two sides in an instant, red and white immediately. , black, and green burst out all over the place, extremely disgusting.

But Lei Zhan was very happy at this time, and finally let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time, avenged his dead comrades.






These kinds of sounds echoed on the battlefield, the roar of soldiers, the sound of machetes cutting and splitting the devil's body, the screams of devils, and the sound of devils calling their mother.

All kinds of voices are intertwined, playing a new "Death Symphony!"

"Happy, haha!"

The soldiers gallop freely on the battlefield, like a victorious general, marching forward bravely, invincible and invincible!

They are the gods of war criss-crossing the battlefield, with swords in their hands, they are constantly drinking the hot blood of the enemy's leader!

Drink the blood of the enemy, and pay for the blood!

Ten minutes later, with Lei Zhan cutting the little devil in front of him, the battle ended.

In an instant, the entire battlefield fell silent, and only the Gods of War were left covered in blood, smiling, and holding swords in their hands. They won.

"Tap Tap!"

Lei Zhan walked towards the officer lying on the ground and the puppet army kneeling on the ground with a machete in his hand.

His feet stepped on the sticky blood on the ground, and the sound he made was like ringing the death bell.

The body of the puppet army who heard this voice trembled even more.

As Lei Zhan's footsteps approached, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Grandpas, spare your lives, grandpas, spare your lives!"

Zhou Jicai finally couldn't bear it anymore. His heart was already filled with fear. He would never have thought that the scene that was fine just now turned into purgatory in an instant. Turned into a piece of corpse, he was afraid, he was afraid, he didn't want to die.

"Wa Daxi, Kongjiji, your Chinese pigs have a bad conscience, they are all dead!"

Captain Huamu, who had his tendons cut off, began to shout at this moment.

"You don't need to clamor, you will suffer later, you bastard with no conscience!"

After hearing Captain Huamu's words, Lei Zhan gave him a disdainful look and spoke in pure Japanese.

When Huamu heard Lei Zhan's pure Japanese, his eyes froze. He couldn't believe who the person in front of him was, and why his Japanese was so pure.

"Your, whose work?"

Hua Mu asked, he wanted to know Lei Zhan's identity.

"Chinese troops, the Eighth Route Army Independent Battalion, and the Wolf Warriors Battalion, of course, are the Wolf Warriors Company that killed your Gaoping Commander Ono Zhazuka!"

Lei Zhan said to Huamu word by word.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Huamu was stunned, his heart was really filled with fear, he didn't dare to say a word, even a single word.

"Grandpa, spare your life, grandpa, spare your life!"

Zhou Jicai was crying loudly, with snot and tears, and at the same time kowtowed like pounding garlic, begging for mercy constantly.

"Who killed our soldier, where is the man you kidnapped?"

Lei Zhan asked Zhou Jicai who was kneeling on the ground with a voice like the twelfth lunar month.

"The little one knows, the little one knows, after the little one says it, I just want to let the little one out!"

When Zhou Jicai heard Lei Zhan's words, he said as if he had grasped a life-saving straw and made a condition.

"Okay, I promise you!"

(End of this chapter)

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