Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 124 Ling Chi Live Scratch

Chapter 124 Ling Chi Live Scratch

"Okay, I promise you!"

Lei Zhan looked at Zhou Jicai who put forward the conditions without hesitation, and said calmly.

Yang Wu also heard Zhou Jicai's words not far away, with a murderous look on his face, he walked towards Zhou Jicai in front of him with a machete, full of murderous looks.

Seeing Yang Wu approaching with a murderous look, Lei Zhan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at Zhou Jicai with a hint of disdain.

"Thank you Grandpa Killing God, thank you Grandpa Killing God!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhou Jicai seemed to be pardoned, and hurriedly kowtowed with gratitude, finally showing a smile on his face. At the same time, he thought in his heart, his flattering skills are really good. The Imperial Army of Japan also adopted this method, but they did not expect that the Killing God Sect in front of them would also adopt this method.

Afterwards, Zhou Ji relaxed, stood up with a smile on his face, and said calmly:

"It's the black tiger bandit three miles away. They tied up your people and even killed your people. They escorted you here to the prince in front of you. Oh, no! It's a little devil, in exchange for a box of gold , and then they went back, as for the kidnapped person, he was on the second floor of the stronghold, did he realize that he was ruined?"

Zhou Jicai's voice became smaller and smaller, he was afraid that he would be implicated because of the abuse of the kidnapped girl, but before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his head, a chill in his back, and then he said nothing. I no longer know.


When Yang Wu heard Zhou Jicai's words from behind, he could no longer suppress the murderous intent in his heart, he raised the machete in his hand with all his strength, and slashed down on Zhou Jicai's head and back fiercely.

With a puff, Zhou Jicai's head was split in half, and his back was also bloody split open, and red, black, and white were all over the ground again.


Yang Wu didn't say a word, just glared at Lei Zhan, and ran towards the second floor of the stronghold, he was going to see her poor girl, what if...?The consequences are really unimaginable.

Lei Zhan's speed was not slow, and he quickly ran towards the second floor of the stronghold.

"You Zhina pigs, your conscience is bad! It's bad!"

After hearing Zhou Jicai's sophistry, Lieutenant Huamu, who was lying motionless on the ground, yelled and cursed loudly, but unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him now.

"Black tiger bandit!"

The blood-soaked soldiers at the side suddenly heard that they were the real murderers, and their murderous intent erupted again, and they instantly turned into gods of killing. They wanted to kill the bandits and all the real murderers to comfort their dead comrades soul.

"Silly cow brother!"

Before Lei Zhan and Yang Wu ran into the stronghold, Yang Xiaojing ran out crying, with a look of grievance on her face.


When Yang Wu saw the lively girl, he stopped immediately, a smile appeared on his stern face, and wept with joy, "It's all right, my girl is all right, she hasn't been ruined by the little devil."


Looking at Yang Xiaojing who ran out quickly, Lei Zhan also relaxed, revealing a look of joy.

The rest of the soldiers and the thirteen company commanders, Yang Jian and Yang Sheng, also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Yang Xiaojing, who was neat and not messy at all, happily jumping around. They were really worried that Yang Xiaojing would be ruined by devils Well, if that's the case, Lei Zhan will definitely go crazy, and by then, the spring plan will be really delayed.

"Silly cow brother!"

Yang Xiaojing ignored Yang Wu who was next to her, but suddenly threw herself into Lei Zhan's arms, holding Lei Zhan tightly with her arms, as if she was afraid of losing Lei Zhan again.

"Brother Silly Niu, I thought I would never see you again, I was so scared, so afraid of losing you!"

Yang Xiaojing cried loudly to Lei Zhan, her voice was so helpless, it was pitiful.

Hearing Yang Xiaojing's words, Lei Zhan's heart tightened suddenly. He could imagine the scene of Yang Xiaojing falling into the enemy group alone, and Yang Xiaojing's fear and powerlessness for the situation at that time. He clenched his fists, and at the same time suddenly thought of the black tiger bandits that Zhou Jicai had mentioned, and a strong killing intent burst out in his heart again.

Sometimes what he hates most is whether it is the little devils, because the little devils are invaders and people from other countries. No matter how big the killings are in China, they are also outsiders!

The traitors and bandits of the puppet army are quite different, because they are all Chinese and belong to the same ethnic group, the Huaxia ethnic group. The point of the knife is aimed at one's own compatriots, one's brothers and sisters, cruelty, killing, slaughtering!
They are the most hateful people, the most unforgivable people, and they are the sinners of the nation!In Lei Zhan's heart, these damned guys are really the most hateful people.

"Okay, Xiao Jing, don't worry, Brother Silly Niu will always be with you from now on, just close your eyes and go back to the car to sleep."

Lei Zhan softly comforted Yang Xiaojing, at the same time, he looked murderously at the little devil officer lying on the ground immobile, Captain Huamu, this beast, Lei Zhan wanted to tease him and let him enjoy it.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Xiaojing obediently closed her eyes, she could smell the strong smell of blood wafting around.

The most important thing is that she had seen it clearly in the stronghold just now, and the fear had long since passed. At the same time, she comforted herself in her heart that the people killed outside were not people at all, but a group of animals. A group of animals devoid of conscience and humanity.

Lei Zhan lowered his head and kissed Yang Xiaojing's forehead, then picked up Yang Xiaojing and sent Yang Xiaojing back to the truck. He didn't want Yang Xiaojing to see the bloody scene in front of him.

Seeing his own daughter, Yang Wu didn't run to his arms immediately, but ran towards Lei Zhan, and immediately froze in place, pursing his lips continuously, and scratched and hugged her with his eyes resentfully. Lei Zhan followed his daughter away, and then followed closely. He was going to accompany his precious daughter, to enlighten her, so as not to leave her psychological trauma on this matter.

Yang Jian and Yang Sheng were thirteen people. After seeing Yang Wu's appearance, Qi Qi raised his middle finger to him, expressing his contempt for being too incompetent as a father. Didn't he see that his daughters ran away with others?

But what answered them was Yang Wu's blank stare.

After a while, Lei Zhan returned to the front of the stronghold full of murderous intentions, looked at Captain Huamu lying on the ground with wolf-like eyes, Lei Zhan wanted to let him know what life is better than death, and what it means to want to die but not die.

"Yang Dabao, Yang Xing, hang this bastard up for me!"

"Yang San, Yang Jiulong, go and find me some bamboo pipes and funnels. I, I want this little devil to enjoy himself!"

Lei Zhan gave the order with a cruel face, and at the same time pulled out the [-]-style bayonet from his waist!

(End of this chapter)

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