Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 125 Ling Chi Live Scratch

Chapter 125 Ling Chi Live Scratch

A moment later, Captain Huamu was dropped on the brick wall of the stronghold by two soldiers.

"Bagaya Road! The conscience of your Chinese pigs is greatly damaged. Hurry up, give me a happy job!"

At this time, Captain Huamu had already predicted his end, and he also knew what he was going to face next, because he had done this to the Chinese before, that was torture, naked torture, Cruel torture!
He is afraid, he is afraid, he knows the taste of those tortures, so he does not want to be the victim of torture, he is begging, hoping that Lei Zhan can give him a good time.

However, that is impossible, Lei Zhan has never been soft-hearted and soft-hearted towards the executioner, so Huamu must be tortured to death.

"Here, Battalion Commander!"

At this time, the people who went out to look for the bamboo tube and the funnel also came back, and the two of them excitedly handed the bamboo funnel and the bamboo tube to Lei Zhan, stood aside, and watched with excitement.

The other soldiers were not idle either. Under the leadership of Yang Jian and Yang Sheng, they all surrounded and watched excitedly.

But Zhang Jibing left with a few soldiers at this time, entered the stronghold, went up to the third floor of the stronghold, and began to look around and be vigilant.

"Crack clap!"

Lei Zhan took the bamboo tube with a smile on his face, grabbed it in his hand and began to cut it with a [-]-style bayonet.

The screeching sound was like the alarm bell sounded by the god of death. Captain Huamu's face was full of horror, his eyes protruded and frightened, and his body started to swing involuntarily.

"Bagaya deer, you Sisi, mother..."

Now Huamu can only yell and release the fear in his heart. The first time he saw the bamboo tube, he knew what kind of punishment it was. The pain of this punishment was magnified ten times, even a hundred times, in his soul, making him start to fear and torment in his soul.

Lei Zhan did it on purpose, he was slowly cutting the bamboo tube in his hand, the purpose was to hit the enemy mentally and completely destroy the enemy's spiritual will.

Someone said well, for the aggressor, physical torture is slight and tolerable, and even ineffective for the individual. Only by slowly torturing the enemy psychologically and spiritually can the The enemy's spiritual will is crushed until his soul collapses and dies!

What Lei Zhan wanted was this result, he wanted the enemy's soul to be completely devastated before they collapsed and died.

Lei Zhan cut the four bamboo tubes for half an hour. At this time, Lei Zhan sneered, he was very satisfied with the effect in front of him.

"Ha ha……"

Lieutenant Huamu's eyes became dull when he heard it, and his voice was hoarse when he shouted. At this time, it was like a bellows, whirring and screaming, his mouth was already bloodshot, and it seemed that his throat had been broken by him. up.

"Ha ha!"


Seeing the appearance of the Japanese officer in front of them, the soldiers laughed heartily.

"Next, show, start!"

After Lei Zhan finished speaking with a smile, he got up and came to Captain Huamu, and took off his clothes one by one until he was completely naked!
"The first punishment is the punishment of excision and incitement!"

As soon as Lei Zhan finished speaking, the [-]-style bayonet in his hand quickly slashed across the crotch of the little devil, Captain Huamu.


The pain in the crotch tortured his soul, and the depressed Captain Huamu suddenly regained his energy, and let out a scream that didn't sound like a human roar.



After seeing this scene, the 13 members of Yang Jian and Yang Sheng and the soldiers immediately felt their crotches tighten, and an inexplicable pain spread between their crotches, causing them to open their mouths invisibly.

This is the phantom pain caused by sending soul information through visual radiation.

Looking at the fainted Captain Huamu, Lei Zhan raised his hand and slapped Captain Huamu hard on the side of his head.

"Hmm, ha, ha!"

Huamu woke up immediately after being hit, and the painful moaning sound from his mouth could not be expressed in words.

Watching Huamu wake up, Lei Zhan silently counted the time in his mind, then picked up another bamboo tube, squatted down, and inserted it hard against the blood vessel of Captain Huamu's left leg.


Without the slightest hindrance, it was inserted directly. After the blood vessels in the flesh and blood in the legs were destroyed, the blood instantly flowed into the basin along with the bamboo tubes.


Accompanied by this insertion, Captain Huamu screamed again and fell into a coma.

Lei Zhan then woke him up again, and mercifully, took out the liquid medicine from his bosom, dipped a little of it with a [-]-style bayonet, and wiped it on Captain Huamu's mouth.

The white knife went in, the red knife went out, and Lei Zhan made another cut on Captain Huamu's mouth.

But under the action of the liquid medicine, Captain Huamu's sluggish spirit is recovering quickly.

This is what Lei Zhan wants, he will not let Huamu die so easily, because there are still many projects that have not been completed.

"Dead martyrs, pioneers, my compatriots in China, look, I, Lei Zhan, is here to collect debts for you. This is just the beginning. I will let all the little devils who have committed crimes in the whole of China suffer. Tortured to death, let them all die on the land of China, atone for your sins, repent, I will never let a single soldier go, and resolutely annihilate them completely on the land of my great China!"

Lei Zhan's face was serious, and his sonorous and firm voice began to echo in the sky.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the soldiers clattered, lined up neatly, raised their faces, and turned to the sky, saluting a standard military salute to show their respect and admiration for the martyrs.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan started the Ling Chi punishment. He wanted to cut the little devil in front of him into pieces, let his blood spill over the land outside the stronghold, and let him repent here forever!

As Lei Zhan cut off pieces of flesh, Captain Huamu's screams began to echo, and the screams seemed to be saying something.

At this time, the flowers and trees were whimpering, already on the verge of death.

Blood gushed out of Huamu's mouth.


In the end, Lei Zhan hit his stomach with the first shot, and the blood exploded like a rain of blood.


The second shot hit his heart, completely ending Huamu's filthy life!

"Martyrs, compatriots, go all the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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