Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 126 Killing to the Black Tiger Mountain

Chapter 126 Killing to the Black Tiger Mountain (adding a new update for the reward)
(Add more for the first disciple of this book ""Seven°Youth", thank you for the reward!)
After Lei Zhan killed Captain Huamu, he ordered the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and then led the troops back to prepare to exterminate the black tiger bandit. After all, the blood repayment is not over yet, and the lord has not been killed yet.

When he returned to the Dayangzhuang campus, Lei Zhan found that the stranger in black was still waiting for him on the campus, but he was not in the mood to talk to the stranger in black yet, so he let this guy wait here Bar.

"All armed, bring me mortars, grenade, he. Damn. I'm going to kill them!"

As soon as he arrived at the school grounds, Lei Zhan immediately issued an order loudly.

"Dry to death, must dry to death!"

"Slaughter, he. Damn. How dare he have anything to do with the little devil, idiot..."


Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Jian, Yang Sheng and others immediately roared loudly.

The soldiers quickly ran to the combat readiness depot, taking ammunition, mortars and grenades.

Yang Wu hugged the sleeping Yang Xiaojing from the car, looked at the soldiers in action, nodded with satisfaction, turned and left.

The stranger in black looked at Lei Zhan and his soldiers with interest, wondering what he was thinking.

"What do you think this guy is from? It doesn't look simple!"

Yang Jian walked up to Zhang Jibing, looked at the stranger in black not far away with a serious face and said.

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Zhang Jibing's expression was equally serious. He nodded and said to Lei Zhan beside him, "Old Lei, what do you think?"

Lei Zhan: "Let's talk about it. If he has anything to do, he will definitely come to us first. Don't worry. Anyway, this person has no malicious intentions. The most important thing now is to wipe out the black tiger bandits and avenge our comrades in arms!"


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and the others nodded with serious faces. The most important thing now is to wipe out the black tiger bandits.

Five minutes later, the soldiers were assembled, fully armed, and all grenadiers and mortars were brought.

"set off!"

Looking at the heavily armed soldiers, Lei Zhan immediately issued an order.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers boarded the car, and the convoy set off again, heading towards Heihu Mountain three miles away.

Kori Sato watched the convoy leave with a smile, turned around and walked out of the camp. He needed to learn about the nearby villages and terrain.

Sato Yasuhiro walked aimlessly in the village, and he greeted every villager with a smile with a smile.

Although the villagers were very wary of the stranger in front of them, they still responded with a smile.

"Students, look, this word, Eva from the Hada accident..."

Suddenly, Chinese and Japanese voices came from a nearby courtyard, and these two voices immediately attracted Sato Yasuhiro.

After hearing this voice, Sato Yasuhiro showed curiosity on his face. He was very curious about who was teaching Japanese in this small courtyard. Afterwards, he turned and walked towards the closed courtyard.

He came to the door, looked in through the crack of the door, and saw many young people inside, all sitting on small stools, and a teacher in front of them was teaching them on a black wooden board.

"Nani? Takeda-kun!"

Seeing the face of the teacher inside, Sato Yasuhiro was suddenly surprised. He couldn't believe that the teacher inside was actually the highest commander of Lingchuan County, Takeda Shofu and Shaozuo!
"Didn't he be killed together with Commander Ono Satsuka, why is he now a teacher here? What's going on here?"

Sato Yasuhiro looked puzzled, he smelled a conspiracy in it.

Black Tiger Mountain!
At this time, Lei Zhan's convoy had already reached the outside of the Black Tiger Mountain Forest. Because there was no road inside, cars could not drive in. Lei Zhan could only walk forward with the soldiers.

"Get out of the car, leave a few soldiers in the third row to guard the car, and the rest follow me!"

After Lei Zhan got off the car, he quickly issued an order.

The soldiers acted quickly, without a trace of procrastination, and all movements were neat.

Zhang Jibing came to Lei Zhan's side, Yang Jian's thirteen company commanders were leading the soldiers of their respective companies.

"set off!"

Seeing that the soldiers had assembled, Lei Zhan let out a loud roar and headed towards Heihu Mountain.

The local villagers knew about the Black Tiger Bandits very well. When Lei Zhan passed a village on the road, he had already inquired about everything with the villagers there.

Under the leadership of Lei Zhan, the soldiers advanced rapidly, getting closer and closer to Heihu Mountain.

Five minutes later, Lei Zhan led the soldiers to stop at the foot of Heihu Mountain. Lei Zhan raised his hand, signaling to stop advancing.

Seeing Lei Zhan's gesture, the soldiers stopped immediately, waiting for Lei Zhan's order.

"After going up the mountain, there is no other task. Put the cannon on me and blast it in. I will blow up all these beasts to death!"

Lei Zhan said with a ruthless look on his face, then he glanced at the soldiers, fixed his eyes on Yang Jian's face, and continued to order: "Yang Jian, Yang Sheng, ****, Yang Zhi, you take Leading each of the four companies, taking advantage of the artillery fire, let me get into the black tiger bandit village, and after the artillery fire is over, quickly subdue the black tiger bandits inside, do you hear me?"

"Come on, here you go!"

Yang Jian and Yang Sheng immediately agreed, turned around and led the soldiers towards the top of Heihu Mountain from the side path.

"Zhang Jibing, you are in charge of the shelling, and the rest of the soldiers follow me to charge."

The Lei Zhan order has been issued.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Zhang Jibing nodded seriously.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan took Zhang Jibing and the soldiers to touch the Black Tiger Mountain from the right path.

A moment later, the Black Tiger Village appeared in the sight of Lei Zhan and others.

Looking at the Heihuzhai in front of him, the corners of Lei Zhan's mouth curled up, and a mocking look appeared on his face. It was well repaired, just like the fortress, but can it block the artillery fire?

Seeing that he had reached the outside of the cottage, more than 100 meters away, Zhang Jibing immediately found a flat mountain, and immediately ordered the soldiers to set up mortars and grenade launchers.

After Lei Zhan nodded to Zhang Jibing, he led the soldiers and swaggered towards Heihu Village.

The distance of 100 meters is not very far. The black tiger bandits standing guard on the top of the black tiger village have already spotted Lei Zhan and others. They immediately became vigilant, raised their guns, and waited for the arrival of Lei Zhan and others.

In less than a minute, Lei Zhan and the soldiers came to a place 1 meters away from Heihu Village, stopped, and looked up with a sneer.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

When the black tiger bandit on the cottage saw the soldiers in military uniform and fully armed, they felt a little nervous and asked loudly. At the same time, a minion quickly ran towards the cottage, and it seemed that he had sent a message.

Lei Zhan and the soldiers did not answer the black tiger bandit's words, but just stared at them coldly.

Seeing the cold faces and expressions of Lei Zhan and the others, the black tiger bandits suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Bang bang bang!"

(End of this chapter)

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