Chapter 128

"Ah! I'm going to scrape you bastards alive!"

Lei Zhan's furious voice came from within the room.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan checked each room one by one, and every time he checked one, Lei Zhan's eyes turned red.

The cruel scene on the bed in the room made Lei Zhan's heart tremble continuously, this is his mother's countryman, this is his mother's compatriots.

When the country is in crisis and the mountains and rivers are broken, these beasts don't want to point their guns at the foreign invaders, but point their guns at the unarmed compatriots, torture and brutally kill the compatriots, hateful, should be killed, should be killed!

Lei Zhan's face was extremely calm at this time, he walked out of the last room, tightly holding the machete in his hand.

Song Heihu, the master, heard Lei Zhan's furious voice, his heart trembled suddenly, his straight body softened, and his face was full of fear.

The second leader, Zhang Xuehu, and the third leader, Zhou Zhanlang, were even more unbearable. They were frightened by Lei Zhan's furious voice, and their bodies began to tremble rapidly, unable to stop at all.

The four of Yang Jian and the soldiers saw Lei Zhan approaching with a calm face and red eyes, and their hearts trembled. If the Lei Zhan just now was a raging lion, then the current Lei Zhan would be like a lion. Like a tyrannosaurus that is about to get angry, Lei Zhan is the calm before the storm. Behind him, there is a world-shattering riot.

At this moment, it seemed that the world had become silent, and only the sound of Lei Zhan's footsteps echoed in the entire village.


Suddenly, Lei Zhan roared loudly, jumped up high on the steps, raised the machete in his hand with a ferocious face, and slashed fiercely at the group of black tiger bandits surrounded by soldiers.


The machete, which was infused with great power by Lei Zhan, cut into the group of black tiger bandits, and with a puff, two black tiger bandits who were close to each other were split diagonally by Lei Zhan, and the two black tiger bandits didn't even utter a scream. issued, and thus died.


Seeing this tragic scene, the black tiger bandits immediately shouted in terror like a herd of frightened horses, and were about to run away in all directions.


At this moment, Yang Jian's four company commanders could no longer bear the killing intent in their hearts, raised their machetes, and charged into the crowd.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers immediately formed a wall, enclosing the scattered black tiger bandits inside, and with the machete inside, whoever got close would die.

"Puff, puff!"

The saber in Lei Zhan's hand opened and closed wide, vertically and horizontally, cutting off all these black tiger bandits.

Blood, heads, internal organs, blood sausages, corpses everywhere, the scene is tragic and spectacular, because what Lei Zhan and the soldiers killed were not people, but animals, a group of animals that had lost their humanity.

The leader Song Heihu standing at this time saw this scene, his body began to tremble, and he could no longer pretend to be calm at the beginning, his pupils focused, and the tragic scenes in front of him penetrated into his soul. In the middle, he regrets it now, regrets the evil things he did before, regrets kidnapping the woman from Yangjiao Mountain for going down the mountain for gold, he regrets it very much.

The second leader, Zhang Xuehu, and the third leader, Zhou Zhanlang, trembled on the ground, as if they had been electrocuted, and they couldn't stop at all.

The sound of knives piercing the flesh, puff puff puff, the wailing screams of the black tiger bandits, once again played a new symphony of death on the black tiger mountain.


With Lei Zhan's last knife, the last black tiger bandit cut in half, the killing is over, and the black tiger bandits have received due punishment for their evil deeds, and Lei Zhan is law enforcement. messenger.

At this time, Lei Zhan has become a blood man, as if climbing up from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. His whole body is stained red with bright red blood. The first feeling he gives to the enemy is horror, the horror that penetrates into the soul, A thriller that can directly scare the villain to death.

After killing the last black tiger bandit in front of him, Lei Zhan turned around and walked towards Song Heihu, the second master Zhang Xuehu, and Zhou Zhanlang, the third master behind him.


Seeing Lei Zhan approaching with a knife in his body covered in blood, Song Heihu's mental will could no longer hold on, and he collapsed in an instant.

"Heroic man, spare your life, heroic man, spare your life. Tell me, whatever you want, gold and gold will be given to you."

Song Heihu looked at Lei Zhan approaching slowly with horror on his face, and begged for mercy loudly: "Also, and women, I can grab you more women, I can grab you more money, food, Please, don't kill me! Please, don't kill me!"

Looking at Lei Zhan who was still indifferent, Song Heihu's mentality really collapsed in despair. He was afraid. For Lei Zhan in front of him, he started to fear from the inside of his soul, not from the fear in his heart, but from the depths of his soul. The fear that arises everywhere, this fear penetrates to the marrow of the bone.

Lei Zhan listened to Song Heihu's words, and the murderous intent in his heart was even heavier. He didn't repent until now, he still thought about burning, killing and looting, and he didn't feel any remorse for his evil deeds. Lei Zhan was so angry that the machete in his hand fell Song Heihu quickly dropped his terrified eyes.


With one knife cut, half of Song Heihu's head was missing, and red and white parts dripped down from the knife edge again.


The pupil of the remaining eye of Song Heihu's head quickly began to expand, and he fell straight down. The red and white eyes in his head crashed to the ground with the vibration of the fall.


Seeing the second master Zhang Xuehu and the third master Zhou Zhanlang whose eldest brother had died, the fear in their hearts was infinitely magnified, and they howled in horror. The two of them now wished the earth would split open and swallow them both. Not wanting to be hacked to death with a big knife, the two of them shuddered when they thought of the shape of the machete in Lei Zhan's hand.

The villains, bandits, and little devils who do all kinds of evil are like this. When they see weak people, they are extremely rampant. When they see people who are as powerful as themselves, they dare to fight with blood. When he was human, his performance was that he was instantly terrified, he was so frightened that he didn't want to pee at all, and he didn't even have the slightest strength to resist, so he could only wag his tail and beg for mercy.

"Kill it!"

For this kind of soft bones with no blood at all, who dare to act or not to be cowards, Lei Zhan dismisses them in his heart. This kind of cartilage is soft when things happen, Lei Zhan will not show mercy at all.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Jian and Yang Zhi nodded, bloodthirsty smiles appeared on their faces, and they raised the machete in their hands and were about to fall down.

"Oh, don't kill me, oh, don't kill me!"

At this moment, Zhou Zhanlang finally mustered up his courage, stood up and knelt on the ground, screaming with snot and tears.

"I know a treasure, and I have a treasure map in my hand, in exchange for my life!"

Hearing these words, Yang Jian and Yang Zhi suddenly stopped their knives and looked at Lei Zhan with puzzled expressions!
(End of this chapter)

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