Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 129 Treasure Map

Chapter 129 Treasure Map

"I know a treasure, and I have a treasure map in my hand, in exchange for my life!"

Hearing these words, Yang Jian and Yang Zhi suddenly stopped their knives and looked at Lei Zhan with puzzled expressions!
"Let him talk!"

Hearing that there is a treasure map, Lei Zhan intends to listen to what this guy has to say before killing him. After all, his Wolf Warrior camp will have to spend money in the future.

"And me, third child, save brother, save brother!"

At this time, the second master heard the words of the third master Zhou Zhanlang, and instantly grasped the straw, and quickly knelt on the ground, holding Zhou Zhanlang's hand and begging continuously.


Without waiting for the third leader, Zhou Zhanlang, to make a decision, the knife in Yang Zhi's hand slashed down instantly, causing Zhang Xuehu's head to fall to the ground while he was still begging for mercy.


A column of blood spurted out from the headless neck in an instant, and it sprayed on the face of Zhou Zhanlang, who happened to look back at his second brother.


Zhou Zhanlang, who was spattered by hot blood, howled again in fear. The spray of blood completely broke him down, and he spoke out every word.

"The treasure map was left to me by my father. The treasure map is in the box under the bed in my room. I didn't find the place marked on it, and I...!"


Before Zhou Zhanlang could finish speaking, Yang Jian killed him with a knife, and then waved his hand, and several soldiers rushed into the room immediately.

One minute later, a soldier handed a delicate wooden box to Lei Zhan.

This small wooden box is about the size of a fist, and it is very delicately made. Looking at the wood, it seems to be high-quality sandalwood.


After Lei Zhan took the exquisite sandalwood box, he didn't hesitate to open it while blocking the faces of the soldiers.

Yang Jian and Yang Zhi walked to Lei Zhan's side suspiciously, and looked into the small box.

What catches the eye is a piece of yellowed leather paper inside the sandalwood box, and a delicate key hangs above the sandalwood box lid.

Lei Zhan took out the yellowed parchment from the wooden box, spread it out and looked up, it was a map.

The four of Yang Jian also looked at the treasure map intently, and their eyes flashed in an instant.

"Yangjiao Mountain!"

"Yangjiao Mountain!"


The voices of Lei Zhan and Yang Jian sounded at the same time.

Needless to say, Lei Zhan was the chief instructor of the Chinese Special Forces in his previous life, the Lightning Special Forces.

The four Yang Jian were the 36 guards of Chief Yan in their early years.

They were very sensitive to maps, and they were familiar with the terrain of Yangjiao Mountain, so the five of them confirmed on the spot that the treasure was in Yangjiao Mountain.

As for the specific location, we have to go back and look for it in detail.

"Brothers, clean up the battlefield and gather all the usable things together. In addition, bury the dead woman in the house."

Lei Zhan put the map into the exquisite sandalwood box, and said with a heavy heart, he really couldn't figure out why these bandits were so cruel and why their psychology was so perverted.

Seeing the soldiers go into action, Lei Zhan raised his head to look around the cottage, and nodded in satisfaction.

The terrain here is very good, it is a natural military base, if it is built and modified according to the terrain, it is definitely a good military strategic base, so Lei Zhan plans to build a new military camp here, a new garrison.

If this place is remodeled well, it will be able to echo with Yangjiao Mountain and take care of each other, which will be beneficial to the development of the Wolf War Camp.

"You said, how about we build a garrison here, you look at the terrain here." Lei Zhan said to Yang Jian with a smile, trying to get their opinions.

Hearing Lei Zhan's call, Yang Jian and the others immediately raised their heads and looked around. The more they observed, the brighter their eyes became. They have received military training, so they quickly discovered the benefits of establishing a station here. The terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"Yes, it can be said to be an excellent military garrison!" Yang Jian said seriously.

"Well, it's easy to defend but hard to attack!" Yang Zhi also agreed.

"Haha, okay, here will be our garrison from now on. When we go back this time, after all the recruits arrive, we will fill in the missing soldiers and make them regiment-level. We will officially send troops to station here." Lei Zhan laughed. Said.

Half an hour later, the soldiers gathered up their supplies and waited for Lei Zhan's order. It was almost dark at this time.

"Yang Sheng!"


Hearing Lei Zhan's shout, Yang Sheng ran over from the cottage fortress and came to Lei Zhan's side.

"You bring your company and the company of Yang Jian and Yang Zhi to station here tonight. Clean up this place thoroughly for me. From now on, this will be our residence." Lei Zhan ordered with a smile.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Sheng suddenly smiled, and replied loudly: "I promise to complete the task!"


Hearing that he wanted to stay here and tidy up this bloody place, Yang Jian immediately curled his lips and cursed in a low voice.


Seeing Yang Jian's appearance, Lei Zhan laughed, and then said: "Except for the brothers who stayed behind, the rest of the brothers, go home!"

Following Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers quickly walked out of the village following Lei Zhan.

At this time, Zhang Jibing was still waiting outside. When he saw Lei Zhan coming, a smile appeared on his serious face.

"All right?"

Seeing Zhang Jibing who was guarding here, Lei Zhan's heart warmed up. Zhang Jibing's instructor was very qualified. There were some things that Lei Zhan didn't need to order. Zhang Jibing would take the initiative to do them. Therefore, Lei Zhan was very satisfied with Zhang Jibing.

"Don't worry, it went well. This time, we found a good thing, and we will tell you when we go back."

Lei Zhan whetted Zhang Jibing's appetite with a smile.

"Alright alright!"

Seeing Lei Zhan whetting his appetite, Zhang Jibing said with a helpless smile.

Afterwards, a group of people quickly walked down the mountain.

Back to Yangjiao Mountain, it was completely dark.

When Lei Zhan and the soldiers returned to the school grounds, the strange man in black had disappeared, and he didn't know if he left or went to wait somewhere.

"Hey, that guy is gone?"

When Zhang Jibing got out of the car and found that the strange man in black was missing, he said suspiciously.

Lei Zhan shook his head and said, "Who knows, wherever I like to go, as long as it doesn't harm my Yangjiaoshan, if I dare to attack my Yangjiaoshan, I will let him know what it means to regret it."

"Well, I'll go back first, go back and wash!"

Zhang Jibing didn't think about the man in black any more, he greeted Lei Zhan, turned around and left, he didn't ask Lei Zhan what fun he had, just left like that.

Seeing Zhang Jibing leave, Lei Zhan stopped thinking about the strange man in black, turned around and walked towards the dormitory, took his clothes, took a bath, and washed off the enemy's blood!

Dayangzhuang, in the school.

At this time, there were three people talking happily, and laughter came from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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