Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 130 Sato Yasuhiro

Chapter 130 Sato Yasuhiro
Dayangzhuang, school.

At this time, in the main room of the school, dim candles were lit, and the candles flickered.

Inside the house, brothers Sato Yasuhiro and Takeda Shofu were chatting happily.

Among them, Takeda, who was sitting on a wooden wheelchair beside him, watched the two talking with a smile on his face, and he hardly said anything.

At this time, he has already walked out of the immobile darkness and walked towards the light, and he is very satisfied with his current life. The tranquility in the mountain village and the care taken by the villagers made them fall in love with this place completely, and he Now also a Japanese teacher, teaching soldiers to learn Japanese.

"Takeda-kun, I didn't expect that you actually played a trick to cheat the world and draw your salary from the bottom of the pot. High, high! The most important thing is that you also helped the butcher, Commander Ohno Zatsuzuka, to death. It's really a big hit. Ah." Sato Yasuhiro laughed happily in his heart.

"Mr. Sato, you don't know. China is really great. I really hate war. Now I hate the Japanese Emperor even more. He is a complete warmonger. Look, how much the Chinese people treat us Well, give my husband and I food and drink, and take care of our two brothers everywhere. I can't feel this kind of warmth in Japan. I am very satisfied with this kind of life now. I teach students every day. This kind of life is very good."

Takeda Shaofu said with emotion on his face, his eyes were full of longing, which was the longing for a better life in the future.

"Yeah, Sato-kun, I didn't expect you, a big Japanese celebrity, to be hidden in such a small county. Haha, I believe, Sato-kun, your choice is correct. China is a giant dragon, and Our Japan is like a jackal, taking advantage of the giant dragon's deep sleep to snatch the wealth and food of the giant dragon, but if the giant dragon wakes up, what will happen to the greedy wolf is the most important thing What's more, this giant sleeping dragon has begun to wake up slowly, their fighting power is very strong, and our Japanese soldiers are no match for them at all!"

Takeda also said with emotion on his face that after he came to the mountain village, he felt China's special culture, special will, and this is a special great nation.

Yasuhiro Sato listened to the words of the two brothers in front of him, nodded in agreement, and said, "I really hope that all these Japanese right-wing invaders will die on Chinese soil, so that they can atone for the tragic deaths and massacres of the Chinese people." , can also completely smash the ambitions of the Japanese right wing and the emperor's aggressive rule, only peace can develop."

Takeda Shofu and Takeda Koufu listened to Sato Yasuhiro's words and nodded in agreement. Takeda Shofu asked doubtfully, "By the way, Sato-kun, are you here this time?"

Seeing Takeda's doubts, Sato Yasuhiro replied with a smile: "My purpose is the same as yours. You are looking for a peaceful life, but I have come to seek refuge with Commander Lei. Now I am helping Commander Lei kill Kill the right-wing invaders. In the future, Commander Lei's team will grow bigger and bigger. At that time, I will be able to ask Commander Lei to help me kill Neiji Okamura and the devil right-wing generals who participated in the killing of my family. "

"Oh, so that means, we can be together in the future." Takeda Shaofu said with a smile, his eyes brightened.

Takeda Kou also looked expectant, waiting for Sato Yasunichi's answer.

"Yes, Takeda-kun, we can work together in the future, haha, but, Takeda-kun, General Ishii Shutaro, can you win over him, this guy's kung fu is very good."

Sato looked at Shoo Takeda suspiciously and asked, Shutaro Ishii and the two of them had fought before, but they lost to him.

Hearing Sato Yasuhiro's words, Takeda Shofu's face darkened suddenly, and he said: "It's impossible, Zhu Taro has completely become a part of the right-wing invaders now, it's impossible, Sato-kun, I hope you will be on the battlefield in the future." The higher-ups can give him a good time."

Takeda Shaofu begged, after all Zhu Tailang had helped him a lot, he did this to seek some psychological comfort.

"Okay, Takeda-kun, Commander Lei should be back now, I should go find him and say goodbye!"

Sato Yasuhiro did not answer Takeda Shofu's question, but got up directly to leave. Takeda Shofufei asked, but he could not agree. He wanted to kill all the devils and right-wingers, and it was torture, and it was impossible to let them go.

Seeing this, Takeda Shoo couldn't say anything more, got up and sent Sato Koichi out.

After Sato Kori said goodbye to Takeda Shaofu, he walked towards the military camp. He now needs to talk to Lei Zhan. Through talking with Takeda Shaofu, he has already figured out Lei Zhan's character and thoughts. Human blood can kill devils and help Lei Zhan, so Lei Zhan can accept it, so he is full of confidence.

Five minutes later, Sato Kangri came outside Lei Zhan's dormitory. The lights were still on inside the dormitory, and he hadn't rested yet.

"Come in, don't stand outside."

Suddenly, Lei Zhan's voice came from inside the house.

Hearing this, Sato Kori suddenly showed a smile on his face, and he was also very surprised. He didn't expect Lei Zhan to know that he was coming, so he waited for him specially.


Without hesitation, Kori Sato opened the door and walked in, and saw Lei Zhan writing something on the table at a glance.

Without being polite at all, Sato Kori came to the table, sat on the chair and looked at Lei Zhan with a smile.

"Are you a little devil?"

Lei Zhan lowered his head and asked, his hand was still writing.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Sato Yasuhiro's eyes were fixed and he was very surprised. He didn't expect that Lei Zhan had already guessed his identity, and with Lei Zhan's head lowered, he couldn't see through Lei Zhan's current situation at all. Thoughts, I can only answer along the lines of Lei Zhan's question.

"Yes, I'm Japanese, but I'm not a kid!"

Sato Yasuhiro said firmly.

Hearing Sato Yasuhiro's words, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction. He could hear the meaning of Sato Yasuhiro's words. The little devils are killers and invaders, but some Japanese are not. They don't have The blood of the Chinese, then, cannot be beaten to death directly with a stick.

"Tell me about your reason for coming?" Lei Zhan asked again. At this time, he had completely gained the upper hand. He had gained the upper hand since Sato Kori answered his first question.

"Ha ha!"

Sato Yasuhiro smiled wryly in his heart, made a wrong move and lost the opportunity every step of the way, but that's okay, he is not a long-winded person, he directly stated his purpose.

"I have come to seek your cooperation, or you can say I have come to rely on you. I am not the same as the little devils and right-wing invaders in your eyes. I am the same as you. The common enemy is the cruel and ruthless little devils. Yours My homeland has been trampled by them, but likewise, my own homeland has been trampled and destroyed by them, so you should be clear about the purpose of my coming, Your Excellency Lei Zhan!"

Sato Yasuhiro answered Lei Zhan's question seriously.

Hearing Sato Kangri's words, Lei Zhan finally raised his head this time, with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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