Chapter 131

Hearing Sato Yasuhi's words, Lei Zhan raised his head with a smile, he was very satisfied with Sato Yasuhi's answer.

Since there is an enmity with the little devil, it is easy to say, as long as there is no Chinese blood on his hands, it is even better, let him lead the devil to fight the devil, Lei Zhan thought so.

"Tell me about your origin, life experience, and hatred with the little devil."

Lei Zhan asked all the questions he was supposed to ask, just like checking his household registration. He couldn't let him be careless about this matter. What if it was really an undercover agent sent by the little devils? conquered internally.

"Okay, then come with me, and I'll take you to a place, which is within the Yangjiao Mountain. Let's talk as we go, shall we?"

Seeing Lei Zhan's attitude, Sato Kori knew that Lei Zhan had initially accepted him at this time, and the next step was to gain Lei Zhan's complete trust, so he planned to take Lei Zhan to a place.


Hearing Sato's invitation to fight against Japan, Lei Zhan smiled and immediately agreed. He wanted to see what kind of tricks this "little devil" was playing for him.

Afterwards, the two got up and walked out of the camp.

As the two walked, Sato Yasuhiro began to introduce himself to Lei Zhan.

"His name is Sato Yasuhiro, and he comes from the Sato family, one of the top ten ancient surnames in Japan. They are one of the stronger branches of the Sato family.

Sato's surname is also divided into two factions, the right-wing main combat faction and the left-wing who do not want war, and Sato Yasuhiro's father, Sato Yuki, is the leader of the left wing. Because he opposes war, he was just promoted to the right-wing leader. Neiji Okamura, the general of the war faction, led a group of officers to kill their house and slaughtered all of Sato Yuki's family.

Because Yasuhi Sato went out to challenge the celebrities of the entire Japanese martial arts world, he escaped by chance, but he was also ordered to kill by the military department. Fortunately, he had already defeated the invincible Japanese opponent at that time, and he had many friends. With the help of his friends Under the circumstances, he quietly hid into the army and followed the army to the Chinese battlefield. After all, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

After coming to the battlefield in China, he successfully escaped the pursuit of the military, and hid in a small county town, waiting for the chance of revenge, because he understood that a person's force is strong, and he can't stop bullets , can't do it with aircraft and cannons, so he also searched secretly until he heard about the reputation of the Wolf Warrior Company.

He believes that the opportunity for revenge has come because he was waiting for such an opportunity. He did not cause a trace of killing on the Chinese battlefield. blood, then there will be no one to help him.

Until he was discovered by Captain Huamu, he thought the time had come, so he came to Yangjiao Mountain, looking for Lei Zhan, and joined the Eighth Route Army! "

Yasuhi Sato said with a serious face, especially when he mentioned the father and family members who were murdered by Neiji Okamura, Yasuhi Sato shed tears in pain.

Hearing Sato Yasuhiro's self-report, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction, and had initially accepted this "poor" guy in his heart.

The most important point is that this guy is good at kung fu, and his skills are very good. If he is really willing to follow him to fight devils, Lei Zhan is warmly welcome.

Of course, the final decision still needs to be tested. Only after passing the test can one truly enter the upper level of the Wolf Warrior Camp.

"I believe in you, but you have to start as a soldier. I can't let you lead the soldiers directly. You should understand my difficulties. What's more, you have to combine the little devil's stabbing skills with your own kung fu." To our fighters, let our fighters be familiar with your fighting style, only in this way, we can kill the little devils better and more smoothly, you, understand?"

Lei Zhan's face also returned to seriousness. After all, what he was talking about now was a serious matter, and he couldn't deal with it. As for the matter of kung fu, there were only two words in Lei Zhan's mind, crack.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Sato Yasuhiro's sad face immediately became happy. Lei Zhan agreed and agreed to let him stay. As for starting as a soldier, there is no problem at all, as long as he behaves well in the future , definitely let Lei Zhan pay attention to it.

"Thank you, Commander Lei, you gave me the hope of revenge!"

Yasuhiro Sato hugged Lei Zhan in his arms excitedly, thanking him constantly.

"Day, get out, I don't want to engage in ji."

Lei Zhan struggled and joked with a smile.


At this moment, Lei Zhan saw three people standing not far in front of him. Most importantly, he saw the [-]-type machine guns in the hands of two of them and a box of grenades under the feet of one of them through the faint moonlight. , Seeing this, Lei Zhan immediately became vigilant, and cast a glance at Yasunichi Sato, who was still immersed in excitement, but he found that Yasunichi Sato was not unusual at all, and immediately became puzzled.

"Satou-kun, yours is back!"


When the three little devils saw the excited Sato Yasuhiro coming back, they immediately put down the light machine gun and said respectfully.

But Sato Kori didn't pay attention to them, but stepped forward quickly, and under Lei Zhan's puzzled and surprised eyes, his body quickly rushed towards the three little devils who bowed respectfully and saluted him.

"Crack it!"

Sato Yasuhiro rushed to the side of the first little devil, immediately grabbed his head with both hands, twisted it suddenly, and with a click, the little devil fell down.

Yasuhiro Sato didn't stop in shape, and his movements were very neat. He swung his back elbow at a special angle, and instantly hit the second little devil's head with his elbow. With the same click, this little devil also fell down.

At this time, the third little devil had already reflected, his eyes were full of surprise and fear, subconsciously picked up the Type [-] light machine gun in his hand and was about to shoot at Yasunichi Sato, but he was still too late.

Sato Kangri had expected his action a long time ago, a dagger suddenly appeared in his sleeve, and with a whoosh, it was inserted into the neck of this little devil, and this guy also went to see the emperor.

In less than ten seconds, Sato Yasuhiro quickly and neatly killed the three little devils.

"These three guys were brought by me in the stronghold. I don't know the details, but I am sure that their hands are definitely stained with the blood of your compatriots. Now that their mission is completed, they can die. After all I can't handle machine guns and grenades by myself."

Sato Kori said with a smile, he believed that Lei Zhan should be very satisfied with the fact that he killed the little devil.

"Well, since you follow me, you can't use your name anymore. Your Chinese is so good, you have no problem becoming one of us. Sato Kangri, Kangri, take the word Kangri from your name , give me your surname, from now on you will be called Lei Kangri!"

Lei Zhan continued with a serious face: "I hope you won't let me down, and don't ruin my reputation as Lei Shi!"

"Okay, I will call Lei Kangri from now on, and I will kill devils with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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