Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 133 The Massacre of Colonel Takamori Takashi

Chapter 133 The Massacre of Colonel Takamori Takashi

Time passed quickly, and the next morning, Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi waited early at the gate of Lingchuan County.

At the gate of the city, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda were wearing cloaks, talking and laughing constantly. The two of them had already issued an order yesterday to order all the bandits in Lingchuan County to assist the imperial army and go to the villages near Lingchuan County. Gather all the villagers together, because today, for the arrival of Takashi Takamori, there is a wonderful performance to be performed, which requires the active cooperation of these villagers.

Beside the two of them are Lu Yifan, the president of the Maintenance Association, and Wang Yang, the newly appointed commander of the puppet army in Lingchuan County, and Commander Wang.

At this time, the expressions of the two people were very puzzled. The two of them didn't know what they were doing at the city gate early in the morning and who they were waiting for. Because the two of them hadn't received any news that someone was coming, they were very puzzled.

Half an hour later, a convoy came slowly, with a total of six military trucks. In the middle of the military trucks was a black car, and more than a dozen motorcycles with Type [-] light machine guns opened the way ahead.

"Yoxi, Your Excellency Commander is here to work!"

"Hurry up and welcome!"

Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi burst into laughter when they saw the convoy. The master is here, so happy to be slaves.

Afterwards, a group of people bowed respectfully and waited in place, waiting for the convoy to arrive.




A moment later, the military truck stopped outside the city gate.


A ghost officer got off the first truck. He had a stern face and indifferent eyes.

"Master Koi Sora, welcome to work!"

The person who saw the first truck getting off was Koi Sora Kosa, the captain of the Koi Sora Elite Brigade, Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi, immediately licking their faces and walking towards Koi Sora Kosa, with an extremely respectful attitude .


Xiaojing Sokong's attitude was very indifferent. Hearing the greetings from the two major officers, Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi, he just nodded slightly, and then glanced around the four middle schools. After confirming that there was no problem, Xiaojing Sokong indifferently asked the team The black car in the middle goes.

Seeing Koi Sora who didn't like the two of them, the two were just a little bit unhappy. After all, he was the captain of the imperial elite brigade, and their status was incomparable between the two of them.

Afterwards, the two followed closely behind Koi Cangkong and walked towards the black car.

When Sosa Koi came to the car, he put his legs together suddenly, bowed respectfully and said: "Your Excellency, Commander, you have arrived at Lingchuan County, do you want to get out of the car now?"

Kobayashi Sora asked for instructions into the car.

Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi's attitudes were also quite respectful, they stood beside them bowing respectfully, not daring to show any air.


The door opened, and a lieutenant came out first.

After the lieutenant came down, he bowed outside, opened the car door, stretched out his arms, and blocked the door.

"Haha, Mukai-kun, Noda-kun, how are you two, warriors of my empire!"

Takamori Takashi said with a big smile as he came out.

Looking at the two majors in front of him, Takamori was very satisfied. After all, his two imperial warriors had earned him a lot of face during the Nanjing Massacre. His majesty the Emperor personally rewarded them for their single-man kills. Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi's chief, his face is very bright.

"Hello, Master Dazuo!"

"Welcome Your Excellency to visit Lingchuan County!"

Hearing the first greeting from Takamori Takashi, Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi were immediately excited, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

Looking at Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi who were bowing in front of them, Xiaojing Sokong's grim face showed a trace of disdain.

He has great disdain for the two people in front of him. In his mind, the waists of imperial soldiers should be straight, rather than bent. Even when facing your boss, don't be too respectful, let alone for the sake of respect. And stuffing the head into the crotch would be a great embarrassment to the soldiers of the empire.

"By the way, Your Majesty, my subordinate has specially arranged two programs for you. I would like to ask your Excellency to show you your face and follow my subordinate to watch it."

Mukai Toshiaki said with a smile, and stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation.

"Yes, Your Excellency, this program is to reenact the Nanjing Massacre!"

Noda Takeshi said with excitement on his bloodthirsty face.


Originally, Takamori Takamori was not very interested in the program, but now he heard Noda Takeshi say that it is a reenactment of the Nanjing Massacre. The four words of the Nanjing Massacre completely attracted him. Massacre, he likes massacre the most, so he laughed. He said: "Okay, you lead the way, take me to see your reenactment of the Nanjing Massacre!"

"Hi Yi!"

Afterwards, Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi took Takamori Takashi and others to a small low-lying place not far from Lingchuan County.

The maintenance chairman Lu Yifan and the puppet army commander Wang Yang at the gate of the city also followed behind the team. They wanted to see what Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi were going to do, but they didn't even notify him.

Not long after, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda brought Osa Takamori to the small low-lying area, and everyone followed closely behind.

It is a small low-lying area, I don't know why it was formed, it is a low-lying land, and the villagers have reclaimed land in it, about four to five hundred acres in size.

However, in the small low-lying area at this time, there are "a sea of ​​people", including the elderly, women, children, children, etc., everything that one expects to find.

The surrounding area of ​​the small depression was surrounded by little devils. More than a dozen heavy machine guns and many light machine guns were erected in all directions, all aimed at the helpless villagers in the small depression.

In the open space next to the small low-lying area, there is a special team. There are about 200 people in this team. The strength of a squadron is cold and ruthless. They are all wearing cloaks. A command knife. In front of them, there are ten special soldiers. The guns held in their hands are different from others. This gun is more exquisite and longer than the Sanba Dagai. The most important thing is, This gun has a scope on it.

In addition, beside this team, there are more than ten people with messy clothes, but these ten people have a common characteristic, that is, their eyes are very cruel, don't think carefully, these people are bandits, A bandit who has turned to the little devil.

Seeing the arrival of Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda, these bandits immediately laughed and thought about welcoming the team brought by Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda.

"Your Excellency, the work of those people in front is the bandits recruited by the subordinates, and now it belongs to the work of our Japanese Imperial Army."

Mukai Toshiaki looked at the dozen or so bandit leaders approaching, and immediately introduced Takamori respectfully.

"I have seen your Excellency, Commander!"

At this time, the bandits also came to Takamori's side, and immediately bowed and began to salute.

"Yoxi, you, great and good people, work hard for the imperial army, the empire will not treat you badly."

Although Takamori Takamori despises these Chinese people very much, he knows that at certain times, these Chinese people will play a very important role.

"Thank you Majesty!"

"Thank you Majesty!"


Hearing Takamori's words, the attitude of the bandit leaders became more and more respectful, thinking that they had found a good master.

ps: Qianhuang's new book "The Soul of the Anti-Japanese Special War Army" please support, please recommend, please collect!In addition, a friend's book, you can also read "Anti-Japanese Killing God Bai Qi" Bloody War of Resistance, Kill Devils!

(End of this chapter)

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