Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 134 The Massacre of Colonel Takamori Takashi

Chapter 134 The Massacre of Colonel Takamori Takashi

"Mukai-kun, what kind of work does that team do? It's so majestic and brave!"

Takamori Takamori looked at the imperial warriors who were all wearing capes and armed with command swords next to the small depression, nodded with satisfaction, and asked doubtfully.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you will find out after a while, let your subordinates keep it a little secret for you!"

Noda Takeshi said proudly that he was very happy to hear Grand Master Takamori Takashi praise his imperial warriors.

"You bastard, hehe, you're still as naughty as you were back then."

Takamori said with a smile, looked up into the small depression, saw the dense crowd inside and the heavy machine guns erected around the low depression, Takamori nodded in satisfaction, his eyes showed a bloodthirsty look, he already guessed What's the show next.

Next to Takamori Takashi Koi Sokasaka's expression was similar to Takamori Takashi's, the cold eyes on his sinister face had disappeared, replaced by bloodthirsty and cruelty.

When Noda Takeshi saw Takamori's cruel and bloodthirsty eyes, he knew that this arrangement was right. His Excellency Takamori Takashi was very satisfied, and he had already aroused bloodthirsty in his heart. At the same time, he pointed at Toshiaki Mukai Nodding.

"The sniper is in place!"

Seeing Noda Takeshi's movements, Mukai Toshiaki knew it was time to start, and immediately ordered.

Upon hearing the order, the ten snipers holding sniper rifles dispersed in an instant, divided into ten places and lay down, put the sniper rifles on the ground, put on the insurance at the same time, and waited for the firing order.

Looking at the ten snipers in front of them, the eyes of Takamori Takashi and Koi Soko Satoshi instantly lit up, and at the same time they thought in their hearts, snipers, what a rare unit, what a powerful and mysterious unit, but why do they have to How about not paying attention to the empire?
The maintenance president and the commander of the puppet army, Wang Yang, who saw this scene in the back, suddenly shrank their eyes, their hearts tightened suddenly, and their faces changed drastically. They had already thought of something when they saw this posture.

"These beasts!"

The commander of the puppet army, Wang Yang, cursed angrily in a low voice, then turned around and was about to leave.

But he was grabbed by Lu Yifan, who was also showing hatred, and whispered: "Calm down, it's too late now, you calm down!"

Hearing Lu Yifan's words, the commander of the puppet army, Wang Yang, narrowed his eyes again, clenched his teeth, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

No matter how great the grief is, he has to endure it now, there is no other way!
Seeing the motionless Wang Yang, Lu Yifan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Excellency, work on the telescope!"

Noda Takeshi handed the two binoculars in his hands to Colonel Takamori Takashi and Sora Koi respectively.


Xiao Takamori praised with a smile, then picked up the binoculars and began to observe the situation in the small depression.


Seeing that Colonel Takamori had picked up the binoculars to observe, Toshiaki Mukai cruelly gave the order to shoot!





Hearing the order, the devil sniper immediately pulled the trigger, and in an instant, ten deafening gunshots rang out.

In an instant, more than 30 innocent villagers in the small low-lying area had their heads shot through by sniper rifles and died tragically on the spot.

The penetration ability of the sniper rifle is too strong, and in a dense crowd, the lethality caused is too terrible.






Hearing the gunshots and seeing the tragic death of villagers next to them, the crowd became chaotic instantly. The adults screamed in despair, the babies and children cried helplessly, they screamed in horror, scattered and ran, and rushed towards the small depression. , They don't want to die, they have too many worries, but all of this has become a luxury, with the devil's heavy machine guns guarding them, how can they run down.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

"Tut, chug, chug..."


The heavy machine gunners on the small low-lying area immediately started shooting when they saw the villagers fleeing upwards, and the heavy machine guns began to shoot out flames.



"Cough cough..."


The screams sounded again, and a large number of villagers rushing forward fell down like cutting wheat. Some were even smashed into sieves by heavy machine guns, and others were beaten into several knots by heavy machine guns. It was too tragic. There were corpses everywhere, and blood splashed everywhere. In an instant, the blood completely stained the small depressions red.

This time, the heavy machine gun fire directly killed one-third of the villagers. The villagers who survived, seeing that there was no hope of escape, retreated to the bottom of the small depression.

If you go up, you will die, and if you come down, you will die. The crowd is completely shrouded in despair.

This time, not only the babies and teenagers were crying helplessly, but the adults also began to cry in despair. Their cries seemed so hesitant, helpless and desperate!
"Yoxi, Mukai-kun, Noda-kun, you guys are very good, very good, this reenactment of the Nanjing Massacre, I like it, I like it a lot, yours, let me, I found the massacre in Nanjing Feeling, haha!"

When Takamori saw a large number of villagers dying tragically, he laughed excitedly and bloodthirstyly, sweeping away the depression of failing in Zezhou County before, his laughter was so lawless, so insane!

"Not bad, not bad, mine, I already have a feeling of excitement in my heart!"

Sora Koi's expression at this time is also bloodthirsty, and he also likes the feeling of massacre very much, because that feeling is so beautiful, wonderful, addictive and enjoyable.

Lu Yifan and Wang Yang in the back all gritted their teeth tightly, their faces were ashen, and looked angrily at the little devils around them, at this group of conscienceless beasts, this group of conscienceless executioners.

The two of them have nothing to do now. They can only watch their brothers and sisters being slaughtered naked. They can only endure.

Afterwards, the two of them lowered their heads, not wanting to see the tragedy in front of them again!

"Your Majesty, have you seen this sword team? Theirs is named after your surname. It is the Eagle Sun Sword Team, which symbolizes the glory of you and our Great Japanese Empire. Next, you will enjoy the feast of killing. Bar!"

Toshiaki Mukai explained to Takamori with a cruel expression on his face. He looked at Takamori's increasingly excited face, and then yelled loudly: "Takanishi Sword Team, the warriors go!"

With a clang, the cold-faced Yingri Knife Squad soldier pulled out the command saber in his hand, his face instantly filled with bloodlust.

"Kill the chicken!"

"Kill the chicken!"


They shouted wildly and excitedly, raised the butcher's knife in their hands, and rushed towards the unarmed villagers below.



After seeing the executioners rushing down, the unarmed villagers scattered and fled again.

"Pfft... pfft..."

One knife fell, one by one fell, the scene was extremely tragic!
"Hahaha, my blood is burning to work, kill the chicken!"

Takamori Takamori and Sora Koi saw the rush of the imperial warriors, and couldn't bear the bloodthirsty excitement in their hearts any longer. They pulled out the command sabers in their hands and charged down.

Watching the slaughter of the warriors of the empire, how can I have the pleasure of killing with my own hands!
[Keep in mind the Nanjing Massacre, don't forget the national humiliation! 】

(End of this chapter)

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