Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 135 The Massacre of Colonel Takamori Takashi

Chapter 135 The Massacre of Colonel Takamori Takashi

Butcher, executioner, jackal, beast, beast!
No amount of words can describe the consciencelessness and cruelty of the little devils. They actually regard killing as a pleasure, and slaughtering unarmed people as a hobby.

The bloody scene of the Nanjing Massacre is repeated here. The beasts who lost their conscience once again raised their butcher knives and turned into executioners, wild beasts, and beasts. Their knives kept harvesting innocent lives. There are too many culpable crimes!
Invaders, they are trampling on the dignity of the people of the country, showing off their own powerful force, to prove their own strength by killing the weak, outright executioners, butchers with bloody hands, beasts with dirty souls!

Death, death, death!

Seeing Takamori Takashi and the warriors of the Takahito Squad fighting bravely in the small low-lying area and slaughtering the common people, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda laughed heartily. They thought that the war of aggression against China should be like this, all slaughtered cleanly , Let their people pay here.Mate, reproduce, and completely rule the land.

"Kill kill kill!!!"

At this time, Takamori Takamori and Sora Koi were already red-eyed, and their excited nerves led them to continue killing and killing, constantly waving the butcher knife in their hands.


The unarmed villagers were howling, screaming helplessly and desperately. They even thought in their hearts, can they open their eyes on this day, and see if the insane things these butchers are doing will come to pass? The heavens will punish these demons to death.

Of course, this is just their fantasy. If they were so innocent, how could such a terrible tragedy like the Nanjing Massacre happen.

Half an hour passed, and Takamori Takamori and Sora Koi, with red eyes and blood all over their bodies, retreated back with the exhausted Taka-Nichi Sword Team, although they were exhausted, but the murderous aura exuding from their bodies was very frightening people.

After such a long period of killing, massacre, there are only about one-third of the remaining villagers in the small low-lying area.

Howls everywhere, corpses everywhere!
"Huh, Yo Xi Yo Xi is so cool!"

Takamori took a deep breath and said after climbing up the small depression.

"Your Excellency, Commander, look, the remaining people, aren't they?"

Mukai Toshiaki came to Takamori Takashi's side with a smile, and asked doubtfully.


Hearing Mukai Toshiaki's words, Takamori licked the blood on his mouth, tasted the taste, a huge murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes, his tone was cruel, and he said with a grim face: "Machine guns, strafing, kill them all!"

"Yo Xi, thank you very much!"

Mr. Koi Sozo Taka Moritaka's opinion, he laughed in agreement.

After receiving the order, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda smiled at each other and nodded at the same time. Toshiaki Mukai took a step forward with a ferocious expression and ordered loudly: "Heavy machine gun, kill the chicken!"

"Heavy machine gun, kill the chicken!"

Noda Takeshi raised the command knife in his hand with a bloodthirsty and excited face, and swung it down violently while shouting.




The heavy machine gun started to spit out flames again, and the dense rain of bullets shot mercilessly at the remaining villagers in the small low-lying area.


The villagers who were shot by the bullets fell down one by one like cutting wheat in an instant, and the blood spattered continuously until they turned into a blood mist and completely enveloped the villagers.

Lu Yifan and Wang Yang in the back closed their eyes completely, their hearts were bleeding, they wished they could go up and kill the little devils now, but they knew in their hearts that they couldn't do that because they had more important things to do.

"Take care of your emotions, don't let the devils find anything abnormal!"

At this moment, Lu Yifan reminded Wang Yang in a low voice.

Hearing Lu Yifan's words, Wang Yang nodded, wiped off the blood stains on his lips, and took deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Mukai-kun, when are you going to work and attack Yangjiao Mountain?"

Takamori wiped the blood off his face with a snow-white towel, and asked suspiciously.

Looking at the snow-white towel stained red with blood, it was so shocking.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, the plan has been made. Five days later, my subordinates will launch a general attack on Yangjiao Mountain. At the same time, all forces in Lingchuan that do not submit to our Great Japanese Empire will be wiped out, and Lingchuan will be completely destroyed. It will become a territory truly controlled by our Great Japanese Empire."

Noda Takeshi replied respectfully to Colonel Takamori.

"Well, Yo Xi, mine, I will stay here to watch the battle and witness that you completely wiped out the stubborn armed forces of Yangjiao Mountain."

When Takamori heard Noda Takeshi's words, he nodded in satisfaction and made a decision to stay and watch the battle.

"In addition, I am very satisfied with the work of the Takahito Knife Team. I will give General Shouichi in the temple to ask you for the official title of the empire, so that you can truly become the sharp knives of our land empire and insert... In the hearts of the Chinese people, use the knives in your hands to completely control China for the Great Japanese Empire and clear away all obstacles."

Takamori said with a murderous look on his face.

His meaning is very obvious, that is to let the Eagle Ridge Squad wander around the major war zones and massacre all anti-Japanese forces.

"Thank you, Commander!"

"Thank you, Commander!"

Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda, when they heard that Takamori was going to report the Taka-nichi sword team to the commander-in-chief of the North China Devils, Toshiichi Terauchi, their hearts immediately became excited.

Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda knew very well what the result was reported to General Kotobuki in Terauchi, and that was the official title and their official promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Assistant, which is why they were so excited.

On the side, Sora Koi looked at Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda with envy in his eyes. He thought how much effort he had put in when he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, but he didn't expect that these two people in front of him were just preparing A massacre feast, a reenactment of the Nanjing Massacre, let Colonel Takamori take such pains to report to the commander-in-chief Toshiichi Terauchi, which made him very envious.


Accompanied by the cessation of the flames of the heavy machine gun, it means that this cruel killing has officially ended.

"I'm tired, go back to the city!"

Takamori Takamori heard the end of the gunshots, turned around and glanced at the small depression where there was no living person, and said.

"Hi Yi! Back to work in the city!"

Hearing that Grand Master Takamori was tired, Noda Takeshi hurried forward to help him, not disliking the blood on Takamori's body at all.

Toshiaki Mukai immediately issued an order to return to the city.

Afterwards, the team headed towards Lingchuan County, and the snipers followed closely behind, holding sniper rifles and the Yingri knife team who were stained with blood.

Lu Yifan and Wang Yang took a deep look at the tragic scene in the small depression, suppressed the pain in their hearts, turned their heads and left.

After the little devils left, the thick bloody aura suddenly soared up into the sky in the lonely low-lying area. Looking at the tragic scene, the helplessness in the pure eyes of babies and children, the nostalgia and love in the eyes of women with bulging belly. Unwilling...

(End of this chapter)

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