Chapter 136

Yangjiao Mountain, Dayangzhuang Camp.

At this time, Lei Zhan looked at the more than 1000 recruits and the returning wolf warriors with a smile, and nodded with satisfaction.

The return of Deputy Battalion Commander Yang Xingguo and others represents the first selection of new recruits, which is officially over. The more than 1000 recruits who have traveled through mountains and rivers to officially come here are all the best recruits in this batch of recruits. Similarly, they It is what Lei Zhan needs most.

The thirteen company commanders Zhang Jibing, Yang Xingguo, Lei Kangri, and Yang Jian stood beside Lei Zhan with smiles. Their hearts were excited and excited, because the recruits in front of them were all vital forces to revolutionize the lives of the devils. .

"Next, let me announce the appointment!"

Lei Zhan glanced at the soldiers below with a serious face, and said.

Now that the number of troops is sufficient, the first thing he needs to do is to replenish the organizational system and promote the establishment. Only by rational distribution and scientific training can the combat effectiveness of the Wolf Warriors be fully utilized.

Without a well-organized army, no matter how strong its individual ability is, the combat effectiveness of this army will definitely be low on the battlefield, and it will definitely be defeated by one blow.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the soldiers all looked solemn and raised their heads high. After all, this is a very important moment for an army.

"All the recruits are reported. The total number is 300. The original Wolf Warrior Company has 320 and 370 soldiers, and the [-]th Company has [-] and [-] soldiers, for a total of [-] soldiers.

Decision: The Wolf Warriors Group has four battalions, namely the Special War Battalion, the Sharp Knife Battalion, the Spike Battalion, and the Guard Battalion.

480. Special warfare battalion: [-] soldiers, belonging to [-] special warfare teams, each with [-] members.

Battalion Commander: Yang Fei

Deputy Battalion Commander: Yang Hu
Instructor: Yang Hongan

Tasks: infiltration behind enemy lines, pre-war infiltration, intelligence collection, rescue and assassination, beheading operations, etc.

480. Jiandao Battalion: [-] soldiers, belonging to the [-]st Company of Jiandao, [-]nd Company of Jiandao, [-]rd Company of Jiandao, and [-]th Company of Jiandao
Sharp Knife Battalion Commander: Yang Jian
Deputy Battalion Commander: Yang Zhi
Instructor: Yang Sheng
Mission: Kill and massacre the enemy, and use cruel combat methods to break the enemy's psychology.

480. Spike Battalion: [-] soldiers, belonging to the Sharpshooter Company, Machine Gun Company, Artillery Company, and Assault Company
Battalion Commander: Yang Jun

Deputy Battalion Commander: Yang Yun
Instructor: Yang Bin
Tasks: Sharpshooter with sniper kill, machine gun with artillery with fire suppression, assault with charge assault.

[-]. Guard battalion: [-] soldiers, belonging to three guard companies.

Battalion Commander: Yang Long

Deputy Battalion Commander: Yang Hai
Instructor: Yang Ling
Task: Temporary transfer, support battalions, guard regiment headquarters, etc.

After the allocation of personnel and the appointment of personnel, the training camp officially begins, led by the instructors, and the training begins. "

As Lei Zhan's order was fully issued, the entire Wolf Warriors began to move. He was the chief instructor in charge of the training, and Lei Kangri was the deputy instructor.

Anyway, the training schedules that have been arranged have already reached the hands of the battalion commanders and company commanders. They will supervise the training, and Lei Anti-Japanese will assist in training the soldiers. The role of Lei Zhan is to coordinate.

Seeing that the Wolf Warriors are on the right track, Lei Zhan finally heaved a sigh of relief. After all, there is still less than a month before the beginning of spring, which just left him a chance to train soldiers. Implemented, all the little devils in the Lingchuan County area will be wiped out, so that the people in the Lingchuan area can live a peaceful life as soon as possible.

At this moment, the recruit Xiao Zhang ran into the school field anxiously. After seeing Lei Zhan, his speed became faster.

Seeing Xiao Zhang's appearance, Lei Zhan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

The same is true for Zhang Jibing beside Lei Zhan. Seeing that the spring plan is about to start, he doesn't want any accidents to happen.

"Head, it's not good, something serious has happened. Look, this is news from the county."

When he came to Lei Zhan's side, Xiao Zhang didn't pay attention to Lianli, he was panting and said anxiously, and at the same time handed a note in his hand to Lei Zhan.

Hearing Xiao Zhang's words, Lei Zhan took the note in Xiao Zhang's hand with a serious face, and looked up with a frown.

"Little devil, I. Grass. You. Grandma!"

When Lei Zhan saw the content on the note, he immediately became furious, murderous aura surged in his chest, his eyes turned red instantly, and he wished he could choose someone to kill immediately.

"Teng Teng Teng!"

Seeing Lei Zhan's terrifying appearance and feeling the impact of the explosive murderous aura on Lei Zhan's body, Xiao Zhang stepped back with a pale face, squatted on the ground, and stared at Lei Zhan with a face full of fear.

He didn't expect that the always kind, amiable, and caring leader would have such a scary side, but after thinking about the things recorded in the note, he couldn't help it anymore, and began to cry in grief .

"What's wrong? Old Lei! What happened?"

Political commissar Zhang Jibing saw Lei Zhan's furious murderous intent and trembling body, he immediately felt something was wrong, and hurriedly asked.

But Lei Zhan didn't pay attention to him, he just stood there holding the note quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Zhang Jibing snatched the note and looked up, he really wanted to see what was written on the note that made Lei Zhan have such a big change.

However, when he saw the content on the note, he didn't feel much better, his eyes turned red instantly, and his whole body began to tremble.

Contents on the note:
"Commander Lei, yesterday, Gao Ping Commander Takamori Takashi came to Lingchuan County for inspection, but we didn't know that the two majors, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda, secretly arranged a special program for Commander Takamori Takamori, that is 'Reenacting the Nanjing Massacre'!
Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda secretly commanded more than a dozen bandit leaders in the Lingchuan area who had surrendered to the devil, and led the bandits to secretly assist the little devil in driving all the villagers from more than 20 villages into small towns outside Lingchuan County overnight. Among the low-lying.

The next day, after waiting for the arrival of Commander Takashi Takamori, a brutal massacre was carried out. During this period, heavy machine guns were fired, and Takashi Takamori led the Takashi knife team to massacre. I was unarmed. , all the fetuses in the womb were brutally slaughtered.

None of the villagers in more than 20 villages was spared, and the death toll totaled more than [-]!
I am deeply saddened, because I did not get the news in time, and indirectly caused this killing. Yifan is extremely guilty, and has lost the new position of Commander Lei. At that time, I will go to the small low-lying area to make atonement with death for more than [-] people.

In addition, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda decided to lead troops to attack Yangjiao Mountain five days later, and asked Battalion Commander Lei to make arrangements as soon as possible to kill the enemy, so as to comfort the souls of the more than [-] people who died tragically.

Signer: Sinner, Lu Yifan! "

"Little devil, I. Grass. Your grandma, ah...!"

Seeing the content on the note, Zhang Jibing's reaction was even more violent than Lei Zhan's. He grabbed the Eighth Route Army cap from his head, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and began to cry loudly.

More than [-] unarmed compatriots were brutally murdered by the little devils. His heart was aching. This kind of pain was like someone gouging out with a knife!
He blamed himself, he blamed himself extremely!

[Keep in mind the Nanjing Massacre, don't forget the national humiliation! 】

(End of this chapter)

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