Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 138 Devil's Movement

Chapter 138 Devil's Movement
"Sworn to kill the Japanese ghost! Blood debt paid in blood!"

When the soldiers heard Lei Zhan's words, they finally took a reassurance in their hearts, and roared passionately.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan ordered the soldiers to continue training, and he personally led the soldiers to join the training by setting an example.

Seeing that Lei Zhan was training with them, the soldiers began to work harder during the training, leaving a lot of sweat on the school field and in the back mountain.

Time flies, five days passed quietly like this.

Because of the killing of more than [-] innocent villagers, the soldiers were completely inspired to fight. They put in [-]% effort in every training, breaking their limits every day to break through themselves.

Every soldier is like that howling wolf cub, wishing to spend every second in training, wishing to use 1 minute as 10 minutes, they always feel that time is not enough, and they are working harder to improve own fighting power.

Not only the soldiers, in the past few days, Lei Zhan and the battalion commanders and company commanders all participated in the training camp, and Lei Zhan even gave them special training. The soldiers served as sparring partners in person, and after these five days, they and the recruits had made great progress, it could even be said that the progress was sky-defying.

The recruits who were originally thin, now all have muscle lines on their bodies, and they are full of explosive power. Their physical fitness has completely surpassed the special forces trained by Lei Zhan in his previous life. What they lack is, Combat experience on the battlefield, of course, is not a problem at all. In this era, is there a lack of war?

Of course, what supported the soldiers' tireless training was the liquid medicine recorded in the "Shen Nong Treasure Book". If there was no liquid medicine, the iron man would have been trained to death during such tireless training.

Therefore, Lei Zhan is now very eager to find the "Shen Nong Pharmacopoeia", because the liquid medicine recorded on it and the Tiger Blood Wolf Power that Mo Xuan gave him complement each other and complement each other, greatly stimulating the value of the two, but it is disappointing. Yes, now Lei Zhan has no clue about it.

The soldiers frantically and assiduously squeezed the limits of their bodies, and strengthened themselves to fight by all means, in order to wipe out all the little devils in the fifth day of the battle, to avenge the blood of more than [-] civilians who died tragically, and to comfort more than [-] innocent people The souls of the people died.

The camp, the school field, Lei Zhan and the soldiers all gathered here early in the morning on the fifth day. The soldiers were fully armed and fighting spirit was high.

Among them, the Sharp Knife Battalion led by Yang Jian is the most dazzling, all of them are carrying shining machetes, they need to drink the blood of the enemy, and completely release the hatred in their hearts on the little devils.

"Reporting to the head of the group, all the people have entered the cellar, and the livestock and poultry have also been properly placed."

Lei Zhan was looking at the assembled soldiers in front of him on the school grounds, when a soldier ran to report to him.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, there is news from the reconnaissance platoon that the devils in Lingchuan County have been dispatched. According to the strength of the troops, there is one devil brigade and three devil squadrons."

As soon as this soldier arrived, another soldier quickly ran into the school field, came to Lei Zhan with a serious face and reported.

The important military situation finally arrived. Hearing the soldier's report, Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and other leaders and the soldiers below all showed bloodthirsty smiles.

The opportunity has finally come, vowing to kill the Japanese ghosts, the time has come to pay blood debts, they will kill all the little devils who will attack in the future.

"Yang Jun!"


Hearing Lei Zhan's shout, Yang Jun walked out of the queue with a serious and excited face, and saluted Lei Zhan.

"You take the Wolf Fang Battalion to the Black Tiger Mountain Station and wait for the fighter!"

Lei Zhan started to make a pre-war deployment. He wanted to be foolproof and kill all the invading devils in Yangjiao Mountain.

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

After receiving the order, Yang Jun turned around and led the soldiers of the Wolf Fang Battalion to quickly drive towards Heihu Mountain.

"Yang Long!"


Yang Long went out and waited for orders.

Lei Zhan ordered again: "You deploy the guard battalion, set up machine guns on both sides of Yangjiao Mountain, and wait for the fighter!"

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

Yang Long received the order and set off with the guard battalion.

"The Special Operations Battalion is on standby and dispatched at any time to deal with emergencies. The Sharp Knife Battalion will kill all the little devils who enter the Yangjiao Mountain, especially the Yingri Knife Squad. When they see it, they will completely wipe it out for me."

The deployment of Lei Zhan was completed, and the soldiers who received the order moved quickly, stood on their posts, and waited for the arrival of the little devils.

For this battle, Lei Zhan is very sure. After all, he has already known the enemy's movements in advance. He is in the first place and has fully prepared the countermeasures. He is determined to wipe out the little devil in Yangjiao Mountain to comfort the little low More than [-] innocent people died tragically.

Ten miles away from Yangjiao Mountain, a convoy was moving fast.

This time, there were no black cars in the convoy, but the laughter of Takamori Takashi was heard continuously from the truck in the middle.

Inside this truck, it has been completely remodeled into a combat command room. Osa Takamori, Nakasa Koi Sora, Major Mukai Toshiaki, Noda Takeshi, and the two captains and staff officers are talking happily inside, their faces showing from time to time. Cruel smile.

"Your Excellency, when you arrive at Yangjiao Mountain, I will let you see the scene similar to the Nanjing massacre again. I promise that the Yingri Sword Team will kill all the stubborn militants in Yangjiao Mountain and the Chinese people inside. All the pig villagers were slaughtered, and no one was left to work."

Mukai Toshiaki sat beside him with a cruel expression, and he kept reassuring Mr. Takamori Takao.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Mukai Toshiaki's words, Takamori Takashi, Koi Sokakasa, and the rest of the war room began to laugh loudly. The scenes of the Nanjing Massacre all appeared in their minds. Thinking of the Nanjing Massacre, they A bloodthirsty pleasure appeared on his ferocious face.

"Yoxi, there is no grass, no living things. What our Great Japanese Empire needs is a quiet and non-resistance rule. All stubborn rebels will die!"

Takamori Takashi reminded Toshiaki Mukai with a cruel laugh.


On the side, Sosaku Koi heard Sato Takamori's words, his face was satisfied, and he nodded in agreement.

"Hey, follow the orders of Your Excellency, the subordinates will let the Yangjiao Mountain work, not a single blade of grass will grow, and they will all die!"

Hearing the words of Commander Takamori Takashi, the two majors, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda, stood up immediately and made a promise respectfully.

What they didn't know was that Lei Zhan had already made preparations to annihilate them and was just waiting for them to drill in.

(End of this chapter)

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