Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 139 The Charge After the Shelling

Chapter 139 The Charge After the Shelling
On Yangjiao Mountain, the soldiers are all standing in battle in their positions, waiting for the order to attack.

Half an hour later, the devil convoy finally appeared three miles away from Yangjiao Mountain.

At this time, Lei Zhan was on the hillside behind the camp ground, observing with a telescope, and saw the devil convoy appearing through the telescope, a smile appeared on Lei Zhan's face.

Lei Zhan was surrounded by Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian, Yang Fei, Lei Kangri and others, and at the bottom of the hillside were soldiers from the Sharp Knife Battalion and the Special Operations Battalion.


Zhang Jibing also saw the little devil's convoy through the binoculars, and said with a serious face.

Hearing the words of political commissar Zhang Jibing, Lei Kangri embraced Lei Kangri, who had seized the devil's command knife, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and a cruel smile appeared on his face. He had been waiting for this day for a long time, and today finally came. He was very excited in his heart.
Yang Jian clenched the machete in his hand at this time, and he licked his lips with excitement. He felt the blood in his body start to burn, and his fighting spirit rose. He wished he could rush into the enemy group now and kill him.

"Yang Fei, you immediately take the soldiers of the special warfare battalion to the village, enter each household to light the pots and stoves, and then hurry back."

Lei Zhan suddenly issued an order at this time.


Yang Fei received the order and quickly ran towards the village with the soldiers of the special warfare battalion to carry out the order issued by Lei Zhan.

Watching Yang Fei leave, Lei Zhan began to observe again.

Lei Zhan did not make a plan to take the initiative to ambush the little devils. After all, most of the soldiers are still recruits, although the recruits have been trained and their combat effectiveness has greatly increased.

However, if you have never been on the battlefield, you have seen the scene of real artillery bombardment, and the tragic scene where your comrades around you were blown to pieces, you cannot be regarded as a qualified soldier, because no matter how strong a soldier is, seeing his comrades around him being bombed to death, When they are blown to pieces, they are likely to have a mental breakdown and lose their combat effectiveness, which will lead to the defeat of the war.

Therefore, Lei Zhan chose a safe plan this time, waiting for work at ease, and encircling and annihilating the little devils. In this way, it can not only ensure the victory of the battle, but also ensure the safety of the recruits and soldiers, and also increase their battlefield experience.

Beyond Yangjiao Mountain.


The Little Devils convoy stopped 300 meters away from the entrance of Yangjiao Mountain.

Afterwards, Colonel Takamori Takashi led Koi Sora and the officers in the car, and got off the car.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of little devils jumped off the truck and quickly gathered in the open space next to the convoy.

Takamori took the telescope handed over by Toshiaki Mukai, and began to observe the terrain and the situation within the Yangjiao Mountain.

Xiaojing Cangkong was also observing the terrain within Yangjiao Mountain.

Through the binoculars, the two saw smoke coming from the chimneys in the village, almost every household, and a cruel smile appeared on their faces. The smoke from the chimneys meant that the diehards inside were cooking. When they do, their raid plan will go very smoothly.

Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi, the two majors, waited with a smile on the side.

5 minute later.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers are ready to work. Look, is it possible to attack!"

Mukai Toshiaki came to the side of Takamori Takahashi respectfully, and asked for instructions.

Kazuo Koi Soo already showed anticipation on the sidelines, killing, he likes it.

"Yoshi, Mukai-kun, you and Noda-kun are the commanders of this war, and I and Xiaojing-kun are here to observe the battlefield. Therefore, the war plan and your arrangements are mine. I don't care. Watching the show and enjoying the work of the fireworks, haha!"

Takamori Colonel Takamori laughed and said.

This brutal guy has already regarded this battle as a show, and the artillery fire as fireworks.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing that Grand Master Takamori had handed over the command to the two of them, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda immediately bowed and saluted with satisfaction.

Then Toshiaki Mukai came to the front of the Imperial Warriors and began to issue combat orders.

"Snipers, go to the commanding heights of the back mountain and snipe and kill all the people who appear in the villages in the mountain."

Ten snipers received the order and immediately ran towards the commanding height of the mountain behind Yangjiao Mountain with the ammunition hand.

"Order, work under artillery fire!"

Immediately, Noda Takeshi issued another order.

"Tap Tap!"

As soon as Noda Takeshi's order was issued, forty or fifty little devils came out of the team. Their hands and backs were all mortar parts.

These forty or fifty little devils came to the open space in front, and in less than a minute, they all assembled the mortars, and then seventeen or eight little devils came over carrying the shell boxes, and put the mortar placed next to the mortars.

"Kill the chicken!"

Noda Takeshi laughed excitedly and cruelly, and swung down the command saber in his hand.

After hearing the order, the devil mortar soldiers immediately took out the mortar shells in the ammunition box and began to load them.

"Bang bang bang..."

Immediately afterwards, mortar shells whizzed one after another and bombarded towards Yangjiao Mountain.




In an instant, there was a big explosion in the villages in Yangjiao Mountain, and the houses were destroyed and shattered one by one.


Takamori Takashi and Kokakasa Koi who saw this scene through the binoculars burst out laughing to express the joy in their hearts.

The mountain behind the school grounds.

Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing, Lei Kangri and others looked at this scene with calm expressions. If they hadn't received the news before that the little devil was coming to attack Yangjiao Mountain, they would have been bombed for several rounds so suddenly, and the villagers would have formed Huge casualties, or even complete death.

Fortunately, the villagers who have already moved, those who entered the cellar, have not been implicated in any way.

Outside the Yangjiao Mountain, the devils' camp.

After three rounds of shelling, the little devil stopped bombing.

All the officers present looked at the scene in front of them with satisfaction, and they thought at the same time that the fireworks were very beautiful.

"In the front, two squadrons lead the way, in the middle, the work of the Imperial Warrior Eagle Sun Sword Team, in the back, a squadron works, quickly, sweeping work, no one stays, all die Come on, give me the killing opportunity!"

After the artillery bombardment, Toshiaki Mukai immediately issued an order to charge.

"Kill the chicken!"

"Kill the chicken!"


In an instant, the little devils who heard the order rushed towards the Yangjiao Mountain. They needed massacres to prove their bravery, and they needed honor to enjoy the honor brought by the massacre.

"Yoxi, you arranged it, it's great!"

Seeing the Hawk Nichidao team on the field, Colonel Takashi Takamori immediately praised him.

But what these little devils didn't notice was that in the mountain forest on both sides of the entrance of Yangjiao Mountain, dozens of icy muzzles had slowly poked out and aimed at them!
(End of this chapter)

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