Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 140 The Massacre After the Charge

Chapter 140 The Massacre After the Charge
The little devils who rushed into Yangjiao Mountain raised their guns and drew out their bloody butcher knives.

Their ferocious faces were grinning ferociously, and the butcher knives in their hands had already been raised, ready to kill again, cruelly.

Behind the campsite.

Lei Zhan looked at the little devils rushing in, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Zhang Jibing's serious face also revealed a bloodthirsty look.

When Lei Kangri saw the little devils charging, he smiled cruelly and drew out the Japanese sword in his hand.

Yang Jian and Yang Fei are ready to attack, their blood is burning, and their chests are full of fighting spirit.

They are all waiting for Lei Zhan to issue an attack order, and they are ready!


At this time, the little devils who charged into Yangjiao Mountain were all dumbfounded. They charged all the way, but they didn't see a living person, not even a mouse.

In this way, a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

They kept rushing, kept rushing, rushed all the way to Dayang Village, until they entered the camp, but they didn't find a single person or a living thing.

At this time, the little devils had already realized something, but without the order of the officer, they could only keep charging, and they could not stop.

Behind the campsite.

Lei Zhan looked at the little devils who were already close at hand, and the smile on his face became stronger, but when this kind of smile was seen, he would only feel cold all over his body.

"Fight, my soldiers, cut off all the little devil's heads, and come to pay homage to our more than [-] innocent compatriots who died, kill!"

Seeing the little devils who had already entered the school grounds, Lei Zhan immediately issued an order, instantly picked up the machete in his hand, and rushed towards the little devils with the sharp knife battalion and the special warfare battalion.

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

Five squadrons, more than a thousand little devils, just entered the school grounds, and immediately felt a suffocating murderous aura coming towards them. Immediately, they saw a large number of Chinese armed forces rushing towards them. The big knife, the light machine gun that kills people at will.

They are a pack of wolves, a pack of wolves born to fight.

"Kill the chicken!"

At this time, it was too late for the little devils to shoot, because Lei Zhan had already led the soldiers to their side and rushed into their team. They could only raise the bayonets in their hands and start to attack, even They didn't even have time to follow the Bushido spirit, and they didn't even have time to withdraw the bullets.

At this moment, a large number of little devils who were charging ahead were chopped down to the ground by Lei Zhan and the soldiers.

The knife in Lei Zhan's hand opened wide and wide, vertically and horizontally, killing several little devils with one knife. Wherever he passed, little devils died one after another, and corpses were everywhere.

The Japanese saber in Lei Kangri's hand stabs out at a particularly weird angle every time, and his knife skills follow a tricky path, which makes it impossible for the little devils to guard against them, and they are beheaded one by one by his weird angle of piercing. .

Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and the others led the soldiers to blaze a trail of blood. They quickly reaped the little devil's life.




The roar of the soldiers shook the sky!

The little devil's head flew up among the crowd, and then was trampled under the soles of his feet by the soldiers.

Where the war wolf passed by, blood flowed like a river, and corpses were everywhere, and there was not a single complete body.




The four hundred little devils in the two squadrons that were charging in front were beheaded by Lei Zhan and the soldiers in large numbers. The little devil was so courageous that he dropped the gun in his hand in fright, howling and calling for his mother, and started running backwards desperately.

"Haha, comrades, kill me, the little devils have been scared out of their wits!"

Lei Zhan saw the [-] or so little devils in front of him start crying and running away, he laughed heartily, and rushed to kill them quickly. The little devils in front of him were split in half by him, and their corpses were accompanied by blood. Constantly splashing, constantly dyeing the road under your feet.

"Haha... kill!"

After the soldiers heard Lei Zhan's words, they swung the knives more vigorously, drinking the blood of the enemy and slaughtering the little devils. They liked this feeling.

"Bagaya Road!"

The little devils of the eagle and Japanese sword team in the middle, when they saw the crying father and mother screaming and fleeing back and the imperial warriors who had been killed in large numbers, suddenly became furious, pulled out the Japanese sword in their hands, and pointed at Lei Zhan Come on with the soldiers.

"Comrades, they are the bastard knife squad that slaughtered more than [-] innocent compatriots, kill them hard!"

Seeing the knife team rushing in front of him, Lei Zhan immediately recognized their identities, his murderous aura erupted in his heart, he roared and rushed towards the beast knife team, he wanted to kill all the executioners in front of him, all of them kill!
Hearing Lei Zhan's roar, the soldiers instantly split the little devil in front of them, and rushed towards the beast knife team with murderous aura.

Outside Yangjiao Mountain, the devils' camp.

"Bagaya Road! It turned out to be their work, Baga!"

At this time, Colonel Takamori, who was watching the battle with a telescope in front of the car, became furious after seeing the scene in Yangjiao Mountain. He didn't expect that he would meet the big Japanese who slaughtered them in Zezhou County last time. That arm of the imperial warriors,

He was shocked when he saw this armed force. He was too impressed with the Wolf Warriors. In his eyes, they were a group of real demons, real gods of killing. In the hands of gods and demons, they are slaughtering like chickens, and there is no single enemy at all.

He didn't expect that the demon-killing team was the armed forces hidden in the Yangjiao Mountain. Seeing the imperial warriors being slaughtered continuously, his heart was bleeding, but thinking of the Eagle Sun Sword Team, his heart felt better. He hoped that the incomparably brave eagle and sun knife team could completely slaughter this demon-killing team.

"Baga, who's doing that, you're so brave!"

Xiaojing Cangkong saw the imperial warriors being chased and slaughtered through the binoculars, and the people behind them with big knives were shocked. He didn't expect that there were such powerful soldiers among the pigs in China. A mighty warrior.

Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda at the side trembled when they saw Takamori Takashi and Sokusao Koi who got angry. He turned around twice, picked up the binoculars on the staff officer next to him, and observed the battlefield in Yangjiao Mountain.

It doesn't matter, Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi's backs immediately broke out in a lot of cold sweat. The two of them were completely stunned. They didn't expect that the warriors among the imperial elite troops would be slaughtered by the weak China pigs , and it was as simple as killing a chicken, the two of them were suddenly shocked.

In Yangjiao Mountain, the battlefield.



The soldiers were fighting with high spirits, and they joined forces in the team of little devils, and a large number of little devils turned into corpses in their hands!

(End of this chapter)

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