Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 141 The Sniper Shot in the Massacre

Chapter 141 The Sniper Shot in the Massacre
Within the Yangjiao Mountain, the battlefield.

Lei Zhan and the soldiers showed no mercy to the beast knife team that appeared in front of them. They tried their best to slash down the machetes in their hands.

Originally, the bloodthirsty animal sword team came to Lei Zhen and the soldiers with great bravery, but when they had just come into contact with Lei Zhan and the soldiers, they found that their thinking was terribly wrong Very wrong.

Because they found that the power on the Chinese sword in front of them was simply too powerful, and they were simply invincible. As soon as they met each other, they were cut off by the Chinese sword in an instant. , or the head flew up.

"Haha, the Brutal Knife Team, it's a thing that can't control itself!"

"Weaker than a chicken, haha..."


Lei Zhan led the soldiers to start a one-sided massacre in an instant. Wherever they passed, the heads of little devils flew up one after another, and the blood column shot up to the sky. The scene was very spectacular.

Outside Yangjiao Mountain, the devils' camp.

"Bagaya Road! The conscience of the Chinese people is so bad that they dare to slaughter our warriors of the Japanese Empire like this. They, do you think they are killing chickens, ah, kill chickens, kill chickens for me! "

Seeing his favorite Takahito Knife being massacred like a chicken by the Chinese people, Colonel Takamori immediately felt that his whole body was not well, and he started to growl like a mad dog again.


Xiaojing Cangkong saw the one-sided massacre scene through the binoculars, he held the binoculars tightly with both hands, his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water, he really did not expect that the invincible Great Japan on the Chinese battlefield It was a precedent for the warriors of the empire to be slaughtered like chickens here, but it was the first time for the Imperial Japanese Army, and he was furious.

"Kill the chicken and give it, kill the chicken and give it!"

Seeing Takamori Takashi and Koi Sokakasa, Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi, who were angry, immediately gave the order to charge, and they were really terrified in their hearts. They were afraid that Takamori Takashi would settle accounts.

"Kill the chicken!"

After hearing the order, the little devil soldiers rushed out of three squadrons, and the strength of more than [-] people, like mad dogs, charged towards the Yangjiao Mountain.

"Tut, chug, chug...!"

"Tut, chug, chug...!"


At this moment, on the peaks on both sides of Yangjiao Mountain, the cold barrel that was originally exposed suddenly erupted with death-like flames, and started shooting at the charging little devil and Takamori Takao and other officers.



In an instant, the little devils who charged forward like mad dogs howled miserably, and large pieces fell down, even Takamori Takashi and Koi Sokakasa were implicated at the same time.

Takamori Takashi, who was yelling wildly, was suddenly hit by a bullet in the chest, his yelling stopped abruptly, the binoculars in his hands fell to the ground immediately, and he fell down straight, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Your Majesty!"

Seeing Takamori being shot down to the ground, Sora Koi suddenly became anxious and hurried to Colonel Takamori Takamori's side.

Seeing the pale and motionless Colonel Takamori, and the blood continuously gushing from his chest, Sora Koi immediately picked Takamori up in his arms and ran towards the truck. He dared not delay, if Takako Takamori died here Well, no one here can bear this responsibility, and they will even be sent to a military court, because Takamori Takahashi has an older brother, and his older brother is not easy in Japan.

"Retreat work, retreat!"

When Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi saw Takamori Takashi who fell to the ground, their faces immediately turned pale. They knew that even if Takamori Takada was fine, the two of them would be cruelly punished by Takataka Takamori. Da Zuo's cruel method made the two of them feel a chill all of a sudden, and they both shivered.

Without any hesitation, the two immediately issued an order to retreat. Now the top priority is not the Yangjiao Mountain, but the safety of Takamori Takashi.


Suddenly, Noda Takeshi, who was retreating, fell to the ground, and a bullet shot into his calf.

"Ah! Bagaya Road!"

After Noda Takeshi fell to the ground, he felt the pain from his calf, and immediately yelled.

Seeing his good friend Takeshi Noda was shot and fell to the ground, Toshiaki Mukai helped him up and quickly evacuated.
After hearing the order, the charging little devils retreated in embarrassment after leaving a large number of corpses at the entrance of Yangjiao Mountain. This time they charged, they lost more than a squadron of troops.


Amidst the roar, the little devils convoy retreated in embarrassment. They suffered a heavy loss this time, and the more important thing was that Colonel Takamori Takashi was alive or dead!

Within the Yangjiao Mountain, the battlefield.




In the battlefield, the devils howled miserably and ran away in all directions, wishing that their parents would lose a few legs and run desperately.

Lei Zhan led the soldiers excitedly holding up their big knives and slashing continuously. At this time, their whole bodies were stained red with blood, and they were soaked in blood.

Where they came to kill, there is a bloody road straight, and the bloody road is full of the corpses, internal organs, and heads of the little devils!
"Bang bang bang...!"

"Bang bang bang..."

Suddenly, a harsh and very special gunshot sounded.

"Puff puff……"

Immediately afterwards, ten soldiers in a row had their skulls shattered and fell to the ground.

More than a dozen soldiers who fought bloody battles were killed by headshots, so suddenly.

This scene stunned many fighters who were fighting!

"Sniper! I'm a grass-mud-horse kid!"

Hearing the sound of the gunshot, Lei Zhan roared angrily. He recognized it. It was a familiar yet unfamiliar sound. It was the sound of an authentic sniper rifle. Looking at the dead soldiers, Lei Zhan didn't expect that the little devil had appeared to sniper. Hand, this is something he didn't expect.

While chasing and killing the devil, the moment when the sniper gun went off echoed in Lei Zhan's mind. After a while, he confirmed the hiding place of the little devil's sniper, and immediately Lei Zhan roared.

"Yang Fei, you, mother, go to the XXX direction of the back mountain, and find all the snipers of the little devil, **** mother!"

"set off!"

Yang Fei and Yang Hu have been hiding in the village with the special warfare battalion, following the footsteps of Lei Zhan and the bloody fighters, preventing special situations from happening, and can receive orders from Lei Zhan at any time.

After hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Fei and Yang Hu immediately set off with the soldiers of the special warfare battalion, concealed their figures, and rushed towards the location reported by Lei Zhan, they were going to hunt down the little devil who was hiding in the dark hand, to avenge the dead warriors.

"Brothers, run and kill, don't worry about it, kill me hard, kill all the little devils!"

Lei Zhan once again roared with killing intent!
(End of this chapter)

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