Chapter 142
The soldiers who heard Lei Zhan's order began to alternately run back and forth to slash and kill the devils.

The soldiers who were stimulated by the death of their comrades became even more bloodthirsty, and they all used [-]% of their strength to greet the little devil fiercely.


Lei Zhan split the little devil in front of him with a knife, and looked up at the entrance of Yangjiao Mountain. He heard the gunshots stopped at the entrance. It should be the end of the battle, but he doesn't know how many devils are left behind. I don't know if there are any Leave those commanders behind.

Lei Zhan was thinking about it, but the knife in his hand didn't stop, he swung it at a gallop, slashing with all his might.




The little devils at this moment are really calling their father and mother, they are too scared, are those people with big knives behind them human?They are not humans, they are demons, and they are killing gods.

As long as it is a little devil who runs slowly, or falls to the ground because of running too fast, he will be hacked, killed and dismembered by the chasing soldiers soon.

This is the punishment for the evildoers. Since you can't open your eyes this day, let the righteous raise the law enforcement knives in their hands and judge and kill all the wicked.

"Hurry up, I'm about to escape, hurry up!"

At this moment, I don't know which little devil yelled, and the rest of the little devils raised their heads and looked forward. Suddenly, great hope burst out from their eyes full of despair. They saw the light in front of them, The footsteps under his feet ran forward even faster.

Ahead, they have reached the exit of Yangjiao Mountain. The little devils think that as long as they can escape, they will be able to gather with the large forces outside. At that time, it is time for them to wash away the shame of the imperial warriors.

There were even cruel smiles on the faces of some little devils. They wanted to take revenge, and they wanted to take revenge on the demon killers behind them, smashing them to pieces, and washing away their shame.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the little devils fleeing to the exit of Yangjiao Mountain, Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing, Lei Kangri and others burst into laughter, because the exit ahead is now all their people, and the little devils are the real ones this time. The self-inflicted trap, really looking for death.

The little devils were running hard, and they felt that the footsteps of the demon killers chasing them had slowed down. In an instant, they thought that the people behind must know that there is an imperial army ahead, and they are afraid. I dare not chase forward.

Thinking of such little devils, their faces became even more ferocious, and they reached the exit of Yangjiao Mountain in a short while, and some little devils even rushed out of Yangjiao Mountain laughing wildly.

"Haha, long live the Great Japanese Empire, Chinese pigs, all of you are dead!"

But as the little devils rushed out, their rampant yelling stopped abruptly.

What did they see? There was devastation in front of them, and there was a dead silence. All of them were the corpses of the warriors of the land empire. Most of these corpses were mutilated corpses. Several crows and wild dogs are licking and eating.

There are still shadows of their Imperial Japanese Army in front of them, all of which are gone. This huge gap hit their hearts fiercely, and the hope that rose in their hearts turned into despair again in an instant.

"Kshatriya, why?"


At this moment, all the little devils who escaped knelt on the ground crying, they couldn't believe it, they couldn't believe that the empire had abandoned them.

At this moment, all the little devils all knelt down, and this scene seemed like they were confessing.

As Lei Zhan and others stopped, the last little devil ran out of Yangjiao Mountain, and the sound of machine guns on both sides of Yangjiao Mountain rang out again like tongues of flame, playing the movement of death in an instant.

"Thumbs up..."


In an instant, the more than two hundred little devils who were crying and kneeling on the ground all burst out with blood spray, and in a short while, they were covered by the blood mist that rose from the spray.

After a while, the machine gunfire stopped, and there was no longer a living kid on the spot. They paid the due price for the evil things they did.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the sound of the sniper rifle sounded again, and several soldiers were sniped on the spot in an instant.

"Hurry up and hide, he. Damn, what is Yang Fei doing for food!"

Lei Zhan saw a few more soldiers fell to the ground and was sniped, he immediately roared and hid to the side.

The soldiers had already begun to hide when the sniper guns sounded and the comrades fell to the ground.

"Da da da da...!"

As soon as Lei Zhan and the soldiers hid their figures, fierce gunshots began to sound from the back mountain.

The gunfire lasted for less than a minute, then stopped abruptly and calm was restored.

Hearing the gunshots stopped, Lei Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, now Yang Fei and the Special Forces should have taken down the devil sniper.

Lei Zhan understands very well that a sniper's role on the battlefield, as long as he is not discovered by the enemy, then the sniper is the real ghost and god of death on the battlefield. They are almost invincible on the battlefield.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan became happy in his heart, why, because after killing the sniper, the sniper rifle in the sniper's hand was his, the Wolf Warriors'.

Lei Zhan has long thought about forming a real sniper team, but without a real sniper rifle, if he uses a [-] cover, it will not be able to achieve the real effect of a sniper. A sniper without a sniper rifle is at most top-notch It's just a sharpshooter. On the main battlefield, the effect of a sharpshooter can't catch up with a real sniper, and it's even far worse.

"Assemble, clean the battlefield!"

5 minutes passed, without any abnormality, Lei Zhan got up and ordered.

At the same time, the soldiers ambushing on both sides of Yangjiao Mountain also came down, their faces were full of smiles, because the fruits of war were too great.

After all, most of the soldiers who participated in the ambush were recruits. Seeing the great victory, they were excited. This excitement had suppressed their fear of blood.

Lei Zhan watched the new recruits go through this battle, take off the immaturity on their faces, and overcome the fear in their hearts, and he was also happy for them in his heart.

Only a soldier who has seen blood and personally experienced war can be considered a real and qualified soldier!

"Reporting to the head, my machine gun platoon has successfully completed the task, please give instructions!"

Yang Zhongye, the leader of the machine gun platoon, led the soldiers to Lei Zhan, and saluted and reported, but he was serious and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

"Okay, comrades, you successfully completed the task, this battle, I will give you the first credit!"

Without hesitation, Lei Zhan began to praise and praise the soldiers of the machine gun platoon.

"Clap clap..."

"Da da……"


Suddenly, from the direction of Heihu Mountain, there was intense gunfire!
(End of this chapter)

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