Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 143 Ambush Battle

Chapter 143 Ambush Battle

After fleeing Yangjiao Mountain, the Devil convoy rushed towards Lingchuan County. They had to speed up and seize every second, because Colonel Takamori was seriously injured. life.

If Grand Master Takamori really died in Lingchuan County, the consequences would be disastrous, and all those who participated in the battle today would be implicated.

"Bagaya Road!"


Inside the carriage, Xiaojing Cangkong was furious, he kept roaring, and slapped the blushing faces of Jing Minming and Noda Takeshi, he wished to kill these two stupid pigs in front of him. What the hell is the plan? It was ambushed by the Chinese pig. Is this a plan to annihilate the warriors of the empire?

"Hi Yi!"

The two majors, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda, who were slapped, did not dare to take a breath, because the two of them knew the consequences of this. If Master Takamori died, neither of them would be able to bear the responsibility. So the two dared not resist.

Seeing Takamori Takashi who was pale and even trembling beside him, fear flashed across Koi Soku's eyes, then he turned around and roared again.

"Mukai Toshiaki, Noda Takeshi, you two utter idiots, your good plan, your good plan, idiots, utter idiots, Baga...!"

"Da da da!"



Before Koi could yell, there was a sudden burst of gunfire outside, and the convoy came to a halt with a screeching sound.


Takamori Takashi, who was lying on the stretcher, was suddenly thrown off the stretcher by the inertia of the truck.


Takamori Takashi fell to the ground and suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood. His face became paler and his body trembled more violently. The wound on his chest, which was bandaged with white gauze, once again overflowed with a lot of blood.

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing Colonel Takamori who was vomiting blood again and his injuries worsened, Koi Kozoro roared angrily again, turned his head and said to the medical soldier, "Your, I'm going to work on bandaging for Your Excellency again."

"Hi Yi!"

When the two medical soldiers heard the order, they immediately started to act.

"Mukai Toshiaki, yours is here to watch the work of the Colonel, and mine, take this stupid pig Noda Takeshi to annihilate the enemy!"

Koi Sora ordered.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing that he was staying in the car, Toshiaki Mukai was inexplicably relieved, and at the same time, a trace of red flashed in his eyes.

"Kill the chicken!"

With a loud cry, Koi jumped out of the truck with a somewhat reluctant Noda Takeshi, and went to observe the battle situation.


Just as Xiaojing Sokong walked away, Mukai Minming touched his swollen face and cursed loudly. He didn't expect Xiaojing Sokong, a bastard, to strike so hard that his face was almost swollen. .

Thinking of this, his heart became even more angry. What he didn't know was that his eyes had already started to turn red.

"Your Excellency Major, we need to go to the combat readiness truck to get the medicine. I hope you can take care of your Excellency, and you must not let him fall off the stretcher."

The medical soldier looked at Toshiaki Mukai and said.

"You guys, hurry up and go back to work!"

When Mukai Toshiaki heard the words of the two medical soldiers, a flash of excitement flashed in his heart, and he told the two medical soldiers.

Then the two medics left.


After the two medical soldiers left, Toshiaki Mukai came to Takamori Takashi's stretcher with red eyes, his eyes with complicated eyes fixed on the pale face of Takamori Takashi, a wicked smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he looked up. He walked towards Colonel Takamori Takamori.



After Toshiaki Mukai came to Colonel Takamori, he stretched out his hand and got two big mouths. How could he beat these two big mouths?

Afterwards, Toshiaki Mukai squatted down with a cruel and happy face, raised his palm and pressed it hard. On the chest of Takamori Takashi, who was constantly overflowing with blood, he suddenly pressed down hard.


What Mukai Toshiaki didn't expect was that Takamori Takashi suddenly let out a pain, opened his eyes suddenly, and fixed his eyes on Mukai Toshiaki.

Mukai Toshiaki saw the eyes of Takamori Takashi staring at him, and he regained his composure instantly after being controlled by reason, and then his heart was filled with great fear, and then he knelt down on the ground with a plop, and began to beg for mercy loudly:

"Your Majesty, my subordinates are bandaging you. They are bandaging you. I accidentally hurt your work. Please forgive me!"

Mukai Minming knelt on the ground and kowtowed like pounding garlic, begging for mercy anxiously and fearfully, he had already come to his senses at this moment, and was terrified of what he did when he was angry.

However, what puzzled him was that Takamori Takashi was not angry. He slowly raised his head and looked at Takashi Takamori who was lying on the stretcher.

Seeing this, Toshiaki Mukai breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately collapsed on the ground. He was almost scared to death just now.


"Da da!"


At this time, outside the truck, a fierce battle was going on. The dense bullets were like rain, and the firepower was very fierce.

"Bagaya Road! How come there are Chinese pig troops working here, and why are their firepower working so tyrannically!"

As soon as he got out of the car and felt the dense firepower outside, Xiaojing Cangkong immediately cursed, thinking in his heart, are the armed forces in Lingchuan crazy? How could the firepower be so tyrannical? Machine guns and heavy machine guns, you know, judging by the firepower outside, it is almost catching up with half of his brigade.

Looking at the fallen imperial warriors who kept blocking the enemy, as well as the imperial warriors who were killed by setting up mortars and heavy machine guns, Koi Sora became anxious in his heart. He knew that if the enemy was not wiped out, they would be killed today. There is no escape.

But even if the heavy machine guns and mortars are really set up, it will not have a great effect. After all, there are not many bullets for the mortars and heavy machine guns, and it is impossible to persist until the end of the battle.

Noda Takeshi on the side looked even more ugly. He never imagined that the plan, which was originally a foolproof plan, could be known so clearly by the enemy. Not only did they set up an ambush on Yangjiao Mountain, but they even set up an ambush on the way back. , What is going on here? Can the enemy predict the opportunity?

"Is it their job?"

Suddenly, the figures of the maintenance chairman Lu Yifan and the puppet army commander Wang Yang flashed in Noda Takeshi's mind. At this moment, he recalled the scenes of the two people in the county, and his doubts about these two people deepened. He planned to go back We must investigate Lu Yifan and Wang Yang carefully, because they both know about the plan to attack Yangjiao Mountain.


The little devils suppressed by the dense and tyrannical firepower had no way to fight back. After a large number of imperial warriors died, they did not dare to charge and fight back. They could only stick to the cover of the truck and shrink their heads.

"how is this possible!"

Xiaojing Cangkong looked at the imperial warriors who were hiding and would be killed if they showed their heads. He was horrified. What kind of army was on the other side? He fixed his gaze on Major Noda Takeshi in front of him.

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(End of this chapter)

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