Chapter 144

"Comrades, aim at the devil and beat me hard, capture the devil's official alive, and go back and ask for a reward from the regiment leader!"

Yang Jun, the battalion commander of the Wolf Fang Battalion, encouraged the soldiers with a smile on the hillside.

At the same time, he thought in his heart that the head of the team is really amazing. He actually predicted the enemy so accurately that they caught a big fish here, which made him very excited. If the little devil and high official above were captured alive, his face in the Wolf Fang Camp would be awe-inspiring.

Hearing Yang Jun's shout, the soldiers held the guns in their hands and worked harder.

The back of the Devil's truck.

Xiaojing Sokong's eyes fixed on Noda Takeshi who was observing the enemy, his face turned hard, and he finally made a decision in his heart.

Sora Koi stretched out his hand and patted Noda Takeshi's shoulder, and said with an ugly face, "Noda-kun, it's up to you from now on, Mr. Takamori must not die here, and the consequences of this work, you I know."


Noda Takeshi's heart tightened when he heard the words of Sora Koi, he understood what Sora Koi meant, and similarly, he could not disobey Koku Sora's orders.

"Noda-kun, it's up to you to stop the enemy's plan, mine, and take His Excellency Takamori Takashi to return to the county as soon as possible to treat His Excellency. You must persevere. I will ask Major Toshiaki Mukai to accompany you, and at the same time , after I return to the county seat, I will immediately send my elite brigade to support you, you must keep working!"

Koi Cangkong's face was serious, and he ordered earnestly.

Although he knew that the support from the county town in his words was impossible, he still wanted to encourage Noda Takeshi now, because as long as he had such a thought, Noda Takeshi would give full play to his last remaining heat.

"Hi Yi!"

When Noda Takeshi heard that Koi Sokura asked Mukai Toshiaki to accompany him, his heart suddenly relaxed, because he couldn't do without Mukai Toshiaki, and the two of them served as soldiers, fought together, and killed together. This habit, the other party is their own shadow, this is the advanced state that the two have reached.

"Please, Noda-kun, on behalf of Colonel Takamori, His Majesty the Emperor, and the Empire, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

When Koi Soko said this, he stood up and bowed to Noda Takeshi. At this time, he no longer had the slightest thought of looking down on Noda Takeshi. After all, as long as he is willing to sacrifice his life for His Majesty the Emperor, he is worthy of respect.

"Hi Yi! This subordinate must live up to His Excellency's entrustment!"

Noda Takeshi also had a serious face and bowed in return.

Afterwards, Xiaojing Cangkong turned and left without hesitation.

Noda Takeshi, who watched Koi Sokazusa leave, had a flash of determination on his gloomy face. It was time for him to dedicate himself to His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire. Fortunately, he was accompanied by his good friend Toshiaki Mukai, so that he could I am not lonely on the road anymore.

"Da da!"



The battle is still going on, but the little devil's side of this battle has replaced the commander with Noda Takeshi.

After Sora Koi returned to the truck, he saw Takamori Takashi who had already been bandaged up, and Toshiaki Mukai who looked very unsightly beside him, he was a little puzzled, he couldn't figure out what happened to Toshiaki Mukai.

"Ours, hurry up to evacuate the work, your Excellency's injury can't delay the work, Mukai-kun, you will leave with me with some imperial warriors, and escort your Excellency back to the county safely with me for treatment."

After getting in the car, Xiaojing Cangkong quickly ordered that he did not keep his promise and left Toshiaki Mukai, but asked Toshiaki Mukai to leave with him. After all, no one knows if there will be any accidents on the way back to the county. If there is still an ambush armed, then Mukai Toshiaki can fight for him, and let him stay with His Excellency Takamori Takashi and return to the county for treatment.

"Nani, how about Noda-kun's work, mine, I have to accompany Noda-kun's work, and we can't work separately!"

As soon as Mukai Toshiaki heard that he was leaving, he immediately said loudly that without Noda Takeshi, he would not have left.

"Bagaya Road!"


Hearing Toshiaki Mukai's words, Sora Koi became furious immediately, and slapped Toshiaki Mukai once again, roaring: "Ours, work ahead, Noda-kun's will follow quickly, yours , don’t make trouble for Noda-kun, you big stupid pig!”

"Hi Yi!"

Mukai Toshiaki is a cheap bone. When he heard Haoji Younoda-kun quickly followed, he felt relieved and said respectfully.


Afterwards, Koi Sora took Mukai Toshiaki, the seriously injured Takamori Takashi, and more than [-] imperial warriors, sneaking away under the cover of the truck before they were noticed by the Wolf Fang Camp.

Only Noda Takeshi, a big idiot, acted as a scapegoat here, foolishly resisting the attack of the Wolf Fang Battalion.

"Clap clap..."

"Da da……"

"Kill the chicken, the work of the warriors of the empire, kill the chicken!"

Noda Takeshi finally stood up at this time, commanding the little devil to fight back vigorously. At this time, the heavy machine gun and mortar that had finally been set up were immediately put into use.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Tut, chug, chug..."

Immediately, fierce artillery fire and heavy machine guns fired like tongues of flame, bombarding the Spike Battalion on the hill not far away.

Hillside position.

"No, comrades, lie down quickly!"

Yang Jun, who was commanding the battle at this time, suddenly heard the sound of mortar shells colliding and firing from the little devil's position, his expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly shouted to make the soldiers lie down to avoid casualties.

"Lie down, lie down!"

Not only Yang Jun's face changed drastically, but also the experienced veterans, who also heard the sound of mortar bombs colliding, changed their expressions drastically and started yelling at the recruits.

However, the recruits who heard Yang Jun and the veterans shouting were a little bit indifferent in their hearts. Most of the recruits were still shooting with light machine guns and [-] caps.

In their thinking, the current little devil is already at the mercy of others, and it is impossible to have the ability to fight back. The battalion commander and the veterans have made a fuss over a molehill.

Among them, only a small number of recruits quickly lay down on the ground after hearing Yang Jun and the veterans' serious roars, without moving.

"I'm doing it. You. Damn, get down quickly!"

Seeing the recruits who were still shooting the little devil indifferently, Yang Jun finally broke out. With red eyes, he picked up a big [-] cap on the ground and swung it down at a recruit beside him.


This time, this recruit soldier with a light machine gun was shot by Yang Jun. He passed out.

"Damn it, get down on the ground for me, hurry up!"

Yang Jun's red eyes and angry look finally frightened some recruits and soldiers again, and they fell to the ground one after another.


At this moment, the entire hillside shook and was completely covered by artillery fire.

(End of this chapter)

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