Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 145 Capture Noda Takeyuki Alive and Refuse to Surrender

Chapter 145 Capture Noda Takeyuki Alive and Refuse to Surrender


Instantly, the hillside position was enveloped by fierce artillery fire, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and all the soldiers were bombarded with their ears buzzing and temporarily deaf.


Dozens of new recruits who didn't lie down in time were blown up by the shells and burst into the air suddenly, and a rain of blood suddenly fell in the sky.

Some recruits were directly hit by shells and turned into blood mist, and a large number of recruits lost their heads, lost half of their bodies, and their intestines began to slip out.

There are still some alive, all of them looked at their smashed arms and blown off legs with horror on their faces, and they yelled helplessly in fear.

Although Yang Jun's anger and fierceness caused most of the recruits to get down, there were still quite a few recruits who were bombed to death, crippled and crippled.



There are also some recruits who, after being hit by the artillery fire, got up stupidly, and ran around in fear on the hillside position with their heads in their arms, like headless chickens.

"Get down, get down!"

At this time, Yang Jun's anxious roar came again, and his voice became hoarse.

But his voice, under the artillery fire at this time, seemed so weak and pale, it didn't have the slightest effect at all.

The recruits have been frightened by the shells, they can only run around like headless chickens, because when they are afraid in their hearts, they will only subconsciously think that running is the safest, run It is safest to leave the position.

But it was this subconscious behavior that brought them death, pain, and disability.

Veterans who have experienced wars know that as long as they are bombarded by enemy mortar fire, they must lie down quickly, so that they have a greater chance of surviving.

If it is bombarded by a large-caliber howitzer, you must not lie on the ground, because the bombardment force of the large-caliber howitzer will definitely pass through the land and shock you to death. To guard against the bombardment of the large-caliber howitzer, you must squat on the ground and cover your hands. Close your ears and open your mouth wide. Only in this way can you survive the bombardment.

In a word, when you are bombarded on the battlefield, you must not run like a headless chicken, because that will bring you only accelerated death!

"Get down, get down!"

At this time, Yang Jun's throat was completely hoarse, and he could feel the sweet taste on his throat. He knew that his throat had been broken by his roaring and started to bleed.

Suddenly, a recruit soldier ran past Yang Jun. Without any hesitation, Yang Jun immediately threw the recruit on the ground and crushed him under him.


A mortar bomb exploded right next to the two of them, and Yang Jun was hit hard by the airflow of the shell, and fell not far away, life or death unknown.

The recruit soldier who was crushed by Yang Jun on the ground was completely stunned at this moment, especially when he saw the battalion commander Yang Jun not far away who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, he was even more at a loss.

This tragic scene continued to happen on the small hillside battlefield. Veterans and soldiers kept pressing the recruits who were running around indiscriminately. After that, the veterans were blown up and killed again.Regardless of the danger of their own lives, they protected recruits and soldiers under their bodies.

After 3 minutes, the entire battlefield fell silent, devastated, corpses littered the ground, very tragic, this is the price of ignorance.

"Kill the chicken!"

"Kill the chicken!"


After the artillery fire ended, the little devils began to charge like mad dogs. They knew that under such fierce artillery fire, all the Chinese pigs would be killed, and even if there were any alive, they would all be crippled. , the following is the time for them to carry out massacre and revenge.

"Kill the chicken!"


Seeing that the little devils like mad dogs were about to rush up the hillside position, at this moment, more than 20 veterans holding a [-]-type light machine gun, covered in blood and with hatred on their faces suddenly rushed out of the hillside position Soldiers, their bodies were covered in blood and mud stains, but they were as brave as the gods of war at this time, holding light machine guns, roaring, and began to shoot at the charging little devils.

"Da da da da..."


Under the strafing of the intensive [-]-type light machine guns, the little devils who charged up fell down one after another, and blood covered the ground again.

The veterans started to countercharge downward while firing light machine guns. They wanted to avenge their dead comrades.


At this moment, a hoarse roar suddenly came from the hillside, and the battalion commander Yang Jun got up on the ground at this time, one of his arms was drooping, and his left arm was obviously broken. , his face was covered with blood, and there were several open wounds on his scalp, which kept bleeding out.

Standing up from the ground, Yang Jun felt heart-piercing pain when he saw the dead soldiers in front of him. The comrades who were alive and kicking and killing the enemy 10 minutes ago now turned into silent corpses.


Yang Jun looked up to the sky and screamed, distraught.

At this time, many soldiers on the small hillside battlefield began to slowly climb up. After all, for a battalion, there were still a small number of people killed in the bombing, and most of them were knocked out. Now that they have reacted, they began to slowly climb up. .

Death could have been avoided, but the ignorant recruits died in their ignorance.

"Da da da!"

The battle is still going on, and the sound of machine guns keeps roaring.

At this time, Noda Takeshi, who was below, was already desperate. In fact, he also understood in his heart that as long as the charge didn't work, there were only two fates waiting for them, one was to die in battle, and the other was to be captured.

Looking at the fallen imperial warriors in front of him, Noda Takeshi sighed on his ugly face, and made a painful decision in his heart!


Looking at the Chinese soldiers who were about to rush.

Takeshi Noda took off his officer's uniform without hesitation, and immediately took off the white shirt inside, bent over to pick up the [-] cover in the hands of the dead imperial warrior, picked up the white shirt, and limped Turning around, he walked towards the charging Chinese soldiers.

He is responsible for his imperial warriors, and at the same time he does not want to die, he hopes to escape the fate of being killed by surrendering, after all he heard that Chinese soldiers treat prisoners preferentially.

Seeing the officer Noda Takeshi raising the white flag, the rest of the little devils who fled back also stopped, raised their guns, and began to surrender and disarm.

When the soldiers who were charging saw the devil officer raising the white flag, they immediately stopped firing and surrounded the remaining [-] little devils.

At this moment, all the soldiers on the hillside woke up, picked up their guns, rushed down the hillside without hesitation, and surrounded the little devil.

"I represent our soldiers. Those who surrender work. Surrender. I heard that you treat prisoners preferentially!"

Noda Takeshi looked at the Chinese soldiers surrounding them and expressed his meaning in blunt Japanese.

"We do not accept surrender!"

Suddenly, Yang Jun's cold and hoarse voice came from behind!

(End of this chapter)

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