Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 146 After the War

Chapter 146 After the War
"We do not accept surrender!"

Yang Jun, with his left arm drooping, walked down from the hillside position with a murderous expression on his face. Hearing that the surrounded devils wanted to surrender and wanted to treat the prisoners better, the anger in his heart suddenly became stronger. Their recruits and soldiers You can't die in vain, what the leader said is correct, blood debt must be paid with blood, he can't let these little devils go!

When the soldiers heard Yang Jun's voice, they immediately made way for Yang Jun.

At the same time, the soldiers are also waiting for Yang Jun's order.

When Noda Takeshi saw that the soldiers made way for Yang Jun, he immediately knew that the middle-aged man with his left arm drooping in front of him was the commander of this unit, so he hurried to Yang Jun's side and said anxiously: "I Yes, the work of those who surrendered, and yours, the work of those who give preferential treatment to prisoners!"

"I give preferential treatment to your mother, Hee Pee!"

Hearing the words of the devil officer in front of him, Yang Jun's face flashed with murderous intent, he raised his leg and kicked Major Noda Takeshi's chest fiercely.

Immediately, Noda Takeshi flew backwards under Yang Jun's violence, and fell on his back to the ground with a bang.


Being kicked and thrown like this, Noda Takeshi spurted out a mouthful of blood immediately, his face was pale and he clutched his chest, his body began to tremble in pain.

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing the officer being knocked to the ground, a little devil immediately stood up, cursed, raised the gun in his hand, and was about to shoot at Yang Jun, but in an instant, an extra bullet shot out between his eyebrows. Hole, this little devil's pupils spread rapidly, and he fell straight backwards.

The veterans and soldiers had already prepared for such a move by the little devil, so when the little devil stood up and raised his gun, he was instantly shot by a veteran beside Yang Jun and killed on the spot.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the fallen ghost, a disdainful smile appeared on Yang Jun's face.

"Your Excellency, our surrender is not for preferential treatment, but for those who want to survive!"

At this time Noda Takeshi struggled to get up on the ground, his face was full of pain, and he said in a difficult tone that he was begging Yang Jun.

But how could Yang Jun, who had lost so many comrades-in-arms, agree that he should be responsible for the dead comrades-in-arms, otherwise, those comrades of his would not be able to close their eyes.

"As I said, we do not accept surrender!"

Yang Jun shouted righteously and loudly.



When the soldiers heard Yang Jun's decision, they loaded all their bullets and pointed their guns at the little devils squatting on the ground.

The little devils who heard the sound of pulling the bolts suddenly squatted on the ground and trembled. They began to be afraid in their hearts!
Devils are also human beings. When death comes, they are also afraid, even more afraid of death than normal people, because the soldiers noticed that some little devils have already started to pee their pants.

"Take this officer away to me, and kill the rest!"

Yang Jun did not hesitate at all, he stared at the group of little devils in front of him with a cold face and cold eyes, and immediately issued a combat order with a strong murderous intent in his tone.

"Your, don't, your..."

Hearing Yang Jun's order, Noda Takeshi, who was pulled out by the soldiers, begged immediately. At the same time, he regretted his decision to surrender. He regretted that he didn't fight to the death for **** and others, but it's too late to regret now. No, there is no such thing as regret medicine in this world.

Hearing Yang Jun's order, the soldiers retreated quickly, pulled out a safe distance, raised their guns, and aimed at the little devils squatting in the center of the field. With indifferent faces, they pulled the trigger in their hands without hesitation.

"Clap clap..."

"Da da da……"



Immediately, the sound of the [-]th cover and the [-]-type light machine gun, mixed with the screams of the little devil, intertwined together, and immediately formed a beautiful movement.

In a moment, the blood of the little devils splattered, their heads exploded, their bodies shattered, and a blood mist formed by splashing blood immediately covered half of the sky!

The scene of killing the little devil is very spectacular!
When Noda Takeshi saw the imperial soldiers being slaughtered again, he immediately cursed with red eyes. He had no choice but to watch helplessly.

"Bagaya Road!"

"Bagaya Road!"

"You Zhina pig's conscience is very bad, very bad, you..."


Before Noda Takeshi finished yelling, a veteran stepped forward quickly, raised the [-] cover, and hit Noda Takeshi's mouth with the butt of the gun fiercely. After several blows, Noda Takeshi's mouth was instantly bleeding flowed out.

He woo woo, blood flowed out from the tooth follower.

The veteran soldier sneered and knocked out all his teeth, and Noda Takeshi howled like a mad dog.

After a while, Yang Jun led the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and drove towards Yangjiao Mountain in a military truck that could still be used, pulling the trophies and the corpses of his comrades.

The place fell silent, leaving only the corpses of little devils all over the ground, and the scene was bloody and tragic.

These evil, conscienceless, and conscienceless little devils paid the due price for their evil deeds, and made atonement for the more than [-] compatriots who died tragically a few days ago.

Blood debt must be paid in blood!
More than ten minutes later, Yang Jun returned to the Yangjiao Mountain with the Wolf Fang Camp. Looking at the corpses of the little devils in the Yangjiao Mountain that had been sorted out, and the corpses whose heads had been chopped off by the soldiers, Yang Jun finally felt in his heart. With a little consolation, so many devils died, the comrades who died in the battle can finally rest in peace, and they can go on the road with peace of mind.

"Hehe, your harvest is not bad, the big trucks have seized several, it's ok."

As soon as Yang Jun brought the soldiers back to the Dayangzhuang camp, Yang Jian licked his face with a cheap smile and stuck it up, looking enviously at the big truck outside the camp, and said.


However, Yang Jun didn't buy his face. He scolded him with a cold face and continued to walk towards the camp. It hurts like a needle prick.

"Hehe, you little soldier, how dare you give me..."

When Yang Jian heard Yang Jun yelling at him, he lost his temper and immediately started a verbal crusade, but before he finished speaking, he was pulled aside by Yang Yun, the deputy battalion commander of the Wolf Fang Battalion.

Then Yang Yun told Yang Jian in detail what happened on the small hillside battlefield with a sad face.


After Yang Jian heard Yang Yun's explanation and heard that the recruits were blown to death, he immediately sighed in pain, thinking at the same time, this is the consequence of the recruits going to the battlefield, but this must also be the recruits What we must experience!

When the big waves wash away the sand, what is left behind is the real warrior!

At this time, Lei Zhan was on the school grounds and the battalion and company commanders present were explaining the ten exquisite guns on the table. These guns looked very domineering and brought a visual impact to people at first glance. .

The battalion and company commanders listened to Lei Zhan's explanation with relish and a smile on their faces.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, Yang Jun, the battalion commander of the Langya Battalion, came to report. The battle was completed, one of the little devils was captured alive, and two squadrons of the enemy were wiped out, more than [-] people. Our Langya Battalion lost more than [-] recruits..."

After Yang Jun arrived, he began to report all the battle results and losses to Lei Zhan.

(End of this chapter)

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