Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 147 Class C War Criminal Noda Takeshi

Chapter 147 Class C War Criminal Noda Takeshi


When Lei Zhan and the battalion and company commanders present heard Yang Jun's report, they immediately sighed and mourned silently for the sacrificed soldiers.

Looking at Yang Jun who blamed himself, Lei Zhan said:

"Okay, Yang Jun, this is war. As long as it is war, the bloodshed and sacrifice of soldiers is inevitable, not to mention some recruits and soldiers. Facing the bombardment of shells, they have been frightened and can only Pursuing the subconscious feeling and fleeing in all directions under the artillery fire, the consequence of this is the sacrifice of the recruits and soldiers.

You don't have to blame yourself too much, this is what recruits and soldiers must go through, this is the process for a recruit to become a real soldier, of course, they die well, die on the battlefield, there is no shame in it! "

As soon as Lei Zhan finished speaking, the battalion and company commanders on the side nodded their heads in agreement. They all experienced the first time on the battlefield. There are no fewer people who were scared to pee on the battlefield for the first time. Who is not afraid of death? he.The mother said that she was not afraid of death, so they killed that guy immediately.

People pursue different beliefs and goals. If you are not afraid of death for your own beliefs and goals, that is the real death is worthy and valuable.

As for some reckless people who are not afraid of death, that's just ignorance, which makes people laugh.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Jun finally felt better. He actually understood what Lei Zhan said, but seeing his soldiers being blown to death in front of him made him feel uncomfortable at all.

"Go, go to the infirmary and connect the arm, don't delay!"

Seeing Yang Jun's drooping left arm, Lei Zhan hurriedly sent him for a diagnosis and treatment.

Lei Zhan can understand Yang Jun's mood. He has experienced too many such things in his previous life. In the Middle East battlefield, let alone recruits, it is not uncommon for old special forces members who have been on the battlefield to be blown to pieces alive.

Therefore, in the face of the sacrifice of comrades-in-arms, one has to look away. Maybe it is a good thing to die on the battlefield, after all, you don't have to suffer this sin in this world.

"Okay, don't put it down, the sniper rifle can't run away, come with me to see the captured little devil officer."

Lei Zhan looked at the battalion and company commanders who were still fondling the sniper rifles by the table, and suddenly laughed and said.

"Oh! It's a pity, it's a pity that the big fish escaped!"

Lei Zhan felt a bit sorry for the escape of the chief and lieutenant commanders, but he felt a little more comforted when he thought that he had caught one.

"Let's go!"

"Go and see the beast!"


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the battalion and company commanders reluctantly put aside their sniper rifles, turned around and followed Lei Zhan's footsteps. As for seeing the big beast, they were also very interested.

While walking, Lei Zhan also explained to everyone the knowledge of capturing sniper rifles. Regarding these ten sniper rifles, Lei Zhan was extremely satisfied, even a very big accident and surprise.

Ten sniper rifles, if used well, their combat effectiveness on the battlefield will be against the sky, but the only pity is that there is no silencer, which makes Lei Zhan feel a little depressed.

These ten sniper rifles are all made in the United States. The FAG-[-] sniper rifle has a very good performance ratio.

With these ten sniper rifles, Lei Zhan can fight the plane.

Three minutes later, Lei Zhan brought the battalion and company commanders to the place where the prisoners of war were held.

In this temporary prisoner-of-war camp, there is only one person now, and that is Noda Takeshi, whose mouth is full of blood.

"Ha ha!"

Noda Takeshi heard the footsteps of Lei Zhan and others in the prisoner-of-war camp, turned around slowly, looked at Lei Zhan and others, and then he sneered himself, he has already thought of his fate, so, At this moment, he has calmed down, isn't he just dead.

Lei Zhan and the battalion and company commanders looked at the "big beast" in the prisoner-of-war camp, their faces were full of doubts, this beast was no different, everyone was puzzled.

Lei Zhan came to the prisoner-of-war camp, his eyes were as cold as lightning, and he examined Noda Takeshi, who was judged as a "Class C war criminal" by later generations, this executioner whose hands were covered with blood during the Nanjing Massacre.

"Takeshi Noda, from RB Kagoshima!"

At this time, Lei Zhan spoke. He looked directly at Noda Takeshi and said in a murderous tone.


Noda Takeshi's face was full of surprise when he heard Lei Zhan revealing his identity, his eyes were full of puzzlement, he didn't know how this Chinese military officer knew his identity, and even where he was born We all know, he was puzzled, but he didn't say anything.

Looking at Noda Takeshi who was full of doubts and remained silent, a sneer appeared on Lei Zhan's face.

The battalion and company commanders next to Lei Zhan also looked puzzled at this time. They looked at Lei Zhan in amazement, wondering how Lei Zhan knew the identity of the little devil in front of him. At the same time, they thought in their hearts that combined with the previous Things, Lei Zhan is a database, there is nothing that Lei Zhan does not know.

"Participants of the Nanjing Massacre, and Toshiaki Mukai agreed to a killing competition, during which a large number of my compatriots were massacred. Your hands are covered with the blood of my compatriots. You will not be able to atone for your sins even if you die!"

Lei Zhan said in a cold tone, Noda Takeshi will not kill him so easily, after he captures LC County and kills all the little devils in LC County, he will take their heads to a small low-lying place to pay homage The more than [-] compatriots who died tragically at the hands of the little devils, and the decision maker of this massacre, Lei Zhan will bring them alive to the small lowlands, and use their blood to sacrifice the compatriots who died tragically.


Lei Zhan's words seemed to speak of Noda Takeshi's glory, and Noda Takeshi laughed ferociously, but his toothless, blood-stained mouth was so ferocious at this moment.




Afterwards, the battalion and company commanders spit at Noda Takeshi a few times, then turned around and left. They still had to formulate a specific plan to attack the county, so that the executioners could not go unpunished.

At this time, in the Yangjiao Mountain, the bloody atmosphere soared to the sky, and the scene was very shocking. The soldiers of the Wolf Warriors were cutting off the heads of the corpses of little devils with their own hands, and putting them all in bags. Holding the heads of these little devils, I went to the small low-lying area to pay homage to the six thousand compatriots who died tragically and see them off.

"Bagaya Road!"

Sora Koi, who had been back to LC County for a long time, was roaring, because after such a long time of treatment, Colonel Takamori had not woken up, and was still in a coma, although the doctor said that the bullet had been taken out, there was nothing serious However, Xiaojing Sokong still couldn't calm down.

Afterwards, he called the Gaoping General Headquarters and asked for support, so that Gaoping and the imperial warriors in the nearby counties would all come to Lingchuan for support, and completely annihilate the anti-Japanese militants in Yangjiao Mountain, in order to avenge Takamori Takashi !

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(End of this chapter)

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