Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 153 Gray Mushroom Cloud

Chapter 153 Gray Mushroom Cloud


"Your Excellency, Commander!"

After Koi Soko and Major Mukai Toshiaki saw Takamori vomit blood again and fell to the ground, they immediately panicked and yelled anxiously.

Toshiaki Mukai knelt on the ground and crawled towards Takamori Takashi. He was really panicked when he saw Takamori Takako vomit blood and passed out again this time.

"Bagaya Road! Get out of your way!"


Just when Toshiaki Mukai climbed up to Takamori Takada's side, Sora Koi suddenly let out a roar of hatred, and kicked Toshiaki Mukai out.

He hates it very much now, even this hateful guy in front of him, if it weren't for this hateful guy, Grand Master Takamori would not be injured, and his elite team would not perish.

After Kyoko Koi kicked Toshiaki Mukai to the side, he immediately bent over and picked up Takamori Takashi, and ran to the infirmary thinking about the medical staff while shouting.

After Mukai Toshiaki got up on the ground, he walked outside with a dazed expression on his face.

After everyone left, Miss Karina, who was crying under the quilt on the bed, stopped crying. She slowly pulled down the quilt, revealing a crying beautiful face like a tabby cat, and looked around.

When she saw that the hateful guys in the room had left, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time made a decision in her heart, she wanted to escape and never stay here...!
The line of sight returns to the base.

According to Koi Soku's arrangement, the elite imperial warriors of Koi Soku's brigade, each team going to the stronghold has three people.

But when they came to the extremely quiet stronghold, they immediately became vigilant, because the stronghold was too quiet, and the quietness was very abnormal.

In an instant, the three little devils who came to this stronghold raised the [-] big covers on their backs, all aimed at the stronghold, and walked slowly towards the inside of the stronghold.

"Ono-kun, it's too abnormal inside!"

Nishimura Taro had a serious face, and while walking, he talked to Takeuchi Ono next to him. At the same time, he played a drum in his heart. He guessed in his heart that all the imperial warriors in the stronghold might have been broken, because when he was on the frontal battlefield before, , carried out a reconnaissance mission, how similar the situation was to now.


Takeuchi Ono, who was beside him, also nodded with a serious face when he heard his words. He believed Taro Nishimura's words, because Taro Nishimura was his predecessor and had experienced the battlefield much longer than him.

"Haha, yours, your brains are so big and funny, theirs, they may be working while they are still sleeping, or they may be looking for the work of the flower girl!"

Hearing the words of the two people at the other side of the Aoki Well, he immediately relaxed his vigilance, and laughed and joked. After all, it has been several minutes since he came here, and there was no accident. He raised his gun, smiled and walked towards the inside of the stronghold.

"Baga, you stupid pig by the well!"

Seeing Aoki Ibe carelessly walking towards the stronghold, Taro Nishimura immediately became furious, cursed with an ugly face, and then quickened his pace, he wanted to stop Aoki Ibe's reckless behavior.


When Takeuchi Ono saw that Aoki Well was disrespecting his senior Nishimura Taro, he also cursed, slowly raised his gun, and followed slowly with vigilance.

Aoki Jingbian entered the stronghold disapprovingly. He looked inside and saw that the first floor of the stronghold was empty, and the only bit of vigilance in his heart was relaxed. Then he turned around without any scruples, and was afraid to walk behind him. The two people who were walking forward laughed. At the same time, his shoulders leaned towards the door on the right.

"Your work, the work of two cowards, ha...!"


But before he could finish his sentence, he heard a piercing click from under the door he was leaning on.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gazes of Nishimura Taro and Takeuchi Ono, there was a bang, and the Aoki well who was acting arrogant just now was blown away by the sudden explosion of the grenade. The side was blown into pieces and flew towards the surroundings.



All the intestines flew out of the body that was blown to pieces by the side of Aoki Well, and all of a sudden they landed on the horrified faces of Takeuchi Ono and Nishimura Taro.



Before the sound of the explosion stopped, the explosion of the first grenade had already caused a chain reaction, and the entire stronghold was immediately enveloped by artillery fire.

The entire stronghold was blown into ruins by the explosive power of a large number of grenades, and a small gray mushroom cloud rose towards the sky.

At the moment of the violent explosion, Nishimura Taro, as a senior with sufficient experience, also had a horrified expression, and stretched out his hand to pull Takeuchi Ono, who was walking in front, to block him.

Then, amidst the impact of the explosion and the flying bricks and sawdust, the two flew backwards.

Before landing, Takeuchi Ono, who was blocked by the meat shield in front of him, was blown to pieces in horror and disbelief.

Even Nishimura Taro, who was blocked behind, was not spared. His stomach was also swept down by the impact and destructive force, and they shattered one after another. Blood flew continuously along with broken bricks and tiles.


Nishimura Taro, who was still in half his body, fell more than ten meters away from the stronghold.

The stronghold had turned into ruins in the explosion at this time. Because the soldiers of the special warfare battalion were afraid of delaying the progress of the mission, the grenades seized in the stronghold were not taken away, but arranged on the spot.

Their laying methods are all in accordance with Professor Lei Zhan's special booby trap arrangement method, with the least number of mines, through the special booby trap arrangement method, to exert the greatest destructive power.

The stronghold turned into ruins in front of him is the masterpiece of special booby traps.



"...mama, mamama;"

Nishimura Taro, who landed more than ten meters away from the stronghold, kept screaming. His face, head, and upper body were covered with wounds gushing blood. Under the remaining half of his body, bloody intestines and All the internal organs flowed out, and the blood that flowed out was like pouring water, staining a large area of ​​the ground red.

His extremely dirty face was full of fear at this time, and he kept using his hands to stuff the intestines that had slipped into the pool of blood on the ground in vain into his severed body.

However, it was futile to do so. Soon, Nishimura Taro died in such despair and pain.



Then, not far from the stronghold and in the distance, there were loud explosions, followed by a gray mushroom cloud rising into the sky. The scene was very spectacular!
"Ha ha…………!"

At this time, in the Yangjiao Mountain, the cheerful smiles of the soldiers are spreading!

(End of this chapter)

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