Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 154 Jin Sui Army Chen Nie

Chapter 154 Jin Sui Army Chen Nie
On Yangjiao Mountain, in the school grounds of the Dayangzhuang camp, the laughter of the soldiers continued to resound.At this time, on the school field, apart from the soldiers of the Wolf Fang Battalion, the soldiers of the remaining three battalions were all there. When they saw the gray mushroom cloud rising beyond the Yangjiao Mountain, they all laughed heartily stand up.

Among them, the ones who laughed the most were the Special Operations Battalion and the Security Battalion. The soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion and the Security Battalion still had complacent expressions on their faces.

Because they arranged the special booby traps, so it is their credit.

Lei Zhan was at the front of the team. He smiled and looked at the rising mushroom cloud outside Yangjiao Mountain with satisfaction. This is the role of special forces, and this is the great role of special operations teams in special operations.

Deputy head Yang Xingguo and political commissar Zhang Jibing also had smiles on their faces. Seeing the growth and achievements of the Wolf Warriors, they were proud of the soldiers and Lei Zhan in their hearts.

Yang Fei and Yang Long smiled in front, and gave encouraging glances to the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion and Guard Battalion below.

Only Yang Jian, the battalion commander of the Sharp Knife Battalion, had a sullen expression on his face. He felt that it was a shame that he was not allowed to participate in the battle.

But even though his face was sullen, he was still happy for the Special War Battalion and the Guard Battalion. After all, he dealt a heavy blow to the devils and strengthened the momentum of their Wolf Warriors.

On the left front of the soldiers queue, there was still the table with ten sniper rifles, and the extremely attractive sniper rifles were neatly placed on it.

Next to the team, Lei Ming was leading his eight members of the sniper team, looking at the sniper rifle on the table with fiery eyes. When they saw this gun for the first time, they already fell in love with it. It felt like they were born for the gun on the table, and there was a feeling of being connected by blood and attracting each other.

"Okay, comrades, you have done a very good job this time. You have dealt a heavy blow to the enemy's spirit and arrogance, and you have also avenged the tragic death of more than [-] compatriots. But! You say, the interest we collected is enough not enough!"

Lei Zhan looked at the soldiers in front with a serious face, and asked loudly.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the faces of the soldiers all turned serious. Thinking of the more than [-] compatriots who died tragically, their eyes turned red again, and they immediately raised their hands and shouted.

"not enough!"

"not enough!"

"eye for eye!"


Lei Zhan, political commissar Zhang Jibing, deputy battalion commander Yang Xingguo, and battalion and company commanders all nodded in satisfaction when they saw the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

Looking at the excited soldiers, Lei Zhan pressed his hands down, and the school ground fell silent, the scene was silent, and the soldiers were waiting for Lei Zhan's speech.

"I got the news that the Gaoping devil headquarters has mobilized a large number of reinforcements to support LC county. The purpose is to wipe us out completely, but we can't let the little devils slaughter us. We have to fight back, not only to fight back, but also to fight back. Counterattack, next, let me announce the order!"

Lei Zhan looked at the soldiers in front of him, and said with a serious face, early in the morning, Lei Zhan received two telegrams, one was a commendation order from the two bosses of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, and the other was a condolence order from Chief Yan, the condolence order , Lei Zhan could see that it was out of condolences from an elder.

What excited Lei Zhan the most was another commendation order, because this commendation order was personally issued by the two bosses, which is the highest honor for a soldier.

This should be placed in the previous life, and it is the honor that many military officers and chiefs dream of.

Lei Zhan did not expect that in this life, he would be rewarded by two bosses, which made him very excited.

In addition to the award order, there are also Gao Ping and the movements of the little devils in the war zone outside of Gao Ping.

One of the most important pieces of information is that the two bosses intercepted a telegram message from the devils. The message in it was that General Shouichi Terauchi, commander of the devils in the North China theater, was furious when he heard the news of the battle in Lingchuan, and planned to dispatch five planes. , came to support the battle in Lingchuan, if it was impossible, General Shou of the Terauchi ordered to use planes to raze Yangjiao Mountain to the ground, and blow up all the anti-Japanese armed forces inside.

Therefore, Lei Zhan had to make deployments in advance, otherwise, he would suffer heavy losses. Fortunately, the sniper rifles have been captured this time. Lei Zhan is no longer worried about the problem of the plane. For the little devil planes in this period, Lei Zhan was very disdainful in his heart.

"Order! The guard battalion and the sharp knife battalion, quickly transfer all the people in Yangjiao Mountain to Heihu Mountain today. After all, Heihu Mountain...!"

"Head, head, here are the guests..."

Lei Zhan's order hadn't been completed yet, and the recruit Xiao Zhang ran in with an excited expression on his face.

Seeing Xiao Zhang interrupt Lei Zhan's order, political commissar Zhang Jibing and deputy head Yang Xingguo immediately frowned, blaming this little guy for being ignorant and in a hurry.

Lei Zhan was not angry, he looked at the new recruit Xiao Zhang with a smile, and then he looked at the gate of the school field, and his eyes suddenly froze.

I saw two people coming in at the gate of the school grounds, one was an officer wearing the military uniform of the national army, and the other was Lei Zhan's acquaintance, that was Xu Hu, the brother of the third battalion of the [-]th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, the battalion commander he had dealt with last time.

The two entered the school field smiling and talking, and walked towards Lei Zhan and the soldiers.

"Regimental Commander, two high-ranking officials have come outside, especially the high-ranking official from the national army. The people he brought are all carrying cannons, big, big cannons."

The recruit Xiao Zhang came to Lei Zhan and said in surprise, at the same time, he showed Lei Zhan the boss's cannon. He has never seen such a big cannon when he grows up. It is much, much bigger than a mortar. Knowing how to express it in words, I can only show it to Lei Zhan.

"Well, I know Xiao Zhang, you go, the two of them are already here!"

Lei Zhan finished talking to Xiao Zhang with a smile, patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder, and raised his feet to greet the two people who were walking.

Although I don't know the purpose of the National Army's arrival, the etiquette that should be done is still indispensable. Besides, Xu Hu, the battalion commander of the Third Battalion of the Eighteenth Regiment, but his brother of the Eighth Route Army, should not welcome the National Army officers. My brother of the Eighth Route Army.

Seeing Lei Zhan walking forward, political commissar Zhang Jibing, deputy head Yang Xingguo, and battalion and company commanders all followed Lei Zhan's footsteps in doubt.

Even the soldiers turned their heads in doubt, and looked at the two people who were walking towards the gate of the school field.

When Lei Ming saw the coming national army officer, he immediately led the members of the sniper team, and under the doubtful eyes of other soldiers, he raised his foot to the table where the sniper rifle was placed in front of the team, and took the sniper rifle with his teammates. Picked up the sniper rifle, turned and left the school grounds.

At this time, Xu Hu, the commander of the third battalion, and a major officer of the national army had already arrived at Lei Zhan's side.

"Jin Sui Army, Chen Nie, Commander of the [-]th Brigade, [-]th Regiment, and Seventh Battalion Artillery Battalion, report to Commander Lei!"

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(End of this chapter)

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