Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 159 Yang Goudan Sacrifice

Chapter 159 Yang Goudan Sacrifice

The scout soldier Yang Goudan, after hearing the order of the platoon leader Yang Min, got up and ran outside without saying a word. He bowed his body and hid himself. Soon, his figure disappeared from the eyes of his comrades. .

At the same time, the platoon leader Yang Min felt a bad premonition inexplicably, but he couldn't figure out the source of the bad premonition, so he could only wait to investigate the enemy situation of soldier Yang Goudan.

At the same time, on the devil side.

"Parking works!"

The advancing convoy stopped immediately upon hearing the order from Lieutenant Commander Sakamoto 56. Immediately afterwards, a little devil with a Type [-] light machine gun appeared on the front of each truck. Swipe and start alerting the surroundings.

Afterwards, Lieutenant Sakamoto 56 opened the door of the first truck and got off with a map in his hand.

After Sakamoto 56 got out of the car, he observed the surrounding terrain, opened the map in his hand, compared it with the surrounding environment, calculated the distance in his heart, and nodded with a smile.

"Silly and dead to ([-]st Squad, get out!)"

Sakamoto 56 had already confirmed the location marked on the map at this time. According to the information provided by the insider, the first heavy machine gun blocking position was just 100 meters away. Therefore, he let his first mortar team get off the car, while As the anti-Japanese armed forces ambushing in front hadn't reacted, they were all blown up to make way for the large troops.


Upon hearing the order, the first mortar team immediately jumped off the truck, then assembled immediately, and ran towards Sakamoto 56. They all held mortar parts on their backs and hands.


Then, there was another crash, and a dozen devil soldiers jumped out of a car behind them. These devil soldiers turned around and unloaded boxes of ammunition from the car, which should be mortar shells.

These dozen devil soldiers also ran towards Sakamoto 56, carrying ammunition boxes.

"You guys, work on setting up mortars in this place. Facing the left side of the front, bombard fiercely, hurry up!"

Sakamoto 56 saw the artillery squad assembled beside him, and immediately determined the mortar installation location and shelling location for the soldiers according to the map.

The artillery squad received the order and moved quickly.

"The second team, the third team, after the shelling, circle around the enemy along both sides of the road, and don't let an enemy work!"

After Sakamoto 56 made some observations, he issued a foolproof order again. He would not let an anti-Japanese element escape.

Hearing Sakamoto 56's order, two squads of devils jumped off the truck again.

These two squads of devils gathered on both sides of the road, ready to be dispatched at any time.

At the same time, Yang Goudan, who had received the order from the platoon leader, had already arrived above the little devil's convoy. When he saw the mortar set up by the devil under the slope, he immediately became horrified, and his heart was instantly filled with infinite emotion. Filled with fear.

Now he finally knew why the little devils stopped moving forward, because they had already spotted them and were about to bombard them with mortars.

Thinking of this, Yang Goudan instantly became a little confused. He was about to turn around and go back to report, but his bowed body straightened up a little because of nervousness. It was because of this that the little devils below saw him.

"Work with enemies!"

"Da da da da..."

The little devil on the second truck immediately spotted Yang Goudan showing a little figure. Without hesitation, the little devil immediately pulled the trigger of the [-]-type light machine gun, and the death-like bullet was aimed at Yang Gou in an instant. The egg shoots away.


Yang Goudan, who was about to turn around and go back to report the letter, was shot on the back of the rapid-fire machine gun in an instant, and the two bullets penetrated into Yang Goudan's body with tearing pain.


Yang Goudan, who was shot, turned pale, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. He immediately felt a huge sense of powerlessness, which led him to fall to the ground.

But thinking of his comrades who were about to be bombarded by mortars, Yang Goudan put his gun on the ground with a painful expression on his face, resisting the pain in his chest, and moved towards the heavy machine gun position 100 meters away and go.

He wants to tell his comrades, run away quickly, the little devil is going to bomb them here, he can't just watch the little devil blow up his comrades to death.

"Bagar, hurry up!"

When Sakamoto 56 heard the gunshot, his face immediately fell, and he hurriedly let the imperial warriors prepared by the road chase him up.

It just so happened that Yang Min, who was in the fortifications at this time, heard the gunshots, and he immediately rushed out of the fortifications with a face that changed greatly.

Deputy platoon leader Yang Yi followed him out.

Yang Min, who had just rushed out of the fortification of the heavy machine gun position, saw Yang Goudan walking hard 100 meters away at a glance. He knew that Yang Goudan was injured, so he was going to rush towards Yang Goudan. He couldn't leave him behind. own brother.

But what Yang Goudan said next made him stop.

Yang Goudan, who was walking hard, saw the figure of the platoon leader Yang Min running out of the position, and a smile appeared on his blood-stained face in pain. He shouted at the platoon leader Yang Min with all his strength. : "Platoon leader, run, mortar!"


As soon as Yang Goudan finished yelling this sentence, several little devils suddenly appeared behind him, and one of them pulled the trigger in his hand with a sullen expression.

The bullet hit Yang Goudan's leg in an instant, and Yang Goudan fell down, but he was still shouting: "Platoon leader, run, mortar!"




It's a pity that the little devil had already caught up and stabbed the bayonet into his body fiercely.

More than a dozen little devils surrounded Yang Goudan, and brutally stabbed the bayonet into Yang Goudan's body one by one.

But Yang Goudan did not give in. He struggled desperately and stretched out his blood-stained right hand to the platoon leader Yang Min who was 100 meters away. He was still shouting, even though he could not make a sound: "Platoon leader, run, mortar!"


As the last kid brutally stabbed the bayonet into Yang Goudan's neck, Yang Goudan finally stopped struggling.

But he still maintained the direction of struggling forward, he opened his mouth wide and stared angrily!

Until he died, he was watching the direction of his comrades, and he wanted to watch them run out of the position.

At this time, Yang Goudan's body was already soaked in blood, and there were blood holes all over his body. The most glaring thing was the half pancake that fell aside and was soaked in blood. Cake, he was going to eat it after the battle, but...!
"Yoxi, haha..."


Holding the bayonets in their hands, this group of conscientious executioners was laughing around the body of Yang Goudan who had been sacrificed. Their faces were full of cruel smiles.

They are not human beings, but living beasts, beasts that have lost their humanity, and their hands are covered with blood!

(End of this chapter)

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