Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 160 Counterattack

Chapter 160 Counterattack
"Ah! Doggy!"



Without yelling from the platoon leader Yang Min, the soldiers who heard the movement at this time all came out of the fortifications with machine guns and [-] caps.

Seeing the tragic death of Yang Goudan not far in front of them, their eyes were red, and their hearts were deeply stabbed, as if being gouged out by a knife, so painful.

At this moment, they knew that they had lost this brother, this close comrade-in-arms.

The soldiers in the third row were angry, especially when they saw the little devils who were yelling around Yang Goudan's body, they broke out.

Under the leadership of Yang Min, the soldiers quickly rushed towards the little devils surrounding Yang Goudan's body. At the same time, their firepower was fully fired. More than 30 soldiers were like gods of war at this time, and their momentum was indomitable. , Their hatred is unstoppable, they want to completely wipe out the executioner.

"Da da da da..."

"Da da da da..."



Before they could react, the little devils who were shouting arrogantly were instantly enveloped by the intensive firepower of the light machine gun.

Blood mist rose from the bodies of these executioners in an instant. Their bodies were pierced, and even those who were shot with concentrated firepower had been beaten into sieves and plugs.

In an instant, the more than 30 little devils who rushed up were all wiped out in place. Their deaths were a memorial service for the soldier Yang Goudan who had fallen to the ground.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the sound of the little devil's mortar fire suddenly rang out.

"Get down!"

Yang Min, who heard the sound of the mortar, changed his face instantly, and turned to face the soldiers behind him, with red eyes and hatred on their faces, and shouted.

However, it's too late.

Behind and beside them, they were instantly enveloped by artillery fire!



The ruthless artillery fire began to rage violently around the heavy machine gun positions.

More than 30 fighters in the third row, more than half of them were killed at this moment, some of their bodies flew high into the sky, some were directly blown into pieces, and some were blown into several pieces. cut.

Yang Min and Yang Yi, who rushed to the front, and several soldiers around them were violently knocked out by the impact of the artillery fire, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The place where they landed was less than ten meters away from Yang Goudan.

The artillery fire lasted for 5 minutes, and under the ravages of this relentless artillery fire, there were less than ten soldiers left among the more than 30 soldiers.

At this time, the surviving soldiers were already supporting themselves with their guns, and stood up staggeringly. They were covered with wounds all over their bodies, and the fresh blood that flowed out had already dyed them into blood men, but they still Standing up firmly, their faces were stubborn and their eyes were strong.

I would rather die in battle than live on my knees!
At this time, the words that Lei Zhan gave to them have become their only belief at this time, fight, fight until blood flows, fight until death!


"Kill the chicken!"

"Kill the chicken and give it to..."


After the artillery fire stopped, a large number of little devils rushed up, there were more than 100 people in total, these more than 100 little devils, screaming and vicious at the same time, like mad dogs, surrounded Yang Min's few surviving soldiers In the center.

"Kill the chicken!"


Without the slightest hesitation, the little devils who surrounded him immediately raised the bayonets in their hands, and came to assassinate Yang Minyang and a few soldiers.

"Comrades, I would rather die in battle than live on my knees! Kill!"

The third platoon leader Yang Min roared, threw the gun in his hand to a soldier who didn't have a gun behind him, and then rushed towards the little devil who was assassinating him with his bare hands.

With the will to die, Yang Min grabbed the devil Sanba Dagai who was stabbing him, and kicked the little devil to the ground with his right leg. Into the neck of this little devil.

The little devil grabbed the bayonet on his neck with fear in his eyes, but Yang Min's eyes were cold and indifferent. After pulling out the bayonet, he ignored the little devil who was shooting blood from his neck, and immediately charged towards the little devil who was coming to assassinate him from all sides.

Killing one is enough money, killing two makes money, killing three or even more, that is a huge profit!
"I would rather die in battle than live on my knees!"

"I would rather die in battle than live on my knees!"


Yang Min's words had completely aroused the blood of the soldiers and brought them infinite fighting spirit. They were crazy and desperate to kill the little devil.

The sound of puffing and puffing echoed continuously on the battlefield, and the soldiers fiercely stabbed the bayonets in their hands into the bodies of every little devil.

The little devils kept falling down one by one. Similarly, the soldiers were also seriously injured and were stabbed by the little devils' bayonets one after another.

But the soldiers are still fighting tenaciously, and their thoughts are still supporting them until they fight to the last drop of blood and die.


Soldier Yang Tai stabbed the bayonet into the little devil's chest just now, but he was exhausted at this time, and then the three little devils behind him thrust the bayonet into his waist and into his chest at the same time. in the body.

Big mouthfuls of blood poured out of Mrs. Yang's mouth. Mrs. Yang's expression went crazy, she picked up the big three-eighth cap in her hand, immediately exhausted her last strength, and swung it fiercely towards the back.


Without any accidents, the three little devils behind were all cut to death with their throats cut. They fell backwards while clutching the [-] caps in their hands, their eyes full of disbelief.


The bayonet was drawn out, and Mrs. Yang's body kept shaking, precarious, and might fall down at any time.

Then, with the last ounce of strength, Mrs. Yang threw a little devil who rushed towards him under her body again, but at this time he had no strength and conditions to pick up the bayonet, without hesitation, under the little devil's screams and horror Next, Mrs. Yang bit the little devil's neck fiercely.




Mrs. Yang threw the little devil on the ground just now, and several little devils surrounded her immediately behind. They had ferocious faces, and ruthlessly inserted the bayonet into Mrs. Yang's back again.

However, Mrs. Yang didn't let go of her mouth until she died, and kept biting the little devil's neck until the little devil died.

Fight, fight, fight to the death!

This is the best portrayal of the third row at this time. Almost every soldier is like this. They are really tired from fighting and can't hold a bayonet. In the end, they have to take the life of a little devil with their mouths.

Five minutes later, there were only two people left on the battlefield, the platoon leader Yang Min and the deputy platoon leader Yang Yi. They were back to back, pointing their bayonets at the enemy.

The two of them were surrounded by little devils, but the ground was also full of dead little devils. They had already killed a large number of little devils at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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