Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 161 The Annihilation of Revenge

Chapter 161 The Annihilation of Revenge

The second heavy machine gun position, four rows.

"Platoon leader, it's not good. The positions of the three rows of machine guns were exposed and all were bombed. The third row leader and his soldiers are fighting fiercely with the enemy!"

The scouting fighters in the fourth platoon rushed into the second machine gun position with anxious expressions on their faces, and reported what they observed to the fourth platoon leader Yang Song.


"He. Grandma's..."


Hearing the scouting soldiers' report, the soldiers in the fourth row exploded in an instant, exuding a strong murderous aura.

"Yang Lian, you take ten soldiers to move the heavy machine gun position, retreat back, and join the company commander, and the other twenty brothers, take the machine guns and charge for me. I can't leave my brother behind, charge!"

After the fourth platoon leader Yang Song heard the report, he immediately arranged the battle plan. He was the first to pick up the light machine gun and rushed towards the first heavy machine gun position. At the same time, he said a word silently in his heart: "Yang Min, support me!"

"Come on, brothers, we can't let the brothers in the third row fight alone!"

"Kill the devil..."

The soldiers who heard Yang Song's order immediately picked up their machine guns and rushed forward following the footsteps of platoon leader Yang Song.

The deputy platoon leader Yang Lian stayed behind and was responsible for moving the position with the heavy machine gun, joining the company commander of the third heavy machine gun position, and reporting what happened in the first position to the company commander, so that the company commander could rearrange the battle plan.

The first heavy machine gun position.

The battlefield was full of corpses, and the two gods of war stood in the middle of the sea of ​​corpses, and their surroundings were now surrounded by enemies.

"Little one, how about it, can you still kill him!"

Yang Min's blood-stained face was full of firmness, but God of War was also exhausted, and he was panting violently at this time.

"I would rather die in battle than live on my knees! Kill!"

Yang Yi proved his attitude with practical actions. Holding the bayonet in his hand, he roared again and rushed towards the little devil.

"Haha, good, I would rather die in battle than live on my knees! Kill!"

Hearing Yang Yi's words, Yang Min laughed and rushed towards the little devil.

The battlefield roared continuously, blood sprayed everywhere, corpses of devils fell down clutching their wounds, and the two Gods of War who drank the enemy's blood tirelessly waved the bayonets in their hands, and thrust the bayonets in their hands into the invader's body. body, let the aggressors pay for their sins.




Time passed slowly, and at the same time, the picture was frozen at this moment. At this time, Yang Yi had already fallen to the ground in the early morning, and he was still in a fighting posture when he was dying. At that time, he stabbed the bayonet into the devil's body.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Min laughed wildly at this moment, he was surrounded by more than a dozen little devils, and all the bayonets in the hands of the little devils were inserted into his body.

"I would rather die in battle than live on my knees! Commander, Xiaomin will fight devils with you in the next life, haha!"

Afterwards, Yang Min detonated the bomb in his hand under the horrified eyes of the dozen or so little devils.


Accompanied by a bang, the dozens of little devils around Yang Min were all blown to death, and at the cost of dying, Yang Min took the lives of a dozen little devils again.

Fight to the last drop of blood, fight to the last moment, their spirit will never die!

After the explosion, the remaining little devils immediately surrounded them. At this time, there were less than 100 little devils, and depending on the situation, there were six to seventy people left.

At the end of the battle, the soldiers in the third row of the guard company sacrificed all 30 people in exchange for more than 100 casualties of the little devil, successfully depleting the little devil's strength.

"Bagaya Road!"

After the battle, squadron leader Sakamoto 56 rushed up, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes suddenly went dark, his body swayed and he almost fell to the ground.

What is the situation, who ambushed whom, who caught whom by surprise, and why his soldiers suffered such heavy losses.

"Bagaya Road... ah... dead, dead!"

Lieutenant Zuo Sakamoto 56 was furious. He yelled like a mad dog, pulled out the command knife in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the corpse of Yang Goudan next to him.

He couldn't accept that so many of his elite imperial warriors were killed by the Chinese, and so few Chinese died.

In his consciousness, the warriors and army of the Great RB Empire are invincible. No matter where they go, the Chinese people will all perish and flee to work. There is no single enemy at all.

But the scene in front of him completely overturned his thinking.



Sakamoto 56 slashed at the corpses of the soldiers frantically, and the blood of the soldiers spattered Sakamoto 56's face, making Sakamoto 56 more like an executioner.

The little devils of the Sakamoto Squadron saw the squadron leader going crazy with anger, they didn't dare to fart, they could only bow their heads where they were, after all they themselves lost the battle, although they wiped out the enemy, the loss was too great.

It was because of the lowered head that the Sakamoto Squadron completely fell into the abyss.

"The little devils of Dog Day..."

"I. Grass. Your grandma..."


At this time, Yang Song had arrived with four rows of soldiers.

From 100 meters away, they saw the little devils who were surrounding the corpses of the soldiers and slashing and killing them frantically. Seeing this scene, the eyes of more than 20 soldiers in four rows turned red instantly.

Because they knew that their brothers in the third row had all died, and they would never return to the Yangjiaoshan base area, and they would no longer be able to follow the regiment leader Lei Zhan to fight the little devils.


"Da da da da..."

"Da da da da..."


Yang Song and the soldiers went crazy. They pulled the trigger angrily with their light machine guns, and shot fiercely at the little devils in front of them.

They want to use the machine guns in their hands to wipe out all the enemies on the battlefield and pay homage to the dead comrades.




The little devils who appeared suddenly and frantically shot down the ground with machine guns did not react at all. After all, Yang Song and the others appeared too fast and too suddenly.

The little devils were continuously sprayed with blood mist by the bullets that were shot in, and they fell to the ground one by one.

"Brothers, rush for me, kill all the little devils, leave no one behind, and avenge the brothers in the third row!"

Seeing the little devil who was completely suppressed by the firepower, Yang Song yelled, and rushed towards the top of the position with the machine gun in his arms.

"Come on!"


Not to be outdone, the soldiers in the back held their machine guns and followed Yang Song's footsteps while shooting.

There will be no suspense in this battle. All the little devils will be executed, including the squadron commander and squadron leader Sakamoto 56. He is also under the fire of machine guns and went to meet his emperor. He dare not die until he dies Believe that his life will end like this.

"Kill the chicken!"

At this time, the mortars were being cleared under the Xiaotupo battlefield, and the little devils who stayed behind reacted, gathered in an instant, and rushed towards the Xiaotupo position.

(End of this chapter)

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