Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 162 Plan Adjustment

Chapter 162 Plan Adjustment
"Da da da da..."


At this time, Yang Song brought the red-eyed soldiers to the battlefield, and they shot at the felled devil, venting the hatred in their hearts.

They knew in their hearts that the third platoon was no longer there, and the soldiers in the third platoon had all sacrificed and left them forever!
"Kill the chicken!"

At this time, the sound of the little devil's charge suddenly came from under the small soil slope.

Hearing this sound, the murderous intent in the eyes of Yang Song and the soldiers was even stronger. In an instant, more than 20 soldiers ran to the edge of the small slope with their machine guns in their arms, aiming the machine guns in their hands at the enemy who was rushing up below. Little devils.

Yang Song led four rows of soldiers to look down on the little devils below.

Similarly, seeing the Chinese people suddenly appearing above, especially the light machine guns in the hands of the Chinese people, the faces of the little devils all changed. Their eyes were instantly filled with fear, and they turned around and ran away. momentum.

They are also afraid of death, the feeling of being shot by light machine guns is not good.

"Da da da……"

At this moment, one of the soldiers in the fourth row saw a little devil appearing on the truck not far away. This little devil was holding a light machine gun and wanted to shoot at Yang Song and others, but after being discovered by the soldiers, he immediately shot the little devil The devil suddenly became a sieve.




The little devils who heard the sound of the machine gun were completely frightened. They dropped the guns in their hands and fled even faster.

"All to death, not one left!"

Looking at the little devils fleeing in embarrassment, Yang Song's face was calm, and he gave an order to annihilate them in a cold tone.

"Da da da da..."

"Da da da……"


Afterwards, the soldiers pulled the triggers without hesitation, and more than 20 light machine guns let out death-like roars in an instant, and stretched out the hands of death to the little devils who were frantically fleeing in front of them.



The little devils who were running away screamed and trembled all over, and fell to the ground one by one!
They paid the price they deserved for the evil deeds they sat down on!
After 1 minute, the battle ended, all the little devils died on the ground, and the corpses of the little devils were scattered all over the place, their dirty blood stained the ground red.

The gunfire stopped, and Yang Song and more than 20 soldiers looked at the corpses of the little devils scattered all over the place with extremely cold eyes.

Is it enough for the little devil to pay such a price, not enough, not far enough!

The machine guns in the hands of the soldiers were still emitting green smoke, and at the same time they thought in their hearts that they must wipe out all the little devils on the battlefield.

"Little people!"

Yang Song turned around at this time, put the light machine gun on the ground, and ran into the pile of corpses, digging through the corpses, looking for the remains of the third platoon leader Yang Min.

Tears flowed all over his face. Such a strong man, seeing the sacrifice of his comrades, left tears of pain.

After leaving the two soldiers on guard, the rest of the soldiers joined the search team and began to search among the piles of corpses. Their tears spilled over the land.

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen relatively complete corpses appeared on the spot. Judging from their uniforms, they were soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.


Yang Song knelt next to the corpses of more than ten comrades in arms, wailing to the sky, he did not find the remains of the third platoon leader Yang Min, and the remains of more than 30 soldiers in the third platoon were found on the battlefield. Yes, no more.

The soldiers standing next to them took off their hats one after another. Next to the sacrificed comrades, they lowered their heads and wept silently, seeing off the sacrificed comrades!

The third heavy machine gun position.

At this time, Yang Lian, the deputy platoon leader of the fourth row, had brought ten soldiers and heavy machine guns to the third heavy machine gun position.

"Reporting to the company commander, the first heavy machine gun position was discovered by the enemy, and then shelled, causing heavy losses. The platoon leader Yang Song has led the soldiers to support, please give instructions!"

After Yang Lian came to the third machine gun position, he immediately reported the details to the company commander Yang Peng.

"damn it!"

Hearing Yang Lian's report, the third company commander, Yang Peng, immediately cursed, his face filled with anger.

The faces of the soldiers in the fortifications also changed at this time, and they tightly held the guns in their hands. They knew that some comrades in arms had died.

After Yang Peng scolded, he became thoughtful. He looked into the distance. He knew that since the first heavy machine gun position had been exposed, then his heavy machine gun position must also be exposed. He thought in his heart, the wolf group Is there an inner ghost among them? Otherwise, how could the little devils know their ambush position so clearly.

Then, Yang Peng ordered:

"Send a telegram to the head of the regiment, saying that all the positions of the heavy machine guns have been known by the little devils. My third company will lead the soldiers to re-select positions, and notify the head of the regiment, saying that the big army of the little devils has set off, please prepare for battle!"


The soldiers who received the order immediately went to notify the electric order soldiers.

"Move the position forward, mother, I want to catch the little devils by surprise, mother, I know my position, I will change the position!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Peng gave another order, he ordered the position to move forward, such a temporary change of the battle plan, the little devil would definitely not know about it again, Yang Peng wanted to come, this would definitely deal a severe blow to the little devil.

Afterwards, the soldiers of the third company who heard the order moved quickly, carrying heavy machine guns and all ammunition, and rushed towards the front of the position.

Yangjiao Mountain, behind!

At this time, Lei Zhan was holding the three consecutive telegrams from the forward position, his brows were deeply frowned, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's the matter, old Ray?"

Seeing Lei Zhan frowning with the telegram, political commissar Zhang Jibing and deputy head Yang Xingguo came up and asked suspiciously.

"Look at it."

Seeing the two people who were puzzled, Lei Zhan handed them the telegram in his hand, while frowning and thinking deeply.

"How is it possible, how could the enemy know our ambush position so clearly?"

Yang Xingguo exclaimed and said in disbelief.

Zhang Jibing, who saw the telegram, also fell silent.

"Humph, order the [-]th Brigade, the [-]th Regiment, and the Seventh Battalion to point the artillery at the little devils who are attacking from the direction of the county, and blow them up hard!"

Lei Zhan gave the order with a serious face, while thinking in his heart: "Whether it's the news you leaked depends on your performance."

Lei Zhan did not tell Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo that he suspected that Chen Nie from the Seventh Battalion of Artillery had leaked the news, so he wanted to test Chen Nie and let Chen Nie bombard the devils coming from the direction of the county. If it is bombed, it proves that there is nothing wrong with Chen Nie. If Chen Nie does not carry out his order, then don't blame him for being cruel.

While thinking about it, a murderous intent flashed in Lei Zhan's eyes, the soldiers he sacrificed could not die in vain.

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Xingguo went to carry it out.

Zhang Jibing kept silent on the side, frowning deeply, not knowing how to think again

(End of this chapter)

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