Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 163 "Incompetent" artillery fire

Chapter 163 "Incompetent" artillery fire
The first heavy machine gun position.

At this time, Yang Song and more than 20 soldiers had already covered the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers with the canvas on the truck and hid them aside. They waited for the battle to be over before bringing the sacrificed soldiers home!

"Platoon commander, the company commander is here!"

At this time, a vigilant soldier ran to Yang Song and reported.

After hearing the report from the soldiers, Yang Song and the soldiers standing next to him paid a collective salute to the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers, then turned and left.

Because they still have to fight and kill the devils, they can't keep immersing themselves in grief, and they can't always be by the side of the sacrificed comrades.

At this time, Yang Peng led more than 100 soldiers from the third company, guns, ammunition and heavy machine guns, and rushed to the front of Yang Song quickly.

Seeing the company commander Yang Peng, Yang Song immediately led the soldiers to greet him, then Yang Song saluted Yang Peng, and reported with a sad face: "Report to the company commander, all the little devils have been wiped out, but, but, the third row Soldiers, sacrifice all."

Speaking of this, Yang Song's eyes became moist again.

"Oh shit!"

Hearing Yang Song's report, company commander Yang Peng's expression changed, and he cursed while biting his back molars.

The soldiers who heard this result were all overwhelmed with grief.

"Company commander, I request thirty soldiers, I will go to stop the enemy..."

Later, Yang Song told Yang Peng his detailed plan.

After Yang Peng heard Yang Song's plan, he nodded with a serious face. He felt that Yang Song's plan was feasible, so he turned around and ordered: "First platoon leader, hand over all your soldiers to Yang Song."


The platoon leader who heard the order turned around to convey his order.

Afterwards, Yang Song took his four rows and one row of soldiers, a total of sixty soldiers, and ran towards the corpses of the devils below.

After Yang Song led the soldiers into devil's uniforms, he drove a large truck and turned around towards the county seat.

Yang Peng, who was watching the soldiers leave on the soil slope position, took the soldiers behind him, and saluted the soldiers in the fourth row and the first row with a serious face.

"set off!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Peng continued to move forward with the rest of the soldiers with a serious face.

One mile away from Yangjiao Mountain, on top of a dry mountain.

At this time, the 20th Brigade, the [-]th Regiment, and the Seventh Artillery Battalion were stationed here. They had already mounted more than [-] small infantry guns, all of which were aimed at the direction of the county.

Behind the small infantry artillery, there were less than one battalion of Chen Nie's soldiers. He came out this time and did not completely pull his artillery battalion.

Beside his soldiers, there were more than a dozen soldiers from the Wolf Warriors, standing guard everywhere.

"Battalion Commander, Commander Lei orders!"

At this time, Ma Chen came to Chen Xie with a telegram.

Chen Nie put down the binoculars and accepted the telegram with a disdainful face. After seeing the order above, he turned around and ordered, "Move the cannon 45 degrees, fire me!"

The national army soldiers who heard the order began to adjust the angle of the infantry artillery.

"Battalion Commander, you...!"

When Ma Chen, the deputy battalion commander, heard Chen Nie's order, he immediately wanted to refute, because Chen Nie adjusted the angle of the infantry artillery in this way, and it would be completely missed.

But before he could say anything, he immediately saw Chen Nie's sinister eyes, and Chen Nie's muzzle was already aimed at his gun under his clothes.

Seeing this, he had to swallow hard what he was going to say.

"boom boom"


At this moment, the infantry artillery began to roar.

Twenty miles away from Yangjiao Mountain, there is a convoy of devils.

"Zhajiao Murakami, yours, take your squadron and go to support the work, hurry up!"

Among the devil convoy, Koizo Koi looked at the telegram in his hand with an ugly expression, and gave an order.

He did not expect that the Sakamoto Squadron would still suffer heavy losses when the situation was favorable to them, so he asked him to continue sending troops to support them.

"Mr. Xiaojing, don't work in a hurry. This kind of battle is the most interesting way to work. I don't like crushing battles!"

Ichiro Miyamoto, who looked at Soku Koi with an ugly face, said with a smile that he believed that only difficult wars could better reflect the might of the warriors of the empire.

"Ha ha!"

Koi Sokakusa smiled wryly when he heard what Miyamoto Ichiro said.


At this moment, the hillside not far from the convoy was violently bombarded by artillery fire, and the ground shook and the mountains shook, deafening.

"What kind of work!"

Ichiro Miyamoto, who was still calm just now, panicked immediately when he heard the sound of gunfire, and even a look of fear appeared on his face.

"Miyamoto-kun, don't worry about your work, it belongs to our people, the work of the cannonball will not fall on our heads!"

Seeing Ichiro Miyamoto losing his composure, Sora Koi immediately showed a smile on his face, and said in a calm tone.

"Huh, Baga, you startled me by doing the work, Mr. Xiaojing, your conscience is broken!"

Miyamoto Ichiro breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear in his heart, glared at Koi Sozo, and said in a trembling tone.

"Ha ha!"

In this way, the devil convoy marched safely under the "violent" artillery fire.

Yangjiao Mountain, the headquarters of the Wolf Warriors.

"Well, the cannon went off!"

Hearing the sound of cannons, political commissar Zhang Jibing stopped contemplating, got up and said with a serious face.


Lei Zhan looked at the direction of the shelling, and the doubts in his heart became even more puzzled. The Seventh Artillery Battalion launched an artillery attack, which meant that there was no problem with the Seventh Artillery Battalion.

However, how did the little devil know about their deployment? Lei Zhan became even more puzzled.

Just like Lei Zhan, political commissar Zhang Jibing was also full of doubts at this moment. He always felt that there was something missing, but he just couldn't think of it.

One mile away from Yangjiao Mountain, there is a dry mountain.

Looking at the direction of the county seat after the bombardment, the disdain on Chen Nie's face became even stronger.


Ma Chen, the deputy battalion commander, sighed deeply, and squatted down on the ground with a sad face.

Seeing the shelling, the ten soldiers of the Wolf Warriors showed smiles on their faces. At the same time, their favorability towards the Artillery Battalion was greatly improved!

At this time, Yang Song was leading his more than 60 soldiers, wearing the clothes of little devils, marching towards the county.

The eyes of all the soldiers were full of hatred. They tightly held the light machine guns in their hands, waiting for the battle order, and ruthlessly slaughtered the little devil to avenge the sacrificed comrades.

After the two trucks traveled another mile, Yang Song ordered the convoy to turn around and stop. After parking, Yang Song led the soldiers out of the car.

Yang Song observed the terrain on both sides, nodded with satisfaction in his serious face, he is very satisfied with the terrain he chose, he wants to be here, give the little devil a hard blow, let them remember Live the blow.

"Comrades, a few of you lie down on the ground for a while, and the rest go up the hillside and lie in ambush on both sides, waiting for orders. In addition, Yang Lian, you take two soldiers and go to the back, pretending to be fighting, and the gunshots don't stop. Just one shot at a time!"

Yang Song began to issue orders, began to deploy, and waited for the arrival of the little devil.

(End of this chapter)

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