Chapter 164 Hell
"Sakamoto-kun's work, a big idiot's work, haha!"

Accelerating forward to support Sakamoto 56's Murakami Zhajiao Squadron, five large trucks are galloping on the road to Yangjiao Mountain, and Murakami Zhajiao's disdainful laughter can be heard from time to time.

From his tone, it can be heard that this guy is very happy about the setback of Sakamoto 56 Squadron.

"Da da da da..."



At this moment, Zhongzuo Murakami, who was on the co-pilot of the first truck, heard the gunshots coming from the front. At the same time, he also saw the situation ahead, and immediately ordered the convoy to stop.


Seeing the first truck stop, the four trucks behind stopped in place one by one.

I saw two trucks parked 100 meters in front of Murakami Zhajiao's convoy, and there were several imperial soldiers lying on the ground, and another imperial soldier kept gesturing to them, signaling them to stop quickly.

Murakami saw that the imperial soldiers next to the truck were all seriously injured, and the imperial uniforms were covered in blood.

Seeing this, Zhajiao Murakami suddenly realized that the dense sound of light machine guns in front of him might be the Sakamoto Squadron fighting. Thinking of this, Zhajiao Murakami's face changed, and he lost the mocking look just now.

As for my own side, I don't have any problem laughing at it as much as I want, but when fighting, we must be united.

"Working in the heavy machine gun position ahead, yours, don't come over!"

At this moment, Murakami Zhajiao heard the shout of a standing imperial soldier next to the truck ahead, and at the same time gestured him to stop.

Seeing this, Zhongzuo Murakami Zhajiao's face suddenly turned ugly, and he cursed: "Baga Yalu, your Sakamoto Squadron despises the work of my Murakami Squadron, Baga!"

When Murakami Zhajiao saw the gestures of the imperial warriors in front of him, he understood in his heart that Sakamoto Squadron looked down on his Murakami Squadron, and his heart suddenly became unhappy. He didn't want to be looked down upon by the incompetent Sakamoto Squadron, and immediately ordered:

"Everyone who gets out of the car to work, move forward quickly, and kill the chicken!"

As soon as Murakami Zhajiao's order was issued, there was the sound of hurried footsteps from the soldiers on the truck, and then the little devils quickly gathered beside the truck.

Yang Song, who was 100 meters away in front of him, saw the scene of the little devil, and his heart was already full of joy. Looking at the little devils gathered in front of him, his face was full of disdain.

At this time, the soldiers lying on the ground were also secretly aiming at the little devils not far away. At the same time, their hands grasped the light machine guns hidden beside them, ready to fight at any time.

Watching the gathering of the little devils in front, Yang Song immediately gestured to the little devils on the opposite side again, signaling them not to move forward, but to wait in place.

"Bagaya Road! The work of the Sakamoto Squadron, your work is not a joke, look down on the work of my Murakami Squadron, the conscience of you, a warrior of the empire, is greatly broken!"

After assembling the squadron, Murakami Zhajiao saw that the imperial soldiers in front still refused to let him pass, which made him unable to suppress the anger in his heart immediately. Murakami Zhajiao immediately pointed at Yang Song with a command knife and yelled, then he twisted Overhead command: "Work forward, go directly to the battle, kill all the rebels, and destroy all the work!"

"Kill the chicken!"


After the order was issued, Murakami Zhajiao charged forward, and quickly led the squadron of more than 200 little devils towards Yang Song and the others. However, their goal was the place where the gunshot fired behind Yang Song.

Murakami Zhajiao looked excited and murderous at this time, and at the same time he thought in his heart, he must teach a lesson to the imperial soldier who refused to let him advance, and let him know that the prestige of the Murakami Squadron is not the idiot Sakamoto Squadrons can be compared.

At this time, Yang Song looked at the devil squadron approaching, his face became serious, and at the same time he silently calculated the distance in his heart, his left hand leaning on the rear wheel of the truck had reached into the rear wheel of the truck, grabbing He kept the [-]-type light machine gun hidden inside, ready to deal a heavy blow to the little devil at any time.

"80 meters!"

At this moment, Yang Song could already see the disgusting and disgusting smile of the devil officer, especially the little devils behind him, all of them had cruel expressions on their faces.

"60 meters!"

Yang Song's face was calm, but the killing intent in his chest was about to burst out, and his eyes hidden under the helmet had already started to turn red.

He wants to avenge the sacrificed comrades-in-arms, and use the blood and head of the enemy to pay homage to the sacrificed comrades-in-arms.

"50 meters!"

Seeing that the little devil had driven within 50 meters, a cruel smile suddenly appeared on Yang Song's face, and then he roared, holding the light machine gun with his left hand, he pulled it out from the rear wheel of the truck, and pulled it out instantly. He hugged his light machine gun in his arms, pointed the cold muzzle at the devil squadron that was rushing towards him, and shouted:

"Da da da da..."

The icy muzzle of the gun suddenly sprayed out a death-like tongue of flame, and the dense bullets shot towards the rushing squadron of little devils.

Murakami Zhajiao Zhongzuo, who was rushing forward excitedly, suddenly saw the imperial warrior in front of him who stopped them from advancing. He had a weird and cruel smile on his face, which confuses his heart.

But then the next action of the imperial soldier really horrified him. He saw the imperial soldier not far in front of him pull out a light machine gun and aimed the cold muzzle at it. One of his own, but what he saw afterwards made him instantly understand that he had been fooled.

Because he saw the dead imperial soldiers lying on the ground, they all stood up. They also held Type [-] light machine guns in their hands, and there were several more soldiers in imperial uniforms on the truck. The soldiers, the cold muzzles of their light machine guns, were all aimed at themselves.

Afterwards, Murakami felt a burst of pain at Zhajiao, and he just realized that he had been cheated, and died unwillingly.


Following Yang Song's order, the soldiers who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead quickly got up on the ground in an instant, aiming the light machine gun in their hands at the little devils who rushed forward.

On the truck next to Yang Song, there were three more soldiers. They also aimed their light machine guns at the little devils rushing forward.

There were also a large number of soldiers on the hillsides on both sides, and they also held light machine guns in their hands.

"Da da da da..."

"Da da da da..."


At this moment, the firepower of the light machine gun was fully fired, and the bullets spewed out densely, like a violent storm, towards the Murakami Squadron, covering more than 200 little devils.




Under such a sudden blow, the little devil, who was covered in bullets like a storm, had no time to react at all.

Blood mist was sprayed all over their bodies, blood gushed out of their mouths, and some little devils' heads were even blown apart, red and white splashed around.

Some little devils were directly hit by the dense bullets, and their bodies were dilapidated, and they exploded directly.

Under the impact of such dense bullets, the scene was very bloody. This small position was directly shrouded in blood mist, the ground was completely soaked in blood, stumps were everywhere, and there were little devils lying on the ground. A complete corpse.

In an instant, this place became a real hell!
(End of this chapter)

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