Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 168 Here Comes the Devil

Chapter 168 Here Comes the Devil
Hearing Koi Sora's order, the convoy started to move forward, and after a while, it came to the big pit filled with the devil's corpse.




After the big truck's wheels ran over the big hole filled by the corpses, there was a particularly ear-piercing sound of bone breaking mixed with the special sound of flesh and blood, and there was also blood splashing around.

At this moment, all the tires that had run over were dyed blood red.


Seeing this scene, Koi Cangkong clenched his back teeth again, and immediately boarded the first truck with a livid face. Afterwards, the convoy headed towards Yangjiao Mountain.

In the third company, Yang Peng's heavy machine gun ambushed the position.

"Company commander, the little devils are here, and it's less than two miles away!"

The scouting soldiers quickly ran into the fortifications of the position and reported to the company commander Yang Peng who was observing.

"Well, okay, send a telegram to the head of the regiment, saying that the little devil is less than five miles away from Yangjiao Mountain, let the head prepare to meet the enemy, and I will do my best three times in a row, at all costs, to contain the enemy here."

After hearing the news, Yang Peng turned around and gave an order to the radio soldiers, and then gave the order to prepare for battle.

In an instant, the soldiers in the entire ambush site were ready. Two miles, the journey for the little devils was very fast, after all, they were driving big trucks.

Yangjiao Mountain, Wolf Warrior Command!
"Damn it, Yang Peng is disobeying orders!"

Political commissar Zhang Jibing held the telegram just sent by the telegram soldier, his face was very serious, and he handed the telegram to Lei Zhan next to him while cursing.

Yang Xingguo, the deputy commander who was looking at the map, saw Zhang Jibing's serious look and hurried over.

After receiving the telegram, Lei Zhan next to Zhang Jibing frowned deeply when he saw the contents of the telegram. Yang Peng really didn't want to live anymore. With a mere company's strength, he wanted to contain a brigade of devils. The strength of seven or eight squadrons, isn't this nonsense, I just don't want to live anymore.

"This bastard, how could he do this!"

Yang Xingguo saw the contents of the telegram from the side, and said the same curse.

"Yang Hu!"

Lei Zhan didn't hesitate, and immediately thought of a countermeasure plan in his mind, he shouted at Yang Hu who was standing beside the headquarters with a cold face.

Yang Hu, who heard Lei Zhan's shout, immediately got up and came to Lei Zhan with an extremely serious expression.

"You take the rest of the special warfare battalion and immediately go to support Yang Peng. Don't worry about the little devils you meet on the way. Go directly to Yang Peng. You must bring Yang Peng's third company back to me. Did you hear that! "

With a serious face, Lei Zhan ordered loudly.

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

After receiving the order, Yang Hu reassured loudly, then turned and left the headquarters, led the soldiers of the special warfare battalion, and quickly rushed towards the three-company blocking position five miles away.

"Damn it, it's time to act! Thunder!"

Watching Yang Hu leave with the special warfare battalion, Lei Zhan looked at the dry mountain beyond Yangjiao Mountain in the distance, and a huge murderous intent appeared on his face. It is time to solve some things. This task will be handed over to Lei Ming's sniper team. solve!
Xiaojing Cangkong's convoy was rapidly approaching the three-company blocking position.

Xiaojing Cangkong, who was on the co-pilot of the first truck, had a livid face and stared at the front with stern eyes. He really didn't expect that he had lost five of them before reaching Yangjiao Mountain due to such a bad start. Squadron of Imperial Warriors.


At this moment, suddenly, the first truck suddenly shut down and stopped in place.


Koi Soko, who didn't take precautions in time, was immediately driven by the truck's inertia, and slammed into the glass in front of the truck, causing his head to bleed immediately.


Koi Sokakazuo held his bloody head and cursed at the driver, his eyes became more sinister at this time.




Strangely enough, the scolded driver kept turning on the ignition in a panic, but the truck just couldn't start.

What was even more irritating was that this section of the road was already very narrow, and only one truck was allowed to pass. Now, the first truck was blocked on the road, and the trucks behind could no longer pass.

"Bagaya Road!"

After Xiaojing Cangkong understood this, he picked up his command knife and hit the driver who was in a hurry to start the ignition a few times, then turned around angrily and got off the car.

"All get out of the car and gather, run and work forward, hurry up!"

After getting out of the car, Xiao Jing Cang Zuo gave orders loudly. He just looked at the map in the car. At this time, it was still six miles away from Yangjiao Mountain.

Since the trucks are impassable, let's take the Imperial Warriors for a run. After all, the distance of six miles is not very far. For their big RB Imperial Warriors, it's a trivial job.

"Wow, Tat Tat Tat!"

The little devils who heard the order gathered quickly, and their faces were also very reluctant. After all, sitting on the truck and running forward are two completely different feelings.

Soon, a brigade and five squadrons, a total of more than [-] little devils assembled, carrying light machine guns, heavy machine guns, mortars and other equipment, and gathered in front of Kozuo Koi.

Looking at the long queue next to the car, Xiao Jing finally showed a smile on his sombre face. With these two thousand imperial warriors, plus the work of the plane and Chen Nie's cannon, he can [-]% defeat the Wolf Warriors on Yangjiao Mountain and Lei Zhan, completely and completely slaughtered, leaving no one behind.

"Go ahead and work!"

Koi Sokong held up his command saber and loudly issued an order.

"Tap Tap!"

Afterwards, more than [-] armed little devils began to march towards Yangjiao Mountain.

Nakazusa Koi and Ichiro Miyamoto followed behind the team, accompanied by radio soldiers and combat staff officers.

One mile away from the devil team, three companies of heavy machine guns ambushed the position.

"Come on, come on, company commander, the devil is coming!"

Yang Song, the leader of the fourth platoon who was watching with a telescope in the fortification, saw the little devil coming through the telescope, and immediately shouted in surprise and excitement.


However, what greeted him was a slap from the third company commander Yang Peng.

"What's your stupid name, you're not afraid of being recruited by devils!"

Yang Peng looked at Yang Song with a serious face, taught him a lesson, then picked up the binoculars and looked into the distance, Yang Peng saw that the little devil really came, just one mile away.

But what puzzled Yang Peng was why all the little devils ran forward. Looking at the long team of more than 2000 little devils, Yang Peng became excited. That would be great.


Yang Song, who was slapped by Yang Peng, giggled silly. His thoughts were the same as Yang Peng's. If the little devil who was running was suddenly shot by a machine gun, he would definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Ready to fight!"

Seeing the little devils getting closer, Yang Peng immediately issued an order with a serious face.


The soldiers who heard the order instantly pulled the bolts and pointed their guns at the little devils who were appearing and approaching in front of them.

Devil team!

"Quick, quick!"

In front of the little devil's team, a captain kept urging the leading little devil to speed up.

What they don't know is that one step further is hell!

(End of this chapter)

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