Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 169 Go To Hell, Little Devil!

Chapter 169 Go To Hell, Little Devil!
"Quick, quick!"

In front of the little devil's team, a captain kept urging the leading little devil to speed up.

"Tap Tap!"

Hearing the urging of the team leader in a big tune, the little devils immediately quickened their pace.

Behind the devil team.

"Miyamoto-kun, mine, I hope that in the next battle, I won't see you looking like a dog again!"

Koi Sokora looked at Zhongzuo Miyamoto Ichiro, who had come to his senses beside him, and said with an extremely serious expression.

Hearing what Xiaojing Soku said, Miyamoto Ichiro's extremely dirty face showed an ugly look. After all, he was too ashamed before. He didn't expect that the lamb-like Chinese would have such a cruel side. Scared him to death.

Thinking of the scene just now, Ichiro Miyamoto's eyes immediately showed fear, and even his body trembled, and then he quickly assured:
"Hi! Mr. Xiaojing, don't worry, mine, in the next battle, I will definitely work at the front, and I will definitely not take a step back!"

"Da da da da..."

"Da da da da..."


As soon as Zhongzuo Miyamoto Ichiro finished his guarantee, he heard the deafening and extremely dense gunshots in front of him in an instant, and his face showed a huge panic again, and his body trembled involuntarily in an instant, and then he I felt a burst of heat coming from his crotch.

Miyamoto Ichiro was scared to pee by the sudden gunshot, completely scared to pee!

"Bagaya Road, yours, die!"

Seeing Ichiro Miyamoto's useless look, Sora Koi couldn't suppress the anger in his heart anymore, and kicked Ichiro Miyamoto out who was already scared to pee his pants.

Originally, he felt a little better after hearing Ichiro Miyamoto's assurance just now, but he didn't expect this momentary change. His Excellency Ichiro Miyamoto, an officer of the mighty RB Empire, was actually scared to pee. Xiaojing Cangkong felt both angry and unbelievable in his heart. He couldn't help but think that China is really a magical place.

Afterwards, Xiaojing Cangkong picked up the binoculars and looked towards the place where the gunshots sounded in front of the team.

It doesn't matter after seeing it, Xiaojing Cangkong's heart began to bleed again. He saw a large number of imperial warriors fell to the ground, and there were more than ten heavy machine guns and forty or fifty light machine guns firing mercilessly in the position above. with his imperial warriors.

Under such fierce machine gun fire by his imperial warriors, the vanguard troops all fell to the ground.




Xiaojing Cangkong couldn't bear this series of blows any longer, his face flushed, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His binoculars fell to the ground immediately, and he supported his body vigorously with the command knife in his right hand, hoping not to let himself fall down.

However, it was useless, Xiaojing Cangkong let out a plop, and knelt down facing the direction of Yangjiao Mountain.

"Your Majesty the Commander!"


Seeing this sudden scene, the devil officers behind immediately surrounded him anxiously.

Ahead, three companies of heavy machine gun positions.

At this time, the soldiers were excitedly using their machine guns to greet the little devils below, and they were not polite at all.


Especially the fourth platoon leader, Yang Song, howled like a wolf, while yelling crazily, while beckoning the little devil fiercely with the light machine gun in his hand.

The little devil, who was running fast, was completely stunned by this sudden attack. What is the consequence of the bewilderment, that is, heavy casualties.

After the light machine gun and the heavy machine gun rang out, a large group of little devils in front of them fell to the ground one after another, as if they were cutting wheat. both.

At this moment, the little devil in front seemed to be dancing, being shot by the machine gun, shaking, and falling down continuously with blood sprayed on his body.

The little devils didn't even make a sound of screams, so they went to meet their Emperor His Majesty.

"Counterattack, counterattack work, kill the chicken!"

"Quick! Quick! . . . "

After the initial panic, the little devils in the back finally reacted. With fear on their faces, they began to disperse, raised their guns, and fought back at the soldiers of the third company.




In an instant, the battle situation escalated, from massacre to shooting.

However, can the firepower of [-] Dagai be able to withstand the fire of heavy machine guns and light machine guns?




The little devils fell to the ground one by one, their firepower was completely suppressed.

Passively fighting back and actively killing the enemy are two completely different concepts.


"Hit me hard, brothers, hahaha!"

Above the machine gun position of the Wolf Warriors, the brave and comfortable shouts of the soldiers continued to be heard. Seeing that the little devils were completely suppressed, they were very excited in their hearts.

The little devils were not good at this. Although they had a large number, they fought back passively, and the terrain was not good for them. They suffered heavy losses at once.

"Mortars! Mortar work!"

The devil mortar squad in the middle of the team finally reacted at this time, and began to set up mortars one after another.

In a panic, they put the mortar on the uneven ground. Because of the tension brought about by fear, their hands holding the mortar were trembling.

They are afraid in their hearts. Since they came to the Chinese battlefield, they have never encountered such a powerful army. They are all light and heavy machine guns. equipment.

"Launch! Launch quickly!"

The squad leader of the mortar squad, regardless of whether the mortar was actually set up, hurriedly urged the soldiers beside him to fire quickly.

The little devils who heard the squad leader's order picked up the mortars in a panic and were about to load them.


At this moment, in the battle ahead, the grenade in the waist of the little devil who was fighting back was hit by a bullet, and it exploded instantly, splitting the little devil's body, and the little devil beside him was also hit by a bullet. He was implicated and fell to the ground after being blown up, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The mortar loader, who was frightened by the sudden explosion sound, became even more panicked, trembling suddenly, his hands trembling. He loaded the mortar into the mortar.

However, the strange thing is that this little devil's hand didn't withdraw quickly. At the moment of sudden trembling, the trembling hand accidentally hung on the mortar barrel.

Just such a small moment, all the little devils in this area were all saddened!
(End of this chapter)

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