Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 170 Chen Nie courts death

Chapter 170 Chen Nie courts death
It was because the little devil hung up lightly, and then hung the mortar, which was not very stable, on the ground. At this moment, all the little devils who saw this scene became frightened, and they turned around. will fall to the ground.

But, unfortunately, it was too late.


The mortar was fired close to the ground like a roar of death, but because of the obstruction of the little devil, it exploded on the spot, and several nearby little devils were directly blown to pieces.


In addition to the chain reaction, the mortar bombs in the other mortars were not successfully fired, and directly drove the mortar bombs on the ground to start bombing.

At this moment, the entire mortar squad and the nearby devil squad were enveloped by their own artillery fire.

Remnants fly, blood rains down!
Because of this little mistake made by their own people in fear, more than 100 little devils were bombed to death one after another.

"Haha, okay, what the hell, the little devils are blowing up their own people to play!"

The soldiers on the third company's position also saw the scene of the little devils being blown to death, and immediately burst out laughing. With the machine guns in their arms, they fired even more vigorously.

Behind the devil team, all the squadron leaders of the little devils were not in the mood to command the battle anymore. They were surrounding the middle assistant, His Excellency Koi Sokong, who had just woken up from a coma, waiting for further instructions from His Excellency Koi Sokong.

After Koi Cangkong woke up, looking at the group of incompetent squadron leaders around him, a helpless wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't expect that there was a battle ahead, and his imperial warriors were bleeding. Instead of going to command the battle, these incompetent squadron leaders surrounded him here, which made him very disappointed.

At the same time, he thought in his heart that the squadron leaders stationed in the county are just as brave as the squadron leaders who are not fighting on the frontal battlefield.

But then he thought of Miyamoto Ichiro who was scared to pee on the side, and he couldn't help but feel even more bitter.

What a disgrace, what a great shame, if it spreads, the reputation of his entire imperial elite unit, the Yingsen unit, will be ruined, and they will be severely ridiculed by their colleagues on the Chinese battlefield.

Thinking of this, Xiaojing Cangkong decided in his heart, no matter what, he must take down Yangjiao Mountain completely, and slaughter all the wolf warriors inside and the people hidden in Heihu Mountain, leaving no one behind!He wants to use blood to find back the lost dignity.

Leaving the two squadrons to contain the enemy's work, the brigade and the remaining three squadrons detoured to Yangjiao Mountain on the side!

Telegram: Major Toshiaki Mukai from LC County, tell the bandit leaders what to do, go to Heihu Mountain and slaughter all the hidden people in Yangjiao Mountain. My RB Empire will reward you greatly!
Telegram: The work of Chen Nie in the Artillery Battalion, the work of shelling Yangjiao Mountain, and the work of opening the way for my big RB Imperial Army!

Telegram: North China Commander-in-Chief, Terauchi Kotobuki, requesting aircraft support to come to bombing work!
Hurry up, hurry up! "

"Cough cough!"

After the telegram was issued, Xiaojing Cangkong's face became even paler. He coughed continuously, and the corners of his mouth were already bloodshot.

"Hi Yi!"

The squadron leaders who received the order immediately felt that they had a goal and a backbone, and began to act one after another.

Ichiro Miyamoto saw that the squadron leaders had gone to direct the battle and give orders, so he hurried to Sora Koi and began to take care of them.

Ten minutes later, the little devil left a large number of corpses before ambushing the position, and the large force turned to the other side and rushed towards Yangjiao Mountain, leaving two squadrons in place to contain the enemy.

Three consecutive ambush positions.

"Company commander, the army of little devils has detoured to the other side!"

At this time, Yang Song, who was killing the devil, suddenly exclaimed when he saw the little devil advancing in a roundabout way.

Yang Peng has already seen it a long time ago, but now he can't divide his forces to stop the devil's detour, because there are two devil squadrons in front of him that are holding him back. If he takes the soldiers to stop now If there is a large army of devils, they will definitely be killed by front and rear attacks, and he can't do that.

"Don't worry about it, there is a regiment leader behind, we just need to contain the devils in front, comrades, hit me hard!"

Yang Peng immediately made a decision, and began to lead the soldiers to greet the remaining two squadrons of devils in front. As long as they can successfully restrain the little devils in these two squadrons, it will be considered a victory.

"Da da da da..."

The soldiers who heard the order no longer cared about the devious army of devils, but greeted the two squadrons of little devils in front of them fiercely.

The sound of machine guns is endless!
Outside Yangjiao Mountain, there is a dry mountain artillery position.

Chen Nie was sneering at this moment, observing the situation inside the Yangjiao Mountain with binoculars. He saw the solid heavy machine gun defense positions repaired at the entrance of the Yangjiao Mountain, and the machine gun positions on both sides of the Yangjiao Mountain.

Seeing Lei Zhan's deployment, he had no choice but to give Lei Zhan a thumbs up in his heart. Without his appearance, Lei Zhan's combat deployment and plan could be called perfect, but with him, Chen Nie could only I can say hello to the deployment of Lei Zhan.

As for the deployment in Yangjiao Mountain, he already knew everything about it, and reported everything to the little devil.

Now I just wait for the little devil's order. As long as the little devil's order is issued, he will use the infantry artillery in his hand to bombard the heavy machine gun position at the entrance of Yangjiao Mountain and the machine gun positions on both sides of Yangjiao Mountain. Fan, completely defeated Lei Zhan, and welcomed the arrival of the little devil.

Thinking of completing the mission, the big rewards from Chief Lu and the little devil, the smile on Chen Nie's face became even more intense.

At this time, Ma Chen, the deputy battalion commander of the Artillery Battalion, was squatting on the ground with an uncertain face. He overturned one plan after another in his heart. He didn't want to surrender to the RB people. The blood on his body was still hot. He also hated the little devil. If it wasn't for the little devil's words, he wouldn't be forced to follow Lu Bihe, an old ghost, and what he didn't expect was that Lu Bihe would secretly surrender to the conscienceless little devil.

Ma Chen, with family hatred in his heart, thought of plans one after another in his heart. He wanted to kill Chen Nie and the "traitors" in the artillery camp. He couldn't let Chen Nie carry out the plan entrusted to him by the little devil, but After much deliberation, he really couldn't think of a feasible plan. He only blamed others for being alone. He only had the ability to shoot a gun with one hand, but he didn't have hard work.

"Battalion Commander, the main telegram!"

At this moment, the telegram from the Artillery Battalion sent a telegram directly to Chen Nie, without Ma Chen's hand at all.

Seeing this scene, Ma Chen's heart immediately became tense. When he saw the soldiers of the Wolf Warrior Group who were on guard next to him, his heart was instantly filled with deep worry.

If Chen Xie wanted to carry out the little devil's plan, the first to die would be the soldiers of the wolf warriors guarding nearby. Thinking of this, Ma Chen tightly held the pistol he had hidden behind his back, ready to attack at any time. Brothers who beat devils from the Wolf Warriors can't be allowed to die here innocently.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Nie burst out laughing when he saw the telegram, and at the same time he winked at the soldiers beside him.

Immediately, the soldiers of the Artillery Battalion grabbed the submachine guns on their chests with serious faces, stared at the soldiers on guard with stern eyes, and slowly pointed the submachine guns on their chests at the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors who were patrolling.

(End of this chapter)

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