Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 171 Surrender

Chapter 171 Surrender
Seeing the soldiers who had slowly raised their guns, and Chen Nie who was sneering aside, Ma Chen felt that he must not wait any longer. If he waited any longer, all the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors would be killed.

Thinking of this, Ma Chen immediately stood up and fired at the soldiers of the artillery battalion who raised their guns.

Ma Chen's purpose was to use his actions to remind the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, so that the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors would be on guard, lest they all be killed here by Chen Nie.


Ma Chen's gunshot was so sudden that for a moment, the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, as well as Chen Nie and the soldiers of the Artillery Battalion, who were on guard, froze in place.

"Da da!"

Only the artillery battalion soldier who was beaten to death by Ma Chen slowly fell to the ground, but the soldier's fingers were still on the trigger, and the pain from above his head made his fingers shrink sharply, and he pulled it all at once. Trigger the trigger, and in an instant the Czech light machine gun began to shoot from the ground to the sky.


One of the warriors of the Wolf Warriors was hit on the right shoulder by a machine gun, and he groaned in pain. At the same time, he raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at the soldiers of the artillery battalion in front, and they became vigilant.

"Ma Chen, I, Mr. ****, dare to spoil my good deed!"

When Chen Nie saw Ma Chen who was shooting the gun, he immediately cursed angrily, then raised his gun, and shouted at the soldiers who were still standing there, "What are you doing standing there, hit me!"

Because he has seen that the warriors of the Wolf Warrior Group have become vigilant, and they must fight quickly, otherwise, the thunder war in Yangjiao Mountain will definitely be disturbed. In that case, he will not be able to complete the task assigned to him by the little devil.

The soldiers of the Artillery Battalion who heard the order raised their machine guns one after another, aimed at the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, and were about to pull the trigger.





Suddenly, a very special gunshot sounded in the forest, and I saw the soldiers of the artillery battalion who had already raised their guns. In an instant, more than a dozen soldiers of the artillery battalion fell to the ground with blood holes bursting out of their heads.

This scene instantly caused the soldiers of the artillery battalion to panic. They raised their guns and pointed them at the mountain forest, with a look of fear on their faces. They didn't know what kind of gun it was, but they saw the gunshot Their companions were terrified in their hearts, and they simply didn't care about killing the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing the ten soldiers who were killed, Chen Nie's expression suddenly changed. He cursed loudly, raised his gun, and was about to shoot at Ma Chen.


Another shot came.


Then there was Chen Nie's loud scream. Looking around, he saw that Chen Nie's right hand holding the gun had already drooped, blood was splashing, and his gun fell to the ground.

"Brothers of the Wolf Warriors, fight me, these bastards have already secretly joined the little devil!"

Seeing this scene, Ma Chen was overjoyed, and then loudly explained to the bewildered warriors of the Wolf Warriors, and then the pistol in his hand began to fire.


Every time a shot was fired, a soldier from the artillery battalion fell to the ground, and all the bullets hit their foreheads. From this point, it can be seen that Ma Chen's marksmanship is very good.

After being reminded, the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors and seeing the scene in front of them immediately reacted, pointed their guns at the traitors in the artillery battalion and started fighting, dammit!If you take refuge in the little devil, then go to hell!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The moment the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors opened fire, the sound of sniper guns rang out again in the forest, and immediately after that, a large number of soldiers from the Artillery Battalion were killed by headshots.

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"


When the traitors in the artillery battalion saw their companions dying quickly, they immediately became terrified in their hearts, stopped shooting, raised the Czech light machine gun in their hands above their heads, squatted on the spot, and shouted with fear on their faces.

They were afraid of death, and they took refuge in the little devils only for rewards, but the rewards had not been received yet, and they were about to lose their lives, so they immediately chose to surrender, because they knew that the Eighth Route Army did not kill prisoners, but treated them preferentially.

"Mothers of my f*****s!"

Seeing the soldiers who surrendered without resistance, Chen Nie immediately endured the pain in his wrist, and with an angry expression on his face, he growled at the soldiers like a mad dog.

They had thought that the soldiers with the advanced Czech light machine guns would be so cowardly and surrender without resistance. Like a mad bull.

"Your mother, I'm not a **** mother, I didn't get the reward, you think we are as stupid as you!"

"That's right, Battalion Commander Chen, your mother is too old, if your sisters are okay..."


Hearing Chen Nie's scolding, the prostitutes who surrendered in front of them immediately fought back against Chen Nie. Anyway, Chen Nie didn't surrender, and he would definitely die in a while, so they wouldn't be afraid, and then they all turned to Chen Nie Nie started to scold, as bad as he wanted, and he scolded in different ways.

"You guys, poof...!"

Seeing the soldiers who turned against him and yelled at him one after another, Chen Nie was so angry that he couldn't say a word, and suddenly protruded a mouthful of old blood, his face flushed from holding back, as if he was blowing a pig.

Seeing such a funny scene in front of him, Ma Chen was stunned, and the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors were also stunned. They couldn't help but think in their hearts, this is really a boat of friendship that capsizes as soon as it is said to capsize!
"Tap Tap!"

At this time, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the forest behind.

Hearing the sound, Ma Chen and the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors turned around and looked back.

I saw Lei Zhan holding a sniper rifle in his arms, and came here with Lei Ming's sniper team with a cold face.

In the arms of Lei Ming and the others behind Lei Zhan, all of them were holding FAC-50 sniper rifles, looking very majestic.


Seeing that it was Lei Zhan, the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors immediately saluted.

"Captain Lei!"

Ma Chen was no exception, saluted Lei Zhan with a serious face, and then his eyes stayed on the sniper rifle in Lei Zhan's arms, and there were bursts of light in his eyes.


Seeing the injured soldier, Lei Zhan asked with concern.

"Reporting to the head, what a joke!"

Enduring the pain, the soldier replied with a smile.

"Okay, you are worthy of being my Lei Zhan soldier!"

Lei Zhan praised the soldier, and then Lei Zhan looked at Ma Chen who was at the side, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Because Lei Zhan noticed this guy when he was in the mountains and forests. Of course, it was this guy's precise marksmanship, which pierced the enemy's eyebrows. This is a rare sharpshooter.

"Good marksmanship, boy!"

"Head Xie Lei's praise, it's just these people!"

Ma Chen thanked Lei Zhan, turned to look at Chen Nie who was glaring at him angrily, and said.

Hearing Ma Chen's words, Lei Zhan's face instantly returned to ice-cold, and he looked at Chen Nie who was sitting on the ground glaring at Ma Chen with a sharp gaze!
(End of this chapter)

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