Chapter 175

Major Koi Inuyo and his imperial warriors are rushing excitedly, seeing that victory is in sight.But the scene that suddenly appeared in front of them immediately filled their faces with horror!
I saw that there was no one there, and in the middle of the heavy machine guns that were emitting black smoke, dozens of fully armed Chinese soldiers suddenly stood up. Type II light machine gun.

Among them, several Chinese soldiers kicked aside the big sacks scattered on the ground, revealing the death-like black [-]-type heavy machine gun.

Seeing this scene, it was too late for the little devils to stop, because at this moment, all the machine guns started roaring and spouting flames.

"Da da da da..."

"Da da da da..."

"Da da……"

In an instant, the heavy machine gun positions at the entrance of Yangjiao Mountain and the light machine gun positions on the peaks on both sides began to emit intensive firepower like a storm.

The little devils of the three squadrons who were charging quickly fell to the ground with blood spattered on their bodies.

At this moment, a large number of little devils died, and the ground was once again stained red with blood.

After seeing this tragic scene, the little devil who charged behind was terrified, and turned around to escape from this terrible place.


Before they could escape, the extremely violent artillery fire came again, completely cutting the little devils who were charging ahead from the team of little devils behind.

Under this fierce shelling, the little devils visible to the naked eye turned into stumps and flew up. Bloody intestines, internal organs, heads with extremely frightened eyes, and blood rain flew in all directions.

In an instant, this place turned into hell again, and a large number of beast-like little devils were all blown to death.

The little devils shattered with their deaths, and made atonement for the tens of millions of compatriots in China who died tragically.

The little devil who was intercepted from the rear, after seeing the scene that terrified them, no longer had the will to fight, turned around to the direction they came from, and fled in embarrassment.

At the end of the artillery fire, all the little devils who charged were shot to death by machine guns, leaving corpses everywhere in front of the position.

"Comrades, go!"

Seeing that all the little devils who charged had been completely annihilated, and the little devils who were intercepted behind were fleeing wildly, Lei Zhan immediately stood up in the fortification, roared, pulled out the shining machete, and jumped out of the fortification first, facing The fleeing little devil rushed to kill him.




Immediately afterwards, Lei Kangri drew out his saber, and Yang Jian drew out his machete at the side, and the two of them followed Lei Zhan's footsteps and rushed forward.

The soldiers followed closely behind, all holding gleaming machetes in their hands.

They want to charge, and use the machetes in their hands to cut off all the heads of the little devils, and pay homage to the tens of thousands of compatriots in China who died tragically.


Lei Zhan was very fast, like a wolf king out of his nest to hunt, he was the first to rush into the group of fleeing little devils.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Zhan slashed at the heads of the fleeing little devils with his sword.

The machete was cut vertically and horizontally, and several little devils were beheaded and their bodies split open one after another.

Lei Kangri, Yang Jian and the others who followed were also extremely brave, killing the fleeing little devils was like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

Wherever they passed, it was like wolves entering a flock of sheep, leaving behind a bloody king's road full of corpses.

Lei Ming's sniper team was not idle either. They were on the two wings of the team, constantly sniping and killing the little devil.

Outside Linchuan County.

Yang Fei led more than 200 special forces and waited here. The secret mission Lei Zhan gave him was to let him lead the special forces to take down LC County while the big army of little devils was out. Devil's back road.

At this time, at the gate of the county seat, several puppet soldiers and little devils were wandering around. Because of the cold weather, there were not many villagers going out at all, so the gate of the city was very deserted.

At this moment, Yang Fei saw that more than a dozen puppet troops came out of the county, and the one who took the lead was Wang Yang, an old special soldier of the former Wolf Warriors A group he had left in the county.

Seeing that Wang Yang came out of the county with the puppet soldiers, he hooked up with a few little devils. After a while, Yang Fei and the special forces saw the little devils, supported by the puppet soldiers, enter the Inside the sentry tower at the gate of the city.

Afterwards, Wang Yang waved his hands towards the place where Yang Fei and the special forces team members were, meaning that they had already succeeded, and entered quickly.

"Let's go, comrades, it's time for us to show our talents!"

Seeing that the team member Wang Yang had succeeded, Yang Fei immediately issued an order. In an instant, under the leadership of Yang Fei, more than 200 special forces members quickly joined Wang Yang and entered the county.

Everything went according to the plan laid out for the first time the county was conquered before the thunder war entered the winter, and it went very smoothly, without any accidents during the period.

The special warfare team that entered the county town, led by Wang Yang, quickly killed the little devil in the county town.

Because the large army is all attacking, there are not many little devils staying in the county. Of course, the most important reason is that Xiaojing Cangkong feels that the large army is going to attack Yangjiao Mountain, and the Wolf Warriors in Yangjiao Mountain will definitely not have the opportunity to come To attack the county seat, so he left a small team of troops in the county seat and asked Mukai Toshiaki to stay behind.

No matter how cunning a fox is, it can't escape the trap of an experienced old hunter. Little Jing Cangkong doesn't know that Lei Zhan has already made a complete deployment when he captured the county for the first time.

It was because of the backup left in advance that Yang Fei was able to take down the county so quickly.

Along the way, Yang Fei and the [-] special forces members were invincible, and directly pushed a small team of devils who stayed in the county, and attacked the devil's headquarters all the way.

Regarding the Devils Command, Yang Fei could say that he was familiar with it, but he was no longer familiar with it. Soon, Yang Fei led the special forces to kill the sentry and directly attacked the core of the headquarters.

"Bagaya Road!"

Major Toshiaki Mukai, who heard the gunshots outside, rushed out of the headquarters with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other.

When he saw [-] fully armed Wolf Warriors suddenly appearing in the courtyard of the headquarters, he was completely dumbfounded. He did not expect that the Yangjiao Mountain, which was under attack, would have spare troops to attack county seat.

Suddenly, Major Mukai Toshiaki's eyes locked on Wang Yang, and he became furious in an instant: "Bagayalu, Wang Sang, your conscience is greatly broken, mine, I promoted you to be the commander of the puppet army!" Work, yours, dare to betray me."

Major Toshiaki Mukai became furious when he saw Wang Yang, the commander of the puppet army who had rebelled. After all, he single-handedly picked up Wang Yang. He didn't expect that this guy would betray him.

"Get out...damn it, I'm a member of the Wolf Warriors, but I'm just an undercover agent here, you idiot... you're such a big bastard!"

Hearing Mukai Toshiaki's words, Wang Yang immediately fought back with a smile.

"Baga, you, go to hell!"

Major Toshiaki Mukai, who heard Wang Yang's words, could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and instantly pointed his gun at Wang Yang.

"Crack. Crack. Crack!"

Suddenly, four piercing gunshots sounded, and there was a single hole in Mukai Toshiaki's arm and leg.

Mukai Toshiaki, who was shot, knelt on the ground with a thud, panting violently, his eyes full of regret.

As he fell to the ground, he officially represented LC County and returned to the embrace of the Wolf Warriors of the Eighth Route Army.


At this moment, a sound like thousands of flies flying at the same time came from the sky, which was very ear-piercing.

Yang Fei suddenly looked up and saw several planes roaring towards Yangjiao Mountain.

Seeing this, Yang Fei's eyes were instantly filled with worry!
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(End of this chapter)

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